
Faith Based Parks


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

americans are getting dumber by the minute. i look forward to future sociological research that shows how productive (or not) ignorance is.

At a park called Dinosaur Adventure Land, run by creationists near Pensacola, Florida, visitors are informed that man coexisted with dinosaurs. This fantasy accommodates the creationists? view that the Earth is only 6,000 years old and that Darwin?s theory of evolution is false. Among the park exhibits is one that illustrates another creationist article of faith. It consists of a long trough filled with sand and fitted at one end with a water spigot. Above the trough is a sign reading ?That River Didn?t Make That Canyon.? When visitors open the spigot, the water quickly cuts a gully through the sand, supposedly demonstrating how the Grand Canyon was created, practically overnight, by Noah?s flood. That?s nonsense, of course, but what else would you expect at a creationist park? Certainly, one might think, this couldn?t be acceptable at, say, a National Park, right? Think again.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Wait, all this about a book being sold in an NPS bookstore? Not THE ONLY book either. Just a different view on it from the religious side?

Why be upset over that? Who cares?


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
BurlyShirley said:
Wait, all this about a book being sold in an NPS bookstore? Not THE ONLY book either. Just a different view on it from the religious side?

Why be upset over that? Who cares?
I suppose 2+2=jesus?


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
BurlyShirley said:
Wait, all this about a book being sold in an NPS bookstore? Not THE ONLY book either. Just a different view on it from the religious side?

Why be upset over that? Who cares?
gimme a break dude.... next thing you'll have different religions fighting over which version of creation gets in the stores, the mormon version, the jehovah version. Better to put the fantasy books back in the bible stores.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Skookum said:
gimme a break dude.... next thing you'll have different religions fighting over which version of creation gets in the stores, the mormon version, the jehovah version. Better to put the fantasy books back in the bible stores.
If you are ever in Bend I'll buy you a beer. :monkey:


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Skookum said:
gimme a break dude.... next thing you'll have different religions fighting over which version of creation gets in the stores, the mormon version, the jehovah version. Better to put the fantasy books back in the bible stores.
Well, first off, that wouldnt be an issue, since those denominations all go by the same starting date, but I can guarantee that you'll find books on Indian legends about areas in some Natl. Park stores, even though they're not true. Would it not be censorship to deny a different viewpoint on the formation there? And also, its a freaking book. Who cares? The park rangers arent going around telling people that this is what went down. Religious freaks will buy the books like that and it wont matter. To raise such a fuss about it is just crapstirring and thats it.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Ridemonkey said:
I suppose 2+2=jesus?
People have written stupider things, and this is a free country in which they can publish them. No one is forcing anything on anyone here.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
BS, Indian legends are hardly attempting to pass themselves off as scientific viewpoints (you know, with like, logic and stuff like that...)

If you're making the argument that the book should be in the fantasy section like Skookum suggested, I'm with you.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Ridemonkey said:
If you are ever in Bend I'll buy you a beer. :monkey:
i prefer meth. :love:

seriously if we didn't have faith based groups cryin over all the stuff they cry about i might actually take a stance of not caring too. But since it's their job to be up in peoples business all the time, maybe it's time for people who are usually silent and respectful to shut em down before the insanity spreads. Just say no to Taliban like regimes, cuz you'd be a fool to not see that's the intention here.
Come on seriously, the Flinstones was a frikkin cartoon!!!! People didn't have dino's or drive rock cars or work for dudes named Mr. Slate. i got a good pal who tells me that dinosaurs were demons. Look i love the dude to death, but HE'S FRIKKIN CRAZY.
Put a disclaimer in bold print in the front saying crazy people wrote and actually believe this book then sell it in the comic book section of the store then i'd be o.k. with it.

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
dante said:
yeah, except one's a fake fantasy story that's told to children while the other is a fake fantasy story told to adults as well. :)
Couldn't have said it better.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
For a moment I thought the thread title was 'Faith Based Porks' which would have made for a more interesting discussion than another re-hashed nutty creationists argument.

Why is pork such a religiously charged matter anyway, what's wrong with pigs?

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
Pig is some yummy stuff. My Sunday morning version of the Holy Trinity is a meal which includes bacon, sausage, and ham.

I find it interesting that not eating the pig seems to be the only thing that Jews and Muslims can see eye-to-eye on.

-ska todd


Aug 8, 2004
I have to side with Skookem and Dante here.

The fact that a govenrment institution is placing this crap on equal footing with science lends it creadance. Nobody would care if it were in the fiction or religion and philosophy section of the bvook store. It's when you label it science that you are giving it the creadance of the government's backing and acceptance.

It is NOT science. No matter how much they try to argue it should get equal play. The big difference here is that real science is up for debate and under the basic premise of science we assume that all knowledge is potentially wrong and we constantly look to test it and modify our assumptions in the direction of truth.

These Whack jobs assume that their drivel is true as a starting point and only look to find evidence to support it. That may be the proper way to make a debate but it only works to strengthen your potentially wrong position. Under that mindset you have to say "um, I don't care whats true or what is out there that might prove to be otherwise I am blind to all that and only will push my altready assumed doctrine."

I actually had a room mate who told me that dinosaur bones were "strangly shaped rocks, placed there by God to test your faith." WTF!!!!! And when IU saked him if he'd ever actually been to a museum of natural history like the Smithsonion, or the NY or the Cleveland etc to see this fake fossil record for himself he said, "Of couse not whay would I want to tempt my faith?"

These people F*kkin scare the schit out of me!

Thay are growing and they are putting disclaimers into real science books and eroding Roe vs Wade and the constitution, slowy but shirley.

I would like to fire bomb that park or paint disney charecters all over the outside then build a fairy tail castle next door to show it for what it is.

This is like the catholic church burning people for saying maybe the earth isn't flat and maybe the heavens dont revolve around us. Except they say that its us who are holding back and sensoring science. See its the fact that we let them even call it science that is a scary victory for them.

One p*ssed off science nazi - Ty


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Does anyone else see the humor and irony of them not believing in Darwin's theory, considering they will most likely be examples of it in action at some point in their lives? :D


Aug 8, 2004
And a big greasy side of bacon or a spiral ham sounds great to me. Hope mom has a honey baked in the fridge when we pull in for christmas this year.



Aug 8, 2004
No Echo,

If we keep assuming they are quaint and amusing it will be us and our right to think for ourselves that will go the way of the dodo.

We sit back and chuckle at them while they undermine the secular laws of the land and grow their power base.



Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Btyler311 said:
Thay are growing and they are putting disclaimers into real science books and eroding Roe vs Wade and the constitution, slowy but shirley.
I hope you dont think Im a religious freak like these guys, or that I condone misplacing science with religion, Im just saying that you guys are totally buying into what this 'journalist' is trying to do, and not even thinking for yourselves. The park is in florida, the grand canyon is in arizona. All that this entire article about is that there's a Christian version of the formation in an NPS bookstore. Big ****ing deal. What you'd read in that book is no worse than what you'd hear in Church on any given sunday. The few retards who would buy into that crap arent the type that are going to get Roe V. Wade overturned I can assure you. They're going to sit in trailer parks and fester. Anyone with half a brain knows that crap isnt true and to raise such a fuss about a booke being available in an NPS store is the same as all the Christians bitching about "Catcher in the Rye" at the school library. Look at your dam selves in the mirror.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
BurlyShirley said:
What you'd read in that book is no worse than what you'd hear in Church on any given sunday. The few retards who would buy into that crap arent the type that are going to get Roe V. Wade overturned I can assure you. They're going to sit in trailer parks and fester.
Or the White House...


I suck at Tool
Feb 15, 2004
Chintimini Bog
Btyler311 said:
Thay are growing and they are putting disclaimers into real science books and eroding Roe vs Wade and the constitution, slowy but shirley.
I have no problem with including creationism in text books. So long as it's taught as Evolutionary Theory and the Creation Myth.

Ya think maybe we could not issue drivers liscences to all these anti-science cults? One simple question, does F=MA? If you answered no, you have no business behind the wheel. :eviltongu

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
BuddhaRoadkill said:
Ya think maybe we could not issue drivers liscences to all these anti-science cults? One simple question, does F=MA? If you answered no, you have no business behind the wheel.
Do you need one if God is your copilot?

-ska todd


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
fluff said:
Why is pork such a religiously charged matter anyway, what's wrong with pigs?
It is widely held that Pork was considered unclean as it does, in fact, go bad faster than most other meats if unrefridgerated. Therefore for communities who lived in hot climates, it was probably quite a sensible meme (is this the right context for a meme?) at the time, keep your people healthy by banning pork products.

Now, however, we have all kinds of fancy ways to stop meat going bad, but because at some stage some rabbi / mullah got pissed off / lazy about trying to educate / cajoule people literally dying for a pork chop, took the easy way out and declared "God says don't eat Pork!" the Pig farmers of the world are denied a significant market, and the worshippers of two major religions will never enjoy a good bacon sarnie. Sad. Pork chops taste GOOD!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
demonstrating how the Grand Canyon was created, practically overnight, by Noah's flood.
We should ask those people to dig/grind their head into the sand trough until they make a hole. Then do the same at the Grand Canyon.

Then we can laugh at their bloody faces and point out the irony in the fact that if they twisted the spigot 90 degrees and turned it on, it'd six hundred years to make the same trough in a rock.

BurlyShirley said:
The few retards who would buy into that crap arent the type that are going to get Roe V. Wade overturned I can assure you.
You don't get out much, do you? The "few" people who buy into that "crap" surround you every day. They work with you. They make your cars and your lunch. They hire you and fire you. They approve your house loans and approve the fishing license that you treasure so much. They run your goddamn country.

Something like 90% of the world believes in "God" in some form or other. Who else to get Roe V. Wade overturned, if not the majority of the population?

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with believing in God but suggesting that the people who believe the stuff that you consider crap are just a few people who sit in trailer parks... That's rediculous.

fluff said:
Isn't pork supposed to be the closest taste to man?
I find pork to be a little more tender if cooked properly...

Mmm... Pork... :drool: