americans are getting dumber by the minute. i look forward to future sociological research that shows how productive (or not) ignorance is.
americans are getting dumber by the minute. i look forward to future sociological research that shows how productive (or not) ignorance is.
At a park called Dinosaur Adventure Land, run by creationists near Pensacola, Florida, visitors are informed that man coexisted with dinosaurs. This fantasy accommodates the creationists? view that the Earth is only 6,000 years old and that Darwin?s theory of evolution is false. Among the park exhibits is one that illustrates another creationist article of faith. It consists of a long trough filled with sand and fitted at one end with a water spigot. Above the trough is a sign reading ?That River Didn?t Make That Canyon.? When visitors open the spigot, the water quickly cuts a gully through the sand, supposedly demonstrating how the Grand Canyon was created, practically overnight, by Noah?s flood. That?s nonsense, of course, but what else would you expect at a creationist park? Certainly, one might think, this couldn?t be acceptable at, say, a National Park, right? Think again.