Hi All,
I did a quick experiment of putting an older sample pack (with less water resistant material in the main pocket) directly under the flow of my shower for 10min. It went from 349g dry to 420g wet in weight, with most of that (45g) of that being water weight in the webbing of the belt that rung out in 30 seconds. The inside of the pockets were lightly moist, but not holding water or overly damp. The water bottle pockets are designed with very water resistant material incase your bottle leaks/ruptures, with a drain hole, so those did catch some water due to no bottles being in them during the test, and then drained out once the shower water was turned off.
I have not been concerned or damaged my phone in the couple rain events I have ridden through, but no specific claims and YMMV! Super easy to test though for those with a pack who might be interested.
I did a quick experiment of putting an older sample pack (with less water resistant material in the main pocket) directly under the flow of my shower for 10min. It went from 349g dry to 420g wet in weight, with most of that (45g) of that being water weight in the webbing of the belt that rung out in 30 seconds. The inside of the pockets were lightly moist, but not holding water or overly damp. The water bottle pockets are designed with very water resistant material incase your bottle leaks/ruptures, with a drain hole, so those did catch some water due to no bottles being in them during the test, and then drained out once the shower water was turned off.
I have not been concerned or damaged my phone in the couple rain events I have ridden through, but no specific claims and YMMV! Super easy to test though for those with a pack who might be interested.