
Explaining Religious Psychosis


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Dudes you just gotta talk it out if you can't there is animal reason because you naturally want to bust. If you can't figure it out you are like me, couldn't figure my way into the world so they cut me out, couldn't handle my hands so they locked me out, couldn't use sentence structure so they laugh at me, out in the bible is a story and any book worshiped by many is a cult following well their book has a story to. My post now has a following with a story. Informative as the bible, i am the jesus in this bible per say in christianity religion comparison if compared on any other i am the mesiah yeshua or leader. In the belief of breathing air don't tax me. Oh yeah and I am the one and most powerful of my desipals or pupils because i am mightier then them and in no reason shall i be proposed to prove this if so you are in guilty of reasonable belief.



Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Dudes you just gotta talk it out if you can't there is animal reason because you naturally want to bust. If you can't figure it out you are like me, couldn't figure my way into the world so they cut me out, couldn't handle my hands so they locked me out, couldn't use sentence structure so they laugh at me, out in the bible is a story and any book worshiped by many is a cult following well their book has a story to. My post now has a following with a story. Informative as the bible, i am the jesus in this bible per say in christianity religion comparison if compared on any other i am the mesiah yeshua or leader. In the belief of breathing air don't tax me. Oh yeah and I am the one and most powerful of my desipals or pupils because i am mightier then them and in no reason shall i be proposed to prove this if so you are in guilty of reasonable belief.
lorem ipsum.

The scientific method intentionally allows for confirmation, adjustment, or dismissal of ideas. That's its strength, not its weakness. That's how we leave behind ignorance based on faith.
what tool has been used to verify the scientific method?
Why would a scientist want to "dismiss" the possibility of the "divine"?
professional courtesy?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Oh for the love of Myself. How often do I have to post in here to prove that I exist? How many grilled cheeses do I have to appear on to convince you assholes?
looks like someone has stepped up their game:



Turbo Monkey
so is your position instead this is our first & only time around? funny how some forms of infinity are swallowed w/o questioning with all the fervor & rote obedience of a communion wafer
in what would they be colliding? are my questions a variant of infinite regress, b/c i'm not getting a lot of solid answers here
i'd like to point out your camp holds fast to this (also with a religiously unbending yield), but in a court of law testimony is lofted high as 'evidence'. why do you suppose this is so?
then maybe you should also be campaigning against the religious atheists, who in their great blind zeal have murdered, raped, & falsely imprisoned millions of innocents in no god's name
it didn't lead to dancing, now _did_ it? q.e.d.
My position is that for us its probably the first time around, yes.
It might not be the first time around for this universe though.
There are more then one theory on this matter.
One for example predicts that our universe will eventually freeze to a stop cause we will run out of energy to expand. This doesnt take into account the undiscovered properties of exotic or dark matter.
On the other hand, ekpyrotic cosmology professes a cyclic universe.
We know how old the universe is and how fast it is expanding/growing. And some more recent evidence points in the direction of an ever expanding universe.
However, nobody knows exactly how this works so these are just theories for now.

I have never questioned infinity btw, so I dont know where youre getting that?

The membranes, according to M Theory and string cosmology, can exist in static dimensions, and if true it might work and "look" a little bit like this.

Your questions are definitly not a form of infinite regress. I think they are simply the result of the fact that you probably never even read a Brain Greene book.
A lot of peoples scepticism against science comes from not knowing much about it.
I wanted to know what I was talking about when I was talking about religion.
So except for being raised christian and having gone to a christian school, I did my research about the subject when I thought something was say, a bit off...
Unfortunatly religious people usually dont do that because they think they think they have a monopoly on truth.

A court of law is a place where people have to swear to tell the truth and not telling the truth is punishable by law.
I suppose this has something to do why probably the majority of people tell the truth in court.
And I say the majority because lots of people dont.
The bible is based (and I say based because it has changed greately since the "original" versions") on 66 seperate books covering a thousand years, with stories written long after they would have supposedly, actually happend. The authenticity of these stories is in many cases very questionable to say the least. Other "facts" of the bible have simply been disproven and I think something is very wrong with people who actually believe in the story of Noahs Ark or the fact that the earth is only 6000 years old.
Its not even that long ago that the church finally accepted the helio centric theory, even though science had this figured out 4 centuries ago.
In my opinion it wont take long before the vast majority of people laugh at religious people the same way as you do now at someone who worships Zeus or Wodan.
The only reason you believe in the Christian God is because you were raised in a Christian family in the US.
Think youd still believing in the Abrahamic God if you were born in Pakistan?

Religious atheists? I didnt know they existed?
And yes atheists have killed people. Stalin was an atheist and he killed more people then Hitler.
Did he kill people because he was an atheist or did he kill them because he was a psychopath megalomaniac?
I dont think anyone has ever killed someone in the name of atheisme. The math on deaths in the name of religion however would be impossible.

Steven Weinberg

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
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Turbo Monkey

Science is self-aware. Science knows when it's wrong, and isn't afraid to admit it. Faith is, at the core, denial. The faithful never admit they got it wrong. That would show a lack of faith, wouldn't it?

Any id how many people are trying to disprove Einstein, Bohr or any other established psycisist?
You would be instantly world famous if you could ever disprove special or general relativity, the Heisenberg principle or the Copenhagen interpretation.
Ofcourse there will allways be physicists that support a certain theory, especially if its their own. But there will be thousands of people trying to disprove that theory with all they got untill they come up with a better one.


Aug 4, 2013
Amherst, NH
Let me rephrase the question.
Why would an individual practicing the discipline of science want to dismiss the possibility of an intelligent creator?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
Let me rephrase the question.
Why would an individual practicing the discipline of science want to dismiss the possibility of an intelligent creator?
Let me repeat the answer: Its not being dismissed. There is no evidence to support the existence of one. Show me peer-reviewed, repeatable proof of some version of an all seeig eye-in-the-sky, and then we'll talk. If Jesus or His Noodliness shows up on my front porch any time soon, ill be happy to say I was wrong. But since that's not going to happen, ill continue to wait for proof that's not some vague theocratic, anecdotal bullsh!t.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
i was once in a bar in rochester. dude asked me if i knew how to work the jukebox. said yea of course. he asked i could show him because he couldn't find crosby stills nash young and jesus. dude was clearly out of his gourd on acid.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
OKee dokee.
Please explain how something came into 'being' from nothing.
You need to answer that yourself. A supreme being can't come from nothing either. Same problem regardless of whether the sky fairy exists or not.


Aug 4, 2013
Amherst, NH
You need to answer that yourself. A supreme being can't come from nothing either. Same problem regardless of whether the sky fairy exists or not.
I'd be glad to answer that for you, but give me your 'positive' rather than a negative that is science based.
How can something come from nothing? First cause my friend.

I say science based for your sake. I celebrate true science as it is the observation of what is.
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i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
You've dodged nothing.

It applies regardless of magic or no magic and gives no weight to either side of the argument.


in this bullshit mess.
Jul 1, 2013
Always and Every Where
Nonsense. It is you that are dodging. Have you no faith in the science community answer to this very old question.
Finally! This guy gets it! Boy I sure fvcked up with the rest of you. Sure, I'm all powerful and infallible, but gotta keep the game interesting. Thor said it can't be done but I told him "bullsh!t" and I aim to collect.

Listen pal, you wanna job? All the tax exempt cash you can handle, underage nookie till your dick goes limp, and you can keep spouting this inane crap until you lose your voice or finally realize its all crap. We've got good health and dental too. Think about it. When you decide just shoot me a prayer and we'll be good, though I already know what you're going to say. I just wanna here you say it. Cheers!
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i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
You haven't answered it either. Its on both sides to answer what created the phenomenon that created the universe and you can't escape that fact same same. Infinite regress either way.

