
everyone is sue happy this year


Aug 3, 2003
Lance Armstrong sues former assistant
Trainer incorrectly claims he had a contract with Armstrong, lawsuit states.

Lawsuit by Lance Armstrong against his former personal assistant Mike Anderson. (PDF)
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By Monica Polanco, Suzanne Halliburton


Tuesday, December 14, 2004

A former personal assistant to Lance Armstrong who now wants $500,000, a signed Tour de France jersey and future endorsements from the cycling champion just got a bonus — a lawsuit filed in Travis County District Court.

Armstrong and Luke David LLC — Armstrong's personal service company — are asking a judge to declare an alleged employment contract between Armstrong and Mike Anderson invalid and to declare Anderson an at-will employee under Texas law. At-will employees can be fired at any time as long as the reason is not discriminatory.

Armstrong referred questions concerning the lawsuit to his agent, Bill Stapleton. "We were forced to do this because we were threatened with a half-million-dollar lawsuit," said Stapleton. "What we're trying to do is avoid the lawsuit."

Anderson could not be reached for comment.

Anderson worked for Luke David LLC, which is named after Armstrong's son, for about two years. He was fired around Nov. 16. His post-employment demands hinge on an alleged e-mail that he claims Armstrong sent him in 2002 setting proposed terms of employment, according to the lawsuit filed Monday.

Anderson claims the alleged e-mail served as a contract, but he was always an at-will employee, the lawsuit states.

"Defendant alleges that such an e-mail exists, but does not have a copy of the e-mail, although he purportedly 'remembers it clearly,' " the lawsuit states.

As Armstrong's assistant, Anderson performed various tasks, including helping Armstrong with day-to-day training and landscaping. After he was fired, Anderson demanded that Armstrong and his company pay him and his wife, Allison Anderson, half-a-million dollars, the lawsuit states. Anderson asked that Armstrong purchase cashier's checks worth $300,000 payable to Mike Anderson and two $100,000 cashier's checks made out to two law firms that made the demands and wrote two letters on Anderson's behalf.

Anderson also requested a signed yellow Tour de France jersey and three autographed posters made out to "My Friend Mike — Thanks for all your help and support," the lawsuit states.

Anderson also demanded a "highly favorable" reference letter with precise wording and a future provision requiring Armstrong to make endorsements and public appearances at a bike shop which Anderson might buy or open in the future.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
dirtyj said:
Anderson claims the alleged e-mail served as a contract, but he was always an at-will employee, the lawsuit states.

"Defendant alleges that such an e-mail exists, but does not have a copy of the e-mail, although he purportedly 'remembers it clearly,' " the lawsuit states.

As Armstrong's assistant, Anderson performed various tasks, including helping Armstrong with day-to-day training and landscaping. After he was fired, Anderson demanded that Armstrong and his company pay him and his wife, Allison Anderson, half-a-million dollars, the lawsuit states. Anderson asked that Armstrong purchase cashier's checks worth $300,000 payable to Mike Anderson and two $100,000 cashier's checks made out to two law firms that made the demands and wrote two letters on Anderson's behalf.

Anderson also requested a signed yellow Tour de France jersey and three autographed posters made out to "My Friend Mike — Thanks for all your help and support," the lawsuit states.

Anderson also demanded a "highly favorable" reference letter with precise wording and a future provision requiring Armstrong to make endorsements and public appearances at a bike shop which Anderson might buy or open in the future.
the trainer sounds like a lowlife. read the above passage if you haven't already...


Aug 3, 2003
hey dude thats my freind your talking about, and hes not. lance funked him over. Lance had promised him a lot of things then turned around and fired him. Mike did everything for lance.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
dirtyj said:
Anderson also requested a signed yellow Tour de France jersey and three autographed posters made out to "My Friend Mike — Thanks for all your help and support," the lawsuit states.

Anderson also demanded a "highly favorable" reference letter with precise wording and a future provision requiring Armstrong to make endorsements and public appearances at a bike shop which Anderson might buy or open in the future.
What a tool.

