
Female-friendly publications?


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
So my wife was perusing a copy of Bicycling last night as she's been looking to get more involved in cycling (or anything, for that matter, she just needs something to really get involved in), and came upon the following:

"How to drop that last 5lbs"

It then describes how doing a lunch ride is an excellent source of cardio, but you have to ensure that you're eating properly beforehand... and goes on to describe 1000-1200 calories in the breakfast and the pre-ride snack. Now, she's been trying to "drop that last 5lbs," and knows that with her metabolism and weight she's allowed ~1600 calories / day (she's burning about 2100, and needs the 500 calorie deficit in order to drop about a pound a week). She was FURIOUS that the normal assumption for the magazine was that only 160lb athletic men would be reading this magazine, and that the "recommended diet" would be 2/3 - 3/4 of her entire day's intake.

So she reads Runners World and Women's Health, but are there any women-friendly bicycle magazines I can recommend to her? I know things like Dirt Rag seem pretty WSD friendly, but they're not as technical. Any suggestions?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
What about those over us who weigh substantially more than 160lbs? Like 200+. Should we be outraged that there are no magazines who cater to fat riders?

If I have to do math, so does your wife.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 13, 2008
I don't see any problem with the article. Only that your wife is flipping her ****.

If she understands that coffee and a rice cake don't make a good breakfast, then she should know that by eating healthy and riding a bike she will end up at a better fitness and weight level than just sitting there.

Toss those crappy mags out (yes all three suck) and ride with less stress and the 5 lbs would have been gone by now.

The average height cat4 male roadie that the mag is targeted to does weigh ~160 lbs.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Thanks! And she is riding (commuting ~12 miles each way to work and back daily), lifting, doing yoga and running. She just wants a mag that'll cater more to her as opposed to the 160lb NORBA racer who burns 4000 calories a day.
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Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Thanks! And she is riding (commuting ~12 miles each way to work and back daily), lifting, doing yoga and running. She just wants a mag that'll cater more to her as opposed to the 160lb NORBA racer who burns 4000 calories a day.
I think we all want a magazine that will cater to us, but there really aren't any. She's probably better off spending the time/effort with a dietitian, trainer or chatting with some of the women here. Trust me, the last 5lbs are REALLY tough and creep back on us when we least expect it.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Honestly there have been talks of a female biking magazine but it has been determined that it wouldn't have a big enough base and would not make money so it was nixed.