
Falwell Calls Muhammad 'Terrorist'


Aug 9, 2001
Idaho (no really!)
Thu Oct 3, 5:11 PM ET
By RICHARD N. OSTLING, AP Religion Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - The Rev. Jerry Falwell says "I think Muhammad was a terrorist" in an interview to be broadcast Sunday on the CBS program "60 Minutes."

The conservative Baptist minister tells correspondent Bob Simon he has concluded from reading Muslim and non-Muslim writers that Islam's prophet "was a — a violent man, a man of war."

"Jesus set the example for love, as did Moses," Falwell says. "I think Muhammad set an opposite example."

CBS released a partial transcript of the interview Thursday. Falwell's comments occur in a segment about American conservative Christians' political support for Israel.

Falwell stood by his opinion in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. He said Simon asked directly whether Falwell considered Muhammad a terrorist and he tried to reply honestly. The minister said he would never state his opinion in a sermon or book.

"I've said often and many places that most Muslims are people of peace and want peace and tranquility for their families and abhor terrorism," Falwell said. "Islam, like most faiths, has a fringe of radicals who carry on bloodshed wherever they are. They do not represent Islam."

Other conservative Protestant clergy have made sharply critical remarks about Islam and Muhammad in the past year. They include Franklin Graham, Billy Graham's son and successor, TV evangelist Pat Robertson and leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention.

In response to Falwell's remarks, Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relation in Washington, said: "Anybody is free to be a bigot if they want to. What really concerns us is the lack of reaction by mainstream religious and political leaders, who say nothing when these bigots voice these attacks."

Hooper noted that Falwell and Robertson will speak at next week's Christian Coalition convention in Washington alongside House Majority Whip Tom DeLay and other politicians.

"How can these elected representatives legitimize this kind of hate speech by appearing on the same platform with Islamophobes and Muslim-bashers?" Hooper asked.

Falwell was widely criticized last year after he said on Robertson's TV show that pagans, abortionists, feminists, homosexuals and civil liberties groups had secularized the nation and helped the Sept. 11 attacks happen. Falwell later apologized.


Allrighty then.... Thanks Jerry.


Oct 26, 2001
Originally posted by Spud
Thu Oct 3, 5:11 PM ET
By RICHARD N. OSTLING, AP Religion Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - The Rev. Jerry Falwell says "I think Muhammad was a terrorist" in an interview to be broadcast Sunday on the CBS program "60 Minutes."

The conservative Baptist minister tells correspondent Bob Simon he has concluded from reading Muslim and non-Muslim writers that Islam's prophet "was a — a violent man, a man of war."

"Jesus set the example for love, as did Moses," Falwell says. "I think Muhammad set an opposite example."

CBS released a partial transcript of the interview Thursday. Falwell's comments occur in a segment about American conservative Christians' political support for Israel.

Falwell stood by his opinion in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. He said Simon asked directly whether Falwell considered Muhammad a terrorist and he tried to reply honestly. The minister said he would never state his opinion in a sermon or book.

"I've said often and many places that most Muslims are people of peace and want peace and tranquility for their families and abhor terrorism," Falwell said. "Islam, like most faiths, has a fringe of radicals who carry on bloodshed wherever they are. They do not represent Islam."

Other conservative Protestant clergy have made sharply critical remarks about Islam and Muhammad in the past year. They include Franklin Graham, Billy Graham's son and successor, TV evangelist Pat Robertson and leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention.

In response to Falwell's remarks, Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relation in Washington, said: "Anybody is free to be a bigot if they want to. What really concerns us is the lack of reaction by mainstream religious and political leaders, who say nothing when these bigots voice these attacks."

Hooper noted that Falwell and Robertson will speak at next week's Christian Coalition convention in Washington alongside House Majority Whip Tom DeLay and other politicians.

"How can these elected representatives legitimize this kind of hate speech by appearing on the same platform with Islamophobes and Muslim-bashers?" Hooper asked.

Falwell was widely criticized last year after he said on Robertson's TV show that pagans, abortionists, feminists, homosexuals and civil liberties groups had secularized the nation and helped the Sept. 11 attacks happen. Falwell later apologized.
Ding ding ding....We have...A LOSER!


I wouldn't call muhammad a 'terrorist', but I would call him an asshole. He preached violence to spread islam and married an 8 or 9 year old girl.


I don't know if any of you has ever read anything in the Koran, but it is definitely filled with hatred, bigotry and violence... especialy towards the Jews and anyone that is in alliance with the Jews. This is why the muslim nations hate America.

Edit: Here are some examples in the Koran:

Sura 5: 51. O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

Sura 59: 2. It is He Who got out the Unbelievers among the People of the Book from their homes at the first gathering (of the forces). Little did ye think that they would get out: And they thought that their fortresses would defend them from Allah. But the (Wrath of) Allah came to them from quarters from which they little expected (it), and cast terror into their hearts, so that they destroyed their dwellings by their own hands and the hands of the Believers, take warning, then, O ye with eyes (to see)!

3. And had it not been that Allah had decreed banishment for them, He would certainly have punished them in this world: And in the Hereafter they shall (certainly) have the Punishment of the Fire.

4. That is because they resisted Allah and His Messenger. and if any one resists Allah, verily Allah is severe in Punishment.

Sounds pretty violent, hatefull and terrorist like to me.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
While perhaps not as direct, the Old Testament has its share of violence, too. :rolleyes:

From Leviticus 19:19

But if you will not listen to me and carry out all these commands, and if you reject my decrees and abhor my laws and fail to carry out all my commands and so violate my covenant, then I will do this to you: I will bring upon you sudden terror, wasting diseases and fever that will destroy your sight and drain away your life. You will plant seed in vain, because your enemies will eat it.

I will send wild animals against you, and they will rob you of your children, destroy your cattle and make you so few in number that your roads will be deserted.

And I will bring the sword upon you to avenge the breaking of the covenant. When you withdraw into your cities, I will send a plague among you, and you will be given into enemy hands.

You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters. I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I will abhor you. I will turn your cities into ruins and lay waste your sanctuaries, and I will take no delight in the pleasing aroma of your offerings. I will lay waste the land, so that your enemies who live there will be appalled. I will scatter you among the nations and will draw out my sword and pursue you. Your land will be laid waste, and your cities will lie in ruins.
Numbers 25:16-18
The LORD said to Moses, "Treat the Midianites as enemies and kill them, because they treated you as enemies when they deceived you in the affair of Peor and their sister Cozbi, the daughter of a Midianite leader, the woman who was killed when the plague came as a result of Peor."
Credit for these references goes to http://www.stardestroyer.net/Creationism/BiblicalMorality/Ref-Violence.html


Yeah, the Old Testament has it's fair share of violence, but it was almost always directed at nations that were in conflict with the Jews ie. arabic nations and others that frequently attacked the Jew or sought to make them slaves.

In contrast, you will find the opposite to be true in the New Testament, which is what the Christian faith is based on. That's not to say Christians live up to what the New Testament says.... they often don't. But you won't find Christians blowing up innocent civilians either.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by zibbler
Yeah, the Old Testament has it's fair share of violence, but it was almost always directed at nations that were in conflict with the Jews ie. arabic nations and others that frequently attacked the Jew or sought to make them slaves.

In contrast, you will find the opposite to be true in the New Testament, which is what the Christian faith is based on. That's not to say Christians live up to what the New Testament says.... they often don't. But you won't find Christians blowing up innocent civilians either.
Yeah...unless they're in abortion clinics.


Originally posted by BurlySurly

Yeah...unless they're in abortion clinics.
Ummm... those are Catholics. Most of the world considers Catholics to be the same as Christians, and in a sense they are, but most "born again" Christians will say that Catholics aren't the same. They are somewhat fanatical about abortion, because from what I understand, they believe Jesus will come again through a woman, just like he did with Mary. So, they feel if you abort a baby, you could be aborting Jesus. This is a load of hogwash of course. But that's also the reason Catholics don't use birth control.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by zibbler
This is a load of hogwash of course.

That's a pretty bold statement..but everyone has their own beliefs i suppose.
I was actually brought up in a Catholic family and no one ever mentioned anything to me about Jesus being born again. It was always some crazy picture of Christ coming down through the clowds amongst many shining rays of light.
Really though, If someone just became pregnant, that is immaculately i mean, like in the case of the Virgin Mary....I dont think she'd go to an abortion clinic.
Now that i think about it...I dont think that most of the abortion bombers were catholic at all. I think they were southern baptists to tell you the truth....at least all the bombings that happend down south.
And about Catholics not be christians....what the hell is that?
Catholics are the original christians arent they? All other christian religions stemmed from catholicism.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
ignorance knows no boundaries in regard to race, or religion

The Koran is as inherently a peacful document as the Bible to say otherwise is ignorant. In fact the word Jihad is mentioned only like 5 times in the entire work. Yet it has been twisted by extremists and used to further their goals in terms of the hatred of Jews and the ammasing of power. Similarly there are those, Catholic and Protestant alike who have used Biblical verse to further their own goals and to incited hatred.

Both actions are deemed sin in the eyes of The Lord.


Originally posted by BurlySurly

That's a pretty bold statement..but everyone has their own beliefs i suppose.
I was actually brought up in a Catholic family and no one ever mentioned anything to me about Jesus being born again. It was always some crazy picture of Christ coming down through the clowds amongst many shining rays of light.
Really though, If someone just became pregnant, that is immaculately i mean, like in the case of the Virgin Mary....I dont think she'd go to an abortion clinic.
Now that i think about it...I dont think that most of the abortion bombers were catholic at all. I think they were southern baptists to tell you the truth....at least all the bombings that happend down south.
And about Catholics not be christians....what the hell is that?
Catholics are the original christians arent they? All other christian religions stemmed from catholicism.
I've known a lot of Catholics, and my brother in law is one too, so I'm just going on what I've been told by them.

As far as Catholics being the original Christians... NO WAY. The Jews were the original Christians. Jesus was a Jew. His apostles were Jews. The first established "Christian church" were Jews. The Catholic Church was founded by the Roman government about 70 - 100 years after Jesus was crucified. It was based on the teachings of Jesus, with a lot of their own rules, regulations, and doctrine thrown in. The crusades have always been blamed on the Christians, but it was the Roman Catholic church that was responsible for that.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by zibbler

I've known a lot of Catholics, and my brother in law is one too, so I'm just going on what I've been told by them.

As far as Catholics being the original Christians... NO WAY. The Jews were the original Christians. Jesus was a Jew. His apostles were Jews. The first established "Christian church" were Jews. The Catholic Church was founded by the Roman government about 70 - 100 years after Jesus was crucified. It was based on the teachings of Jesus, with a lot of their own rules, regulations, and doctrine thrown in. The crusades have always been blamed on the Christians, but it was the Roman Catholic church that was responsible for that.
Ok....Jews are not christians....perhaps 12 of them were.
70 years after Jesus' death they began the church...as Catholics. Catholics are Christians.....all other major christian relgions stemmed from the catholic church....Protestants.
Im not sure what point you are trying to make here, and im not even trying to debate.
I was just trying to clear up the statement you made earlier about Catholics not being Christians. You just said yourself that they based their church on the teachings of Jesus.
What else is there in being a christian church?
Where do the crusades fit into this???????????

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by BurlySurly

That's a pretty bold statement..but everyone has their own beliefs i suppose.
I was actually brought up in a Catholic family and no one ever mentioned anything to me about Jesus being born again. It was always some crazy picture of Christ coming down through the clowds amongst many shining rays of light.
Really though, If someone just became pregnant, that is immaculately i mean, like in the case of the Virgin Mary....I dont think she'd go to an abortion clinic.
Now that i think about it...I dont think that most of the abortion bombers were catholic at all. I think they were southern baptists to tell you the truth....at least all the bombings that happend down south.
And about Catholics not be christians....what the hell is that?
Catholics are the original christians arent they? All other christian religions stemmed from catholicism.
Not true.
First there were Christians (jews who chose to follow his new covenant).
Then the Roman Catholic Church absorbed (by law) those who followed but were no longer jews.
Then Protestants broke away from the Catholic Church.

