
Family Matters.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
cops damit dude. My mom got really drunk tonight and i had to hold her back because she was on a rampage, she then called the cops on me! no joke, so i went out on my bike and when i came back they were still there. Ive opted for a court change of parents, and to never live with my mom again, i cant take this any more at all and her drunk habbits, when she has a little, she just turns into a ass hole, calling people names and laughing at you, then getting really roundy at confrontation. Like last night she made fun of my dads ill mother calling her names.
She drinks way too much, well not allot, but shes very small and 4 glasses of wine at 5 ocklock is a bit exsessive. She is the worst person in the world, way to obssesed with possesions too. this happens lots of nights, but i just couldnt take it any longer.

I remember on the night of 911 i went out to go put candles on the front steps out of respect, and she fliped **** how they were "her good candles from the smiths" and blah blah blah. have you ever heard of any one being that bad? yes, she is the worst, and i cant wait till im 18. [/rant off]


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
mack said:
She is the worst person in the world,

I can think of a few more people who are worse than your mom.......

My whole family is a buch of alcoholics. You just gotta suck it up and deal with it.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
hey man i feel your pain. my moms been married to 3 alchoholics one of wich is my dad who she was married to for 20 yrs. he used t obeat the **** out of us and insult us and all that crap. then my moms current husband is a major alchoholic. he hasnt drunk much latlely because he couldnt walk cuz of a surgery he had. but as soon as he could walk it was back to the bar. ive called the cops many times over my lifetime. i hate alchohol and all the **** that coms w/ it. just hang in there dude. thats what i do i jus try to lay low and remember only 3 more years and ride as much as possible. im hardly ever home usually out w/ my friends. at least you can control your mom my stepdads scary because hes 6'1 220 and is pretty damn scary when he wants to beat your ass. try talking to her about it when shes sober. also moving in w/ ur dad is a good idea if hes stable. hang in there man.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
i usually hang low, but when she gets violent i cant take it. my dad lives with us, but he just doesnt have any balls to stand up to her or to get her any help. i think im going back to boarding school to get away from it all, but i know there i will just get kicked out for beng angry and getting stoned. cant wait till its all over....as if i dont already have enough bike problems.


Let me preface with, don't take this as sarcasm. Sorry that you are in the position that you are in, bro. I say do whatever it takes to get both you and your mother the help that you need. My mom drank a lot, but I lived with my dad most of the time. Unfortunately, I spent ove half of my life with him, not seeing her much, if at all. Long story short, she got cancer and moved back from St Louis for 2 years and some change, before she died. For what it's worth, I wish I had more time with her. Don't write her off dude. You will never get over it if something happens. Be strong and do whatever it takes to help her fix things. We are here for you, but you still are not getting a custom title. ;)

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Thats tough dude, do you have any other family you can move in with, aunts/uncles, Grandparents. If so just explain the situation to them. If shes a heavy drinker, I'm sure they are already aware of her actions.


Jun 10, 2002
nevermind. too young. can't shack up at a friends or anything? are your parents divored, and you dad is just living there, again?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
no one else knows about her problems, even if i told em they wouldnt believe me, because she lives 2 lives kinda. know one else cept my dad, and my older sister know the Mr. hyde side.