
Fabien Barel beats out Minaar and Hill for WC win


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
Brian Peterson said:
Wasn't it just a year ago that Peaty and his mechanic went all out to build the lightest DH bike they possibly could just for the Worlds?

but it was still OVER 30lbs...I think it was like 32 or something like that. 2+ lbs is a lot of weight to shed off a bike.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
but dude I picked up his US Nationals bike last year at Mt. Snow and it was a freaking tank! It was heavier than crap! SRAM said it was "built a little stouter" since he only had 1 bike for the US????

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
SuspectDevice said:
Horses for courses boys. DH is still cycling, and if anything it's roots lay more in DH skiing than MX, and as such (and seeing that I have a closet full of lycra) I think that skinusits are rad. When i get in the gate in baggy race gear I feel like some sort of insecure homophobic fool. When i get in the gate in a skinsuit, I feel like it's a real bike race, and not some sideshow, and I ****ing rail.
To me skinsuits mean a commitment to doing whatever it takes, and total preperation. I really don't understand the people who say that somehow skinusuits are holding back tv coverage of the sport.... I think that's a load of fat bald man insecurity, homophobia and prejudice. F*ucking Palmer didn't invent DH.
You just like showing off the package.
Sep 10, 2001
Acadian said:
but it was still OVER 30lbs...I think it was like 32 or something like that. 2+ lbs is a lot of weight to shed off a bike.
My XC bike weighs 31lbs and I would never consider racing a WC DH on it.... But as most of us know, you have to go to some extremes to get a DH bike to the low 30s...



Jun 9, 2002
thanks flyinfatman... the video coverage of that race looks ***out of this world*** I couldn't believe how professional it was, like some kind of big budget NBA game with cameras all over the place. it would have been an awesome weekend.

cool to see vanessa's win. heck, (just watching the vid) I wanted to jump in there and hug her too! very cool...

as for the vids posted in the other thread... i can't get emule to work right. anyone up for posting them for program free (not emule or kazaa lite) downloads... to help the freeloaders like myself?