Also examine his asre:

Aristotle - Posterior Analytics said:
Some hold that, owing to the necessity of knowing the primary premises, there is no scientific knowledge. Others think there is, but that all truths are demonstrable. Neither doctrine is either true or a necessary deduction from the premises. The first school, assuming that there is no way of knowing other than by demonstration, maintain that an infinite regress is involved, on the ground that if behind the prior stands no primary, we could not know the posterior through the prior (wherein they are right, for one cannot traverse an infinite series): if on the other hand – they say – the series terminates and there are primary premises, yet these are unknowable because incapable of demonstration, which according to them is the only form of knowledge. And since thus one cannot know the primary premises, knowledge of the conclusions which follow from them is not pure scientific knowledge nor properly knowing at all, but rests on the mere supposition that the premises are true. The other party agree with them as regards knowing, holding that it is only possible by demonstration, but they see no difficulty in holding that all truths are demonstrated, on the ground that demonstration may be circular and reciprocal. Our own doctrine is that not all knowledge is demonstrative: on the contrary, knowledge of the immediate premises is independent of demonstration. (The necessity of this is obvious; for since we must know the prior premises from which the demonstration is drawn, and since the regress must end in immediate truths, those truths must be indemonstrable.) Such, then, is our doctrine, and in addition we maintain that besides scientific knowledge there is its original source which enables us to recognize the definitions.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
You haven't answered it either. Its on both sides to answer what created the phenomenon that created the universe and you can't escape that fact same same. Infinite regress either way.

Also examine his asre:
No. Only one side is making a claim here. This latest incarnation of Amazon.com is the one issuing unverifiable BS. The onus is on him/her/it to prove his claim.

"Extrodinary claims require extrodinary evidence" - Carl Sagan.


Aug 4, 2013
Amherst, NH
I am very familiar with these lines of thought having spent a life time examining it.
This stuff has been worked out by many very bright minds over the centuries.
There is very little of substance that is new. There is a great deal of supposition regarding cosmology, matter and energy, but there are no definitive evidence of 'being' and it's origin.
You and others speak of magic and such. Most particle physics and explanations for a cohesive construct of space and time and organization from its opposite considering entropy and thermodynamics requires magic or faith. I find it very interesting to watch folks jump through hoops.
I find it far more rational to believe that a being that has 'being' in and of itself to have shared that being by creating a universe and complex life...to reproduce in a very real sense--rather than believe that such wondrous complexity and balance came from nothing. The concept of eternity is mind boggling and particularly when considering an infinite series going backward in linear fashion.
Physicists attempts at explaining something from nothing requires a great deal of faith...or a need to conjure any alternative to a creator. Talk about metaphysics! And wishful thinking.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
I find it far more rational to believe that a being that has 'being' in and of itself to have shared that being by creating a universe and complex life...to reproduce in a very real sense--rather than believe that such wondrous complexity and balance came from nothing. The concept of eternity is mind boggling and particularly when considering an infinite series going backward in linear fashion.

It's your personal view, but that doesn't make it rational. Your viewpoint doesn't get more weight simply because less people can understand high-level scientific research. That's called education and your are ignorant just as the Church use to claim the Earth was the center of the universe.

Go join the flat earth society.
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resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
i think i'd rather shove sewing needles up my pee hole than worship an imaginary dude in the sky/noodly appendage.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I'd be glad to answer that for you, but give me your 'positive' rather than a negative that is science based.
How can something come from nothing? First cause my friend.

I say science based for your sake. I celebrate true science as it is the observation of what is.
Where did all of this come from? Science doesn't know. Nobody knows. That's the fvcking point here. Nobody on earth, now or ever, knows. Anyone who claims to know, or claims to have faith in a being or beings or entity that is responsible for it all, is full of sh1t.

Science is, in essence, observation. There is, as yet, no observable explanation why all of the matter in the universe (at least all the matter that has been observed so far) came to be. This is something science hopes to one day have an answer for. Not a definitive answer, but an answer. A way of explaining and modeling the observable universe in a way the human mind can comprehend.

The more we observe, the more questions come up. That's just fine. That's the way it works. You make observations, and modify your conclusions as you gain more information and evidence to support the observations.

Much more challenging and satisfying than shrugging and saying, "God did it.", right?

It's not very comforting though, is it? Not knowing? Not being sure of where we came from and where we're going. People don't like that. People like to be sure of everything, they like to be comforted (especially when contemplating mortality) and they also like to kiss ass.

