
Farenheit 911 factual or BS?


Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
I finally watched it last night...twice. And was wondering if it's all bull?

I went to some other websites and it seems there are arguments on both sides. But who shlould I believe. The lefties or righties?

Since I lean neither way, more in the middle I guess. I don't know who to believe.

What do you guys think?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Moore had an army of fact checkers go over this, so any facts that are stated are pretty much right on.

However, alot of right leaning people tend to confuse Moore's opinions w/ fact, so they call the whole movie BS.

I tend to agree with most of his opinions, if not his delivery. I appreciate a smartass, but he alienates too many people.

Glad to hear that you saw it.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Jesus said:
What do you guys think?
i dunno really, but Dick Cheney told me to go to FactCheck.com if i had any questions on stuff.

interesting movie for sure, i liked Super Size Me too, entertaining documentaries for sure, i couldn't eat a burger for a week after watching that flick. haha


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Skookum said:
i dunno really, but Dick Cheney told me to go to FactCheck.com if i had any questions on stuff.

interesting movie for sure, i liked Super Size Me too, entertaining documentaries for sure, i couldn't eat a burger for a week after watching that flick. haha
I actually started craving one when watching it.

Go figure.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
zod said:
sweet jeebus, that man cannot write (not you, zod, this Dave Kopel character). 56 or 59, first off? "To the left is the poster for FarenHype 9/11 a new film which will released on DVD on October 5, 2004"... :think:

i don't have time to go through that page, but if you compare it with the link i posted above i would bet (a small amount) that every single point is addressed and backed up (with proper english, no less) on michaelmoore.com.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
N8 said:
However, you can watch Fahrenhype 9/11 or Stolen Honor if you want your truth fix.

Hahahahaaaaaa. N8 made a funny.

Fahrenheit 911 is fact when it's fact, and pure conjecture when it's opinion. Moore seems a few (or many) premises short of sound logic on his conclusions/implications, but the premises ARE factual.


Nov 25, 2001
genpowell71 said:
Who really cares about this loser? He still hasnt seen his feet in 20 years!
Wow good one! So fat people are losers you say?
Like 40% of the american people??? :thumb:

I love it when people give reasonned thoughts :stupid:


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
Well I know for a fact that private plans were flying on 9/12/01, the CEO of my company flew into Chicago on one on the way back from Toronto. So I know that stated fact in the movie is not true.

Further, I have heard that some of the people quoted in the film are sueing moore because there comments were taken out of context. The real statments are rebuttles of them are in teh movie fahrenhype911


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
What's this Farenhype about then? How the Bushs really don't have long standing financial relationship with the house of Saud? How Bush really didn't sit reading 'My Pet Goat' for 10 minutes or whatever after he should have been doing something? (Actually he'd already done it). Sounds like a bunch of appologist rubbish to me. Next you'll be trying to tell me Bush is not a complete retard.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
It IS pretty amazing that Moore being fat is offered up as a reason to reject his political opinions... and not just by genpowell, it's the standard criticism I hear from right wingers (which gp is not, as far as I can tell): "He's just a fat loser, who cares what he thinks?"

Seriously, there are TONS of reasons to reject Moore's opinion. I can't believe the best they can come up with is because he's fat, as if that somehow affects your ability to form rational arguments.
ohio said:
It IS pretty amazing that Moore being fat is offered up as a reason to reject his political opinions... and not just by genpowell, it's the standard criticism I hear from right wingers (which gp is not, as far as I can tell): "He's just a fat loser, who cares what he thinks?"

Seriously, there are TONS of reasons to reject Moore's opinion. I can't believe the best they can come up with is because he's fat, as if that somehow affects your ability to form rational arguments.
Yes you are right. There are tons of reasons to dismiss Moore as a political schmuck who cant see the ground because of the grass in front of his face. I could look at you and say that Moore never bothered to try to see things objectively. But instead went about the best way to make his movie as controversial as possible in order to make more money. I could tell you that he wanted to try to make a better movie than "Bowling for Columbine" in order to esure that his status a director and producer would move him up in the stature of Hollywood. I could also say that even though he had a classic middle class upbringing he chose to jump on the "Bush is a bad preisdent" band wagon. Even though he lived in white collar America growing up. So to make all this clear I would have to say that Moore made all this for the almighty dollar and power. Nothing more and nothing less. The fact that I pick on him because he's obese is just easy. Not to mention, it makes people like you cause more desention on here.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
ohio said:
It IS pretty amazing that Moore being fat is offered up as a reason to reject his political opinions... and not just by genpowell, it's the standard criticism I hear from right wingers (which gp is not, as far as I can tell): "He's just a fat loser, who cares what he thinks?"

Seriously, there are TONS of reasons to reject Moore's opinion. I can't believe the best they can come up with is because he's fat, as if that somehow affects your ability to form rational arguments.
What gets the frothers all worked up is how well he puts the package together. It's no accident that his films do so well. To my way of thinking his films are very well constructed and excellent entertainment. His interviews with Tery Nicholls (sic) in BFC were pure gold doubly so now that he'll never see a normal sized poop shute. I've yet to see F 9/11, I'm sure I'll enjoy.
I'll be interested to see whether MM will ever make the crossover to a director of fiction (save it frothers, save it :D ). I'm sure he has scripts in front of him as we speak.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Michael Moore may be a good director, but anyone who looks to him as a true source for facts or true vision of the current situation is either brainwashed, stupid or likewise fat*. I could show a clip of two dogs ****ing and then switch to a quote from GWB saying "Im real excited" and have him come off looking like a dog fvcker, but that is not the truth just because its entertaining and funny and would be controversial. MM does the same ****. How do you take that seriously? People Bash rush limbaugh, but he and MM are the same thing, only ones addicted to fatty foods instead of oxyconton.

*All the fat references were added for Ohio's pleasure.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
genpowell71 said:

I was wondering when someone else was going to see MM's movies for what they are.
Hey, hey, now...I'm right there, too. Michael Moore is a flat-out propogandist. He makes me think of Leni Riefenschtal, actually.

I haven't yet seen F911, though...I was too disappointed after my first failure to achieve Moorgasm with Bowling for Columbine , which I'd thoroughly expected to enjoy. And he just left me unfulfilled and full of rage.

So I've not yet wasted my money on F911, but I did think the moveon.org's "Uncovered: The Truth About the Iraq War" was a pretty well-supported opinion piece. Unfortunately, unlike F911, it won't hold the average American's attention past the first 10 minutes.

And that's where I get pissed at Moore-lovers who readily ADMIT that Moore is distorting things, and they don't CARE! Just because they agree with his intent, they refuse to condemn his methods.

Aaaaargh. I'm going now.



find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
MikeD said:
And that's where I get pissed at Moore-lovers who readily ADMIT that Moore is distorting things, and they don't CARE! Just because they agree with his intent, they refuse to condemn his methods.

Aaaaargh. I'm going now.

They're fighting fire with fire. I'm not sure how else you do it when the other side (personified by Dick Cheney) will flat out lie to you even if called on it...

He's the left's Ann Coulter...there may be a kernel of truth, but you have to dig through the sh!t to find it.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Silver said:
They're fighting fire with fire. I'm not sure how else you do it when the other side (personified by Dick Cheney) will flat out lie to you even if called on it...

He's the left's Ann Coulter...there may be a kernel of truth, but you have to dig through the sh!t to find it.
Well, see, that's the problem. You fight fire with water. (or any other fire suppressing agent, before we get off on too much of a metaphor tangent). Lighting another fire just burns down more of the block. (we're not getting into setting ground fires in this metaphor, either, see! A ground fire removes fuel, and in this metaphor, fuel=truth, so we want to preserve it.)

Moore WILL flat-out lie as much as anyone on the right. He'll manufacture documents, cut-and-paste comments together, do whatever it takes to support himself.

And in the end, he's just completely self-contradictory anyhow. He once said Osama Bin Laden was 'innocent until proven guilty,' and now he's spouting off the osama-before-saddam rhetoric. (Not that I think Hussein was a valuable target for the US, and not that I think the war wasn't a ridiculous distraction that's hamstrung us in any real fight against terror...)

But because Ann Coulter is a schmuck doesn't mean the Left should have one, too.



valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Silver said:
They're fighting fire with fire. I'm not sure how else you do it when the other side (personified by Dick Cheney) will flat out lie to you even if called on it...

He's the left's Ann Coulter...there may be a kernel of truth, but you have to dig through the sh!t to find it.
The kernel Ann Coulter has in her pooh.....and she regularly invites us to dine on it.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
MikeD said:
But because Ann Coulter is a schmuck doesn't mean the Left should have one, too.


I agree, but you have to put the blame back on us. No one bothers to look for truth if their guy said it...so you end up with lying pundits firing pot shots back and forth.

Kinda like Democracy, I guess we get pretty much what we deserve.


Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
I am still trying to figure out what is BS or not, and then I went and watched "Super Size Me" this past weekend.

There were a lot of scenes where I thought he was "acting". And his hippie girlfriend made me want to puke!

I hate freakin' hippies!!!!!


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Jesus said:
I am still trying to figure out what is BS or not, and then I went and watched "Super Size Me" this past weekend.
Best headline ever from The Onion:

"Michael Moore Smacks Self for not Filming Last 600 Trips to McDonald's"