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
it's gonna be funny when this guy goes to get a job

"I have an excellent letter of recommendation from Lance Armstrong. Course, I had to sue him to get it but it's still REALLY great!"
"Defendant alleges that such an e-mail exists, but does not have a copy of the e-mail, although he purportedly 'remembers it clearly,' " the lawsuit states.

Mmmmmm, he seems to have misplaced the only evidence that could back up his story. But he does 'clearly remember'.....WTF!!! His lawsuit is based on this!?!


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
dirtyj said:
Anderson claims the alleged e-mail served as a contract, but he was always an at-will employee, the lawsuit states.

"Defendant alleges that such an e-mail exists, but does not have a copy of the e-mail, although he purportedly 'remembers it clearly,' " the lawsuit states.
That should hold up REAALL well in court.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
PsychO!1 said:
"Defendant alleges that such an e-mail exists, but does not have a copy of the e-mail, although he purportedly 'remembers it clearly,' " the lawsuit states.

Mmmmmm, he seems to have misplaced the only evidence that could back up his story. But he does 'clearly remember'.....WTF!!! His lawsuit is based on this!?!
you're right, but it's backwards: the assistant's claims for $500k plus the other stuff such as the letter of rec., jerseys etc. were based on this alleged email. the suit is brought by lance armstrong against the assistant, because of these ridiculous (at face value) claims.
Toshi said:
you're right, but it's backwards: the assistant's claims for $500k plus the other stuff such as the letter of rec., jerseys etc. were based on this alleged email. the suit is brought by lance armstrong against the assistant, because of these ridiculous (at face value) claims.
I got that all backwards.....they're both suing each other, so who is the defendent??


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
PsychO!1 said:
I got that all backwards.....they're both suing each other, so who is the defendent??
whoa, i missed the first lawsuit bit. it's like lawsuit crossfire :D . so the first $500k + misc. claim was part of a lawsuit against lance armstrong, and the article is in response to the counter-suit filed against mike-the-assistant. :think:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
who gives a rats ass about lance or his lame ass assistant. why is it our business who is suing who? i think im gonna sue someone so that the whole world can make it their business since they apparently dont have lives of their own that are interesting enough to keep the occupied....................


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
biggins said:
who gives a rats ass about lance or his lame ass assistant. why is it our business who is suing who? i think im gonna sue someone so that the whole world can make it their business since they apparently dont have lives of their own that are interesting enough to keep the occupied....................

A little edgy are ya? :think: I told you cutting sugar out of your diet will be rough.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
Ridemonkey said:
I'm gonna sue Biggins. You just want to settle now Biggins and save yourself some trouble? I'll PM you my Paypal info.
i will counter sue you because this thread has raised my stress level. i think 100,000.00 bucks per lawsuit thread should compensate me well enough. I will send you my paypal info.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
Mtb_Rob_FL said:
A little edgy are ya? :think: I told you cutting sugar out of your diet will be rough.

nope i just dont give two craps about who is suing who or lance armstrong for that matter.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
biggins said:
nope i just dont give two craps about who is suing who or lance armstrong for that matter.

Ok tell us how you really feel. But this time don't hold back :eviltongu :think: :eviltongu


I Are Baboon said:
Most of us who don't care about a topic just leave the thread alone.
Uhm - people that don't care about our threads won't leave them alone. :D

I say who cares who sues Lance??? We don't know the guy, but the more I hear, the more inclined I am to think he is a prick.

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
loco said:
Uhm - people that don't care about our threads won't leave them alone. :D

I say who cares who sues Lance??? We don't know the guy, but the more I hear, the more inclined I am to think he is a prick.
there you are! where have you been, mister? so much has changed..as you can seen, i'm a member of a very important committee (see sig.) but i was ALMOST elected as moderator of YOU!


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
dirtyj said:
hey dude thats my freind your talking about, and hes not. lance funked him over. Lance had promised him a lot of things then turned around and fired him. Mike did everything for lance.
Hey dude, see if your buddy can get me a used sweatrag, or maybe an old pair of lance's socks out of the deal.


Megan Black said:
there you are! where have you been, mister? so much has changed..as you can seen, i'm a member of a very important committee (see sig.) but i was ALMOST elected as moderator of YOU!
I would love for you to moderate me. :thumb: I was off site today.