
Farmer's Markets


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Are the best. During the summer most all of our produce is locally grown. There is nothing better than really fresh veggies.

^ cabbage sprouts, sweet potatoes, heirloom tomatoes & romas plus green 'maters for frying, assorted chilis, purple eye peas, egg plant, cantaloupe, bell peppers, onions & kale.

Does anyone else frequent their Farmer's Market?


Mar 26, 2005
Every Saturday here in Burlington we have one. Pick up veggies for the week and usually some fresh root beer from the keg.... One of my favorite parts of summer, other than riding of course...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I found out about a farmer's market not too far from where I live, we went the other day. I've been to a few before, but it always blows me away how cheap and delicious everything is. One guy bakes homemade bread and you get a loaf of absolutely fresh, delicious bread, any kind he makes, for $1.50.



unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
There is a regional farmers market here. The cookie lady and the salsa lady kick complete a$$. The tamale man would kick complete a$$ but he isn't always there.

We try to go once a week in the summer but its usually every other week.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
It just so happens I do - every Wednesday they have the Bend Farmers Market about a block from my work and I walk over and pick stuff up. YUM!


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
I found out about a farmer's market not too far from where I live, we went the other day. I've been to a few before, but it always blows me away how cheap and delicious everything is. One guy bakes homemade bread and you get a loaf of absolutely fresh, delicious bread, any kind he makes, for $1.50.

the bakers at our FM charge an arm & a leg but the produce is dirt cheap. & better than the trucked in stuff at the grocery.

in the trees

Turbo Monkey
May 19, 2003
Yes, we go as often as we can. Can't be it and I love supporting local farmers. My favorites - purple heirloom carrots, striped beets, peas and fresh eggs. I'm also a sucker for any fresh breads. And I always make a stop at the "Samosa Guy's" booth for a veggie Samosa (or two).

I love summer!



I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
I hit up a local farmers market every friday.

Yes, the veggies and fruit are great, but for me the best part is that there is a Fish Monger there every week with a huge selection of sashimi grade fish.

The usuals are King salmon, ahi, and sea bass. They also get in some Toro, octopus, hamachi, tellowtail, Blue-fin tuna, and some other select cuts. :drool:

Still waiting for the price of the heirloom tomatos to go down a bit. Right now seems to be prime season for peppers, squash, melons, and tree fruits (peaches, plums, apricots...)

in the trees

Turbo Monkey
May 19, 2003
I may join next year, sounds like a lot of produce though for 1 share. Anyone else a member of their local CSA?
We split a share with my wife's co-worker. It's been a little sparse rightbnow and we're waiting for things to really kick in. (We may be opting for a different farm/CSA next season).



back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Farmer's markets are rad. Between SF and Oakland, there is one not far from me almost every day of the week. The Ferry Plaza market in SF is kind of the big kahuna around here, a very famous deal and something of a pioneer, but it's been disappointing the last few years. The produce is great but the prices are very high and there are a lot of food gawkers/tourists who don't buy anything and just get in the way of people like me who are trying to do some real shopping. The Friday market in old Oakland or the weekend Alemany market in SF are where it's at for me.

I love getting inspired for great meals by just walking through and grabbing what looks good, then figuring out the best combinations and methods to make the ingredients shine. It's the opposite of opening a cookbook and the trying to find the ingredients to fit a recipe, and much more rewarding for me.