....and you are right about the bombings. Most were commited by wacko-extremist Christians. No different in my eyes, and those of the Lord, than terrorists.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002

Sorry...Im not really trying to get into the origins of christianity here. All im saying is that the religions Zibbler was referring to stemmed from catholicism.
I meant they were where those religions originally came from and that they are christian still.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Yes, to equate modern Christians with the original followers of Christ is a stretch.

Modern Christian faiths are Protestant. Therefore they are religions that broke away from The Catholic Church.

At any rate, Falwell is an a$$.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by Damn True
Yes, to equate modern Christians with the original followers of Christ is a stretch.

Modern Christian faiths are Protestant. Therefore they are religions that broke away from The Catholic Church.

At any rate, Falwell is an a$$.

Falwell has had some good ones.

Remember the Teletubby thing?


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Originally posted by zibbler

Ummm... those are Catholics. Most of the world considers Catholics to be the same as Christians, and in a sense they are, but most "born again" Christians will say that Catholics aren't the same. They are somewhat fanatical about abortion, because from what I understand, they believe Jesus will come again through a woman, just like he did with Mary. So, they feel if you abort a baby, you could be aborting Jesus. This is a load of hogwash of course. But that's also the reason Catholics don't use birth control.
Um... I went to Catholic Gradeschool, Middleschool, highschool, and even a Jesuit College, and I don't know a single person like that. So what "you understand" is not quite correct.

Personally, I always thought it was fire and Brim-stone southern Baptists that were like that. All the Jim Baker, Fallwell types... then again, I could be just as wrong as you.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Originally posted by BurlySurly

That's a pretty bold statement..but everyone has their own beliefs i suppose.
I was actually brought up in a Catholic family and no one ever mentioned anything to me about Jesus being born again. It was always some crazy picture of Christ coming down through the clowds amongst many shining rays of light.
Really though, If someone just became pregnant, that is immaculately i mean, like in the case of the Virgin Mary....I dont think she'd go to an abortion clinic.
Now that i think about it...I dont think that most of the abortion bombers were catholic at all. I think they were southern baptists to tell you the truth....at least all the bombings that happend down south.
And about Catholics not be christians....what the hell is that?
Catholics are the original christians arent they? All other christian religions stemmed from catholicism.
Ding Ding Ding... we have a winner.
I don't know anyone who thinks condoms are evil.
Or that abortion is SO wrong that others should die. Most I know are pro choice even. Maybe it is just a SOUTHERN thing.
;) Yeah... lets turn this into a regional conflict. :D
Just kidding. Fanatics can come from any Race, Color, or Creed.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by -BB-

Ding Ding Ding... we have a winner.
I don't know anyone who thinks condoms are evil.
Or that abortion is SO wrong that others should die. Most I know are pro choice even. Maybe it is just a SOUTHERN thing.
;) Yeah... lets turn this into a regional conflict. :D
Just kidding. Fanatics can come from any Race, Color, or Creed.

Of course most people you know are pro-choice, you live in the second most liberal city in the nation, and right across the bay from #1. :D

Condoms are not inherently evil. But the little packages they come in........now those are EVIL. Ya ever try to get one of the lil buggars open in the dark, when you are in a hurry, and really wishing you were doing anything other than wreslting with a foil wrapper?
I think the wrappers are better birth control than the condoms themselves. By the time you get one open you have lost interest in sex.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Originally posted by Damn True

Of course most people you know are pro-choice, you live in the second most liberal city in the nation, and right across the bay from #1. :D

Condoms are not inherently evil. But the little packages they come in........now those are EVIL. Ya ever try to get one of the lil buggars open in the dark, when you are in a hurry, and really wishing you were doing anything other than wreslting with a foil wrapper?
I think the wrappers are better birth control than the condoms themselves. By the time you get one open you have lost interest in sex.
I'm still a Virgin. Oh wait... I married now. It's "LEGAL" :D

My biggest problem is getting figuring out the top from the bottom, so the lube ends up where it is needed.


Originally posted by BurlySurly

Sorry...Im not really trying to get into the origins of christianity here. All im saying is that the religions Zibbler was referring to stemmed from catholicism.
Again, the Catholic church was founded after the christian church was. The apostle Peter ( a Jew) founded the first official, Christian church. The other apostles went on to start other christian churches, followed by Paul (a Jew). It wasn't until after the temple was burnt to the ground and Christians were murdered and persecuted (by the Romans around 70 AD) that the Catholic church was started.

As DT stated, ALL religions have their "over zealous" followers that will warp things out of perspective and do stupid things to further their own cause. Christians included. People are people, and as such are prone to stupidity, regardless of beliefs. This is not God's fault or Allah's fault or (insert diety here)'s fault. It's plain ole human nature. Sucks, but it's true.
Oh boy! A religious thread! :D

Christians who bomb abortion clinics are in the MINORITY.

Ok, here's a really weird question....somewhat having to do with Catholicism.

My grandmother has about 100 (this number is no exaggeration) pictures of Christ on her walls. Every one of them has the same things in common:

1) he's holding his right hand up, and the pointer and middle finger are extended up while the pinky and, uh, 'ring' finger are folded.
2) his 'chest' is bared (not really, but the robe is spread open) to reveal a heart with thorns and a crown on it
3) he is looking up at heaven with the same expression I have on my face when I answer the phone and hear a telemarketer.

Can someone explain any/all 3? Thanks. :D

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by fourgivn1
Oh boy! A religious thread! :D

Christians who bomb abortion clinics are in the MINORITY.

Ok, here's a really weird question....somewhat having to do with Catholicism.

My grandmother has about 100 (this number is no exaggeration) pictures of Christ on her walls. Every one of them has the same things in common:

1) he's holding his right hand up, and the pointer and middle finger are extended up while the pinky and, uh, 'ring' finger are folded.
2) his 'chest' is bared (not really, but the robe is spread open) to reveal a heart with thorns and a crown on it
3) he is looking up at heaven with the same expression I have on my face when I answer the phone and hear a telemarketer.

Can someone explain any/all 3? Thanks. :D
He was the first Eagle Scout, and like all of us was rolling his eyes when he too had to chant, "I will be loyal, honest and true......"

I mean, how could he be true when clearly, I am True?

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by Skookum
*staring at moniter**drooling**moving on*
You ain't joking. Had this thread appeared 2 months ago someone, besides Jesus, would have been crucified by now. A political debate with religious undertones and no blood is like peanut butter without jelly.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by zibbler

Again, the Catholic church was founded after the christian church was. The apostle Peter ( a Jew) founded the first official, Christian church. The other apostles went on to start other christian churches, followed by Paul (a Jew). It wasn't until after the temple was burnt to the ground and Christians were murdered and persecuted (by the Romans around 70 AD) that the Catholic church was started.

As DT stated, ALL religions have their "over zealous" followers that will warp things out of perspective and do stupid things to further their own cause. Christians included. People are people, and as such are prone to stupidity, regardless of beliefs. This is not God's fault or Allah's fault or (insert diety here)'s fault. It's plain ole human nature. Sucks, but it's true.
Yes Zibbler..we already discussed this. WHo are you arguing with?


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Ding Ding Ding... we have a winner. I don't know anyone who thinks condoms are evil.
Every sperm is sacred!!!!!

Sex just for pleasure????
Now, that is just wrong!

I try & stay away from the religious topics (I am sure I am in the WAAAAY minority) but this made me think of Monty Python.



In dog years I'm dead
Aug 23, 2001
Salinas, CA
Originally posted by Serial Midget

You ain't joking. Had this thread appeared 2 months ago someone, besides Jesus, would have been crucified by now. A political debate with religious undertones and no blood is like peanut butter without jelly.
Patience Edster, patience.... you'll have your pound of flesh. Hang in there Mr. Jed Withdrawls
Originally posted by Damn True
ignorance knows no boundaries in regard to race, or religion

The Koran is as inherently a peacful document as the Bible to say otherwise is ignorant. In fact the word Jihad is mentioned only like 5 times in the entire work. Yet it has been twisted by extremists and used to further their goals in terms of the hatred of Jews and the ammasing of power. Similarly there are those, Catholic and Protestant alike who have used Biblical verse to further their own goals and to incited hatred.

Both actions are deemed sin in the eyes of The Lord.
Oh my, this is the first time I've agreed with your views on religion! This troubles me...

Does it mean I'm turning into a conservative christian or that you are turning into a hedonistic heathen?!?
