
Favorite Arizona Trail To Be Auctioned

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus

MBA | March 12 | R. Cunningham

Tuscon's Fantasy Island Trail is scheduled to be auctioned off to developers next month. This spectacular 17-mile network of middle-ring singletrack is spun and woven through cactus and scrub within a single square mile.Click Here To Read About Fantasy Island

A group of trail advocates called "Fantasy Island Conservation Alliance" has generated support to save the area, but they could use some help. E-mail them for an update and to get the names of key council members to target. There is a lot of land around Tuscon, but not many riding opportunities within the population center. The City Council needs to understand how important Fantasy Island is for the local and outlying cycling community.

Here's a copy of the Fantasy Island Conservation Alliance letter:

Hi Richard - Last month, [MBA's Print mag] highlighted our local trail, Fantasy Island. Unfortunately, about the time of that release, we began to see an attack by our State Land Department to fast-track that area of land for auction. Yes, we see this happen all the time--but what makes this different is that Fantasy Island is being considered as part of a larger Master Plan for that part of our community. The State Land Manager is ignoring the value that this trail system has to Tucson, and the mountain bike community at large.

In an effort to counter this attack, several of us have formed a group (Fantasy Island Conservation Alliance), and in a short amount of time have gained a rather large amount of support for our efforts. To help, we would like to request permission to duplicate your editorial letter both for insertion into our web page (www.savefantasyisland.org), and to share in informational packets to our City Council, and the Moughton Area Master Plan Committee (and others).

Further, if there is any support that you can assist in publicizing our efforts, we would be greatly appreciative. Understanding that we are looking at a 90-day time limit before the land would go for public auction

Thank you,

Hank Rowe
Co-Chair; Fantasy Island Conservation Alliance

OK. Let's get cracking!Click Here


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Man that would be terrible if that trail was lost! It's a singletrack paradise, right in town. All one-way trails, so you can haul ass all day. Definitely on my "go back and ride it again" list.

We need MORE trails like Fantasy Island, not less!


Jan 26, 2003
Rochester, NY
With the growth of the human population growing at an exponential rate, we humans are scuttling around this planet, desperately privatizing what little undeveloped land exists on this (not so green anymore) planet.

Since 'trails' generate little in the way of revenues or the opportunity to yield goods and services, soon, mountain biking will only exist in a world of virtual reality, and no one will have more than a 20x20' room in which to live with their extended families... and good luck finding a corner in which to install your trainer and VR helmet...

(luckily, this wont happen until year 2358) :evil: