
Ex-Smokers...how long has it been and...


Mar 14, 2005
I used to smoke about a pack a day about 8 yrs ago.
for the past 5 yrs i used to smoke maybe 5 cigs a day , sometimes more when i was drinking on the weekends.
I quit totally on feb 18th earlier this year, thats the day i found out that my mother has lung cancer. I guess I began to realize just how bad smoking can be for you


Turbo Monkey
Feb 21, 2004
Falls Church, VA
cold turkey 10-15 times over the span of 4 years.

I'd quit for a few weeks or months and then be like eh, I'll go get a pack of smokes while I'm at 7-11.

One day in 2004 I bought a pack of camel's and smoked one, then threw the pack out the window of my truck while on the road.

I haven't smoked since. So I guess over just close to a year.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
10 years pack+a day, quit oct 98

First I personally reduced the area’s I considered it acceptable to smoke. I never smoked in my house or anybody else’s. If I wanted a smoke I had to go out side.
I never smoked in my or anybody else’s vehicle.
THEN I decided on a date and started saying to myself ‘I’m not a smoker.’ I also posted sticky notes of diseases related to smoking on everything. On my mirror of my truck, on my pack of cigarettes, on my computer monitor, everywhere. So everywhere I looked I was reminded of what it does.
Then on the date I set I quit. I backslid a few times it took 3 full efforts before I quit, the 3rd being the time that I took all of those steps.
I also used the patch AND quit drinking soda’s at the same time.
YOU have to decide to quit before you will BUT YOU CAN DO IT!!!
Good luck.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Smoked from about '91 to '95. Was forced to quit once after having surgery and being bed ridden and not allowed to smoke in the house (and my folks wonder why I was such a raving bitch...you try quitting cold turkey and not being allowed to walk for 6 weeks!!!!)

Finally quit for good in '95. Got really sick on x-mas eve and the thought of a cigarette made it worse so after a few days of not having any I thought I'd see if I could keep it up. Dating a non-smoker shortly after was probably one of the things that saved me because it helped curb my smoking while drinking habit.

I've missed it now and again over the years, and I still can recognize the smell of a camel or camel light at times but I'm so glad I was able to quit not only for my health but at a pack a day it would be a much more expensive habit these days!


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
thanks i appreciate it.

just out of curiosity did you have to give up the juice too?

ive quit temporarily in the past and to even think about making it 2 weeks or more the beer/wine/whiskey had to go too.

i guess thats a good thing though, easier on the wallet and the body.

i quit cold turkey, no patch. just said f'it im through with it, its filthy, it stinks, and it makes me a slower rider.

thanks again for the moral support :thumb:

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
[edit spelling]
I would give up for at least a short while as that amplifies mores peoples urge to smoke.
I on the other had been sober for the 4 years prior and had to pick up drinking again to quit, go figure.
Each time you get that urge to smoke tell yourself 'That your not a smoker' anymore and drink a full glass of water quickly. ( that will satisfy the urge AND curb your appetite because some people confuse the urge to smoke with hunger pains) [end edit]
as i take a sip of my beer


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
18 years ago I quit in a bet with my mother as she started to get sick from smoking. We both quit initially. Over the next 18 years she quit a bunch of additional times. She just couldn't seem to beat it. She finally quit this year. I miss her very much. Everyone eventually quits. Trust me when I say you and your family will suffer a lot less the sooner you/they quit. Smoking related illness (medicaid) is the biggest expense on our national budget with the military as a close second.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
jdcamb said:
18 years ago I quit in a bet with my mother as she started to get sick from smoking. We both quit initially. Over the next 18 years she quit a bunch of additional times. She just couldn't seem to beat it. She finally quit this year. I miss her very much. Everyone eventually quits. Trust me when I say you and your family will suffer a lot less the sooner you/they quit. Smoking related illness (medicaid) is the biggest expense on our national budget with the military as a close second.

Sorry about the loss of you mother JD. Lost my mother to smoking too, it is a ****ty reason to die. I strongly encourage anyone who lights up to quit, seriously.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
i started smoking cigarrettes and smoking weed when i was 10. i did that for 4 years and then my grand mother died from smoking and one of my friends was terribly torn up from me smoking. so i quit just after i turned 14. been clean for 2 years now.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I quit in Jan 98. after about 14 years of smoking at least a pack a day. I said to myself, "Self, stop smoking."