Being religious covers many bases in that way. You have a pat answer to all the complicated, uncomfortable questions, you have a promise of seeing all your dead family after you die, (ugh... the thought makes me puke) and you get to brown-nose some bearded dude in the sky. Geez, what's not to love?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
Where did all of this come from? Science doesn't know. Nobody knows. That's the fvcking point here. Nobody on earth, now or ever, knows. Anyone who claims to know, or claims to have faith in a being or beings or entity that is responsible for it all, is full of sh1t.

Science is, in essence, observation. There is, as yet, no observable explanation why all of the matter in the universe (at least all the matter that has been observed so far) came to be. This is something science hopes to one day have an answer for. Not a definitive answer, but an answer. A way of explaining and modeling the observable universe in a way the human mind can comprehend.

The more we observe, the more questions come up. That's just fine. That's the way it works. You make observations, and modify your conclusions as you gain more information and evidence to support the observations.

Much more challenging and satisfying than shrugging and saying, "God did it.", right?

It's not very comforting though, is it? Not knowing? Not being sure of where we came from and where we're going. People don't like that. People like to be sure of everything, they like to be comforted (especially when contemplating mortality) and they also like to kiss ass.

Being religious covers many bases in that way. You have a pat answer to all the complicated, uncomfortable questions, you have a promise of seeing all your dead family after you die, (ugh... the thought makes me puke) and you get to brown-nose some bearded dude in the sky. Geez, what's not to love?
QFT. :clapping:


in this bullshit mess.
Jul 1, 2013
Always and Every Where
i think i'd rather shove sewing needles up my pee hole than worship an imaginary dude in the sky/noodly appendage.
Watch yourself hippie. Right now my noodly ass is sending my newest disciple on a coke and meth fueled road trip the likes of which even Hunter S Thompson might not have survived to shove something a lot bigger than a needle up your dick hole. I may be all loving, but I am also petty and angry! Seem like a contradiction? Tough tiddly! I'm the omnipotent creator of All! I do what I want! Just you try to prove that I'm not.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Watch yourself hippie. Right now my noodly ass is sending my newest disciple on a coke and meth fueled road trip the likes of which even Hunter S Thompson might not have survived to shove something a lot bigger than a needle up your dick hole. I may be all loving, but I am also petty and angry! Seem like a contradiction? Tough tiddly! I'm the omnipotent creator of All! I do what I want! Just you try to prove that I'm not.
STFU noodle dick.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Go join the flat earth society.
you're a horrible evangelist

i think i'd rather shove sewing needles up my pee hole than worship an imaginary dude in the sky/noodly appendage.
same here.

H8R said:
Being religious covers many bases in that way. You have a pat answer to all the complicated, uncomfortable questions, you have a promise of seeing all your dead family after you die, (ugh... the thought makes me puke)
like most families, this could cut either way


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
... A way of explaining and modeling the observable universe in a way the human mind can comprehend.
Our little brains our geared toward compartmentalizing and cataloging every bit of info we receive. And some topics are so vast that putting them in a neat little box simply is not possible in any rational response. Any attempt to do so requires our old friend "faith".

Being that I live in the Bible Belt (apparently it's a size 52 btw.) I get to hear phrases like,"...well it's God's plan" from locals as their all purpose answer for anything that would require just the smallest spec of consternation. Even the semantic meaning (in the context of their own religion) of the phrase is baffling. How can man, a finite being with obvious limited capabilities, attempt to explain "god", an infinite being ? But that's another rant...


Aug 4, 2013
Amherst, NH
And you guys vote and have children.
Or perhaps you are children. Either way, I wish you the best.

Btw and this is important. There is no thing as a hell of eternal punishment and torture.
That notion was developed by Rome for obvious reasons and taken up as true by the bulk of organized Christianity. A very sad and unfortunate thing, but in the end it doesn't matter and all will be well. All men regardless will find grace.

Whether you believe in accountability or a moral imperative, isn't it better to treat others with respect and not mock beliefs? Even from the comfort of a keyboard.

Just sayin'.