I disagree. IMHO die hard atheists are just as bad as religious nut jobs. Its still absolute certitude in something that is ultimately un-provable. The extremists or "believers" on either side are just different plays on the same kind of crazy for the sake of this argument. I would be curious if you plug Richard Dawkins into an MRI and talk to him about his beliefs if the same areas light up in his head.Belief in imaginary beings isn't the same thing as non-belief. There are countless iterations of this type of delusion from many cultures throughout history - hundreds of gods and creation myths - all kinds of crazy if you think its true because you can't absolutely prove or disproved delusion from the individual or the masses religious or otherwise. Anyhow, the lack of a delusion is not a delusion.
MRI can show brain states which clearly show abnormal states of function in mediation/trances/religious experiences just like you can prove whether you have a fever with a thermometer. Ain't technology great.