Never looked back.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
When you quit something there's always reasons, and there is also a window.

Arm yourself with the reasons, can you take a deep long breath before you fall asleep at night? Does your breath smell. Expensive? Are you killing yourself. Are you hampering your riding ability.

Write em down big or small, and use them to help you get thru the tough times. If you forget the reasons, the excuses you create to "have a smoke" will outwiegh, and you will relapse.

The window is just the time to quit. Strategize a good time to do it. Stressors can cause relapse, so if you are smack dab in a tough or busy time in your life it may be harder. Pick your battles wisely.

Recognize that nicotene addiction is stronger than your will. Thru that recognition you can resist the urges of thinking you can have just one. Only abstinence will break the chain. Use patches, or gum, or whatever but don't smoke again ever, you're done, walk away from it.

Remember with time it gets easier. Initially it's very hard, the withdrawls hit for weeks. Then you have to discipline your mind to resist the mental urges to smoke. Remember we are all of us creatures of habit, your mind will feed you tons of garbage of "remember how good that after dinner smoke was?". After a month or two you move beyond the lies. Then it's just a matter of remembering. Remembering and never forgetting WHY you quit.

Good luck. :evil:

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Yea, I would say laying off the drinking might help. Over the years that's when my urges to relapse have been strongest. I also started exercising to get rid of my excess nervous energy....seeing as we're on an mtb forum I'm guessing you already exercise, so finding another outlet for that restless feeling might be handy. Also I think just recognizing your triggers and trying to find a way to distract yourself and break the pattern should help.

Best of luck!

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Quitting smoking is easy, I've done it hundreds of times. I smoke probably a pack a week so going without is not really a big deal. Drinking is the trigger for me. Japan is still a bit of a smokers paradise, ciggies are cheap and you can smoke pretty much anywhere. Lots of heavy smokers here. One of my Japanese friends is a 3 pack a day man. That's evil.


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
3 packs a day....if he only slept 4 hrs a day, thats 20 hrs awake, thats a cig every 20 minutes, considering the fact that he probably sleeps a bit more than 4 hrs a day...he literally chain smokes all day long...my god :eek:


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
I don't smoke, but I bunch of people I know who quit have read a book by Alan Carr (sic?) called 'The only way to give up smoking'.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
ridetoofast said:
3 packs a day....if he only slept 4 hrs a day, thats 20 hrs awake, thats a cig every 20 minutes, considering the fact that he probably sleeps a bit more than 4 hrs a day...he literally chain smokes all day long...my god :eek:
Yeah, he never stops...and none of these poofy Marlboro Lights either, he smokes the full throat rapists. Very clever guy, speaks good English, is a raving right-winger (his favourite saying when drunk is "f*ck the Chinese") tatoos Yakuza for a living, done time for drugs. He's not gonna see old bones for sure.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Changleen said:
I don't smoke, but I bunch of people I know who quit have read a book by Alan Carr (sic?) called 'The only way to give up smoking'.
The Only Way To Give Up Smoking? Someone wrote a book called that?

Lemme save you some cash.

The only way to give up smoking:

1) Stop smoking.

2) Don't ever smoke again.

It's that easy.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Jayridesacove said:
I bought a pack of camel's and smoked one, then threw the pack out the window of my truck while on the road.

Go pick that sh!t up.

I quit smoking by dipping (yeah I'm sexy as fvck, wanna smooch?) I'm on week 3 of can free existence. I'm shaking.......but I can pedal harder. :D

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
My uncle smoked 2-3 packs a day for years and quit cold turkey after seeing 2 of his friends die from lung cancer within 6 months of each other. He stayed smoke free for 15 years until he past away from lymphoma:(


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
kidwoo said:
I quit smoking by dipping (yeah I'm sexy as fvck, wanna smooch?) I'm on week 3 of can free existence. I'm shaking.......but I can pedal harder. :D

One of the medics at N* (The darker skinned dude with braces) thought a dipped and asked me for some, and he was pretty bummed out when he found out it was electrical tape making that mark in my camelback bag.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Well my mom smokes alot, and probley won't live to see me graduate college. My dad dips but he is "trying" to quit. My friends and I will smoke occasinally when we are at a party, or driving around. I will smoke when I get frustrated about something. I know denile can be a huge part of it, but I can say I am NOT addicted, but I can feel the effects it has on my body. When I hear about all these diseases, I think "Oh this can't happen to me" but it can, and I don't relize that. I need some insentive to quit going to that ghetto conviente store and giving up a few bucks for Turkish Silvers/Royals.

Anybody care to help me and give me some insentive?
Any help would be greatly appriciated.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
priceseliger14 said:
Well my mom smokes alot, and probley won't live to see me graduate college. My dad dips but he is "trying" to quit. My friends and I will smoke occasinally when we are at a party, or driving around. I will smoke when I get frustrated about something. I know denile can be a huge part of it, but I can say I am NOT addicted, but I can feel the effects it has on my body. When I hear about all these diseases, I think "Oh this can't happen to me" but it can, and I don't relize that. I need some insentive to quit going to that ghetto conviente store and giving up a few bucks for Turkish Silvers/Royals.

Anybody care to help me and give me some insentive?
Any help would be greatly appriciated.

You'll save money

You'll ride fast/longer/better

You'll live longer.

When you get with a girl, she won't be digusted by you yellow teeth and horrible breath

What more incentive to you need ass clown? :evil:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
priceseliger14 said:
Anybody care to help me and give me some insentive?
Any help would be greatly appriciated.
Quit and you won't get sick and die the painful death that you may soon watch your parents go through.

How's that?


Dec 23, 2004
I quit cold turkey in January of '02 after about 15 years of smoking. When I started smoking I told myself that I didn't want to smoke for the rest of my life so I promised myself that I would quit when I was 35. As the years went by I always knew it was just a matter of time. I didn't tell anyone I was going to quit until a couple of months before. The night of my 35 birthday I smoked the rest of my smokes and that was that. The first few days were brutal, the physical withdrawls almost drove me crazy. I smoked a lot of weed for a few months, god damn it, I was going to smoke something! Since then I have smoked 1 or 2 cigarettes and taken a couple of hits off cigs but I don't really care for it anymore. I do however smoke a cigar once in a while.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004

You know what pisses me off the most?

Is how the retards (Yes, You are truley retarded) of my generation still smoke.

How dumb do you have to be to smoke something that is sure to make you unhealty, make you addicted and die sooner? With all that we know about the tabacco industry and how they try to get kids hooked on smokes they still don't care.

I guess it's cool to be a rebel and smoke (Even though you are still a tool of "big tabacco")

Whatever, be as cool as you want to be, but if you start smoking nowadays, you are a dumbass, and you deserve what is coming to you



resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Like alcohol, I never understood why people would smoke in the first place.

Most of my relatives on my dads side of the family smoke or did smoke.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
I've been smoke-free for over 6 years now. I smoked for 11 years and quit with help from the patch. The hardest part to get past was the mental addiction. Doing simple things, like driving, were huge temptations to smoke because I associated doing them with smoking. I had to keep a surrogate cigarette, a bic pen cut to size, in the car so I had something to go through the motions with. I had to stay out of the bars for a while too. The scary part is that after 6 years, I still get cravings at a bar.

I bought my first mountain bike with cigarette money. Every time I came close to buying a pack, I would put the money in a jar in my bedroom instead. 3 months after quitting, I had a bike. It was a POS but it was a huge motivator in me staying smoke-free.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
In December, I will be cig free for 3 years. I smoked from the age of 15 until I was 24. Quit cold turkey for 4 years until I met my wife, who smoked. Picked it up again from just being around her. Then, in the last week of Nov 2002, my wife informs me that she wants to quit. Cold turkey. December 1. I think about if for a second and say "Sure sweetie. Let's do it." And we did. Neither of us have had a cig since. It was hard for a while, especially when we'd go out with friends to bars. Neither of us really think about it any more.

There is something else that I still smoke, but I'm cutting back on that too. For one, its too expensive and two, I'm still not sure how I'm going to handle it when my kids get old enough to know what's going on. Maybe I'll have completely quit by then. I don't know yet.