
ff helmet and shin guards


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
What helmet should I get ? I like 661 price and quality. Is the bravo 2 better than the ff comp because more vents and material. Is the bravo lighter. I laso want shin guards. I like the 661 4x4 knee shin guards because they go all the way around. I don't like velcrow without a liner under it because it gets itchy and sweaty. Does anyone have these, how are they?


Sep 22, 2004
Well...depends on your riding style a bit. If you are into DH or some nice FR I would ditch 661 and buy a MotoX helemt. I did it and I love it, it has only 1 vent and that is the face and it never gets hot or itchy(O'Neal) got it for 100 dollars too! As for shin guards go 661 they have never let me down and this year are pretty comfortable.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2004
Los Angeles
go with Roach knee/shin pads, they cover all over the place and wont slide. Whatever you do don't get rockgardn pads, they slide and I've got the scars to prove it. As far as helmets go, I really like my bell balistic. A motox helmet might be a bit heavy for you. I used my motox helmet for a while and it was just too hot and heavy.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Please, please don't let anyone ever tell you what helmet to buy. