
Every time I read a thread and try to reply it is closed



I agree with Westy about being happy last time Bush won. I was stupid then. I truly have fears about this go round. I am far from a democrat, but could not, in good conscience have voted for GWB. I really am scared now.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
bomberz1qr20 said:
Apparently I cant post at all if I speak my mind. It will get deleted right away.
Do you have any concept of our rules and guidelines at all? Your rants are as bad as the Republican drivel. Just because you are on the right side doesn't mean you get to act like a jack ass and get away with it on my board. Make your choice.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
loco-gringo said:
I agree with Westy about being happy last time Bush won. I was stupid then. I truly have fears about this go round. I am far from a democrat, but could not, in good conscience have voted for GWB. I really am scared now.
I was a registurd repugnican at one point. I like low taxes and small government and actually agreed with the foreign policy. I never agreed with their environmental or abortion policies but I could deal. Now we have big government, big spending, big deficit and policy wise we are standing in the middle of the street with our shirts off thumping our chest challenging the neighborhood to take us on.

I voted Libertarian this time and will probably continue to do so. If the race in Virginia was any where near being a close race I would have thrown the lever above Kerry.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Ridemonkey said:
Do you have any concept of our rules and guidelines at all? Your rants are as bad as the Republican drivel. Just because you are on the right side doesn't mean you get to act like a jack ass and get away with it on my board. Make your choice.

FYI.. Today’s personal insults don't mean jack to me today nor have they any other day. I know a lot of anti-Bush Monkeys wanna have a Hate-fest and that's cool with me. It still doesn't change the reality of the message the American people who not only re-elected Pres. Bush but also voted in even more Republican Congressmen.



I didn't vote for anyone that openly supports GWB. Like I said, I voted for him last time. In 4 years, I think he blew it. Westy thinks a lot like I do.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
N8 said:
FYI.. Today’s personal insults don't mean jack to me today nor have they any other day. I know a lot of anti-Bush Monkeys wanna have a Hate-fest and that's cool with me. It still doesn't change the reality of the message the American people who not only re-elected Pres. Bush but also voted in even more Republican Congressmen.

Don't worry, I am enforcing the board rules, NOT defending you.


Mar 19, 2002
San Diego
I like the rules for the forums. I think the rules are an unfortunate but needed guidleline for people who can't control themselves.

I'm not sure I am quite as happy with the policy delting of posts, however. I certainly agree that the content is unwanted in these forums, but deleting the post does nothing to change the problem, in fact it hides the problem. I think it's important to see the mindless hate driven posts of some members here so people know if someone is a fascist xenophobe.

Since this is not a first amendement restricted site I'm all for the consequences listed in the Rules for repeated offenses...and deleting posts is not listed.

Just so we all can make our own informed decisions on the high caliber of some people here is the post RM deleted. I expect this will get deleted as well but I would argue for it staying.

The only thing I'm fearful of, bomber, is that the likes of you still lurk around this country wearing white sheets or swastikas, or spend all of their time writting "manifestos".

This counrty is still strong NOT because of you but because it TOLERATES people like you.

bomberz1qr20 said:
Extremely sour.

I am dumbfounded. Amazed. Shocked. Deeply saddened. Fearful for the fate of this country. We are not safer, and we will pay dearly for this clusterf*ck of an election. Why everyone is making light of this, I don't get it. We, as a country, have seriously f*cked up.

Fan f*cking tastic.

And people like N8 and the rest of the right wing troglodytes will be the ones to blame when this idiot of a man runs amok for the next 4 years. Now he answers to no one.

My only hope is someone kills his stupid ass, and Cheney dies from a very, very painfull heart attack.

So I stand behind my statement, even if it means getting kicked off RM (big deal, right?) I know I'm not alone.


Stay smug.

See ya.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
loco-gringo said:
I agree with Westy about being happy last time Bush won. I was stupid then. I truly have fears about this go round. I am far from a democrat, but could not, in good conscience have voted for GWB. I really am scared now.

Honestly, When ever I ask someone why they can support Bush, They can't give me a straight answer.

Fear and ignorance are bush's best friends

Edit: Go bomber, I'm with ya all the way on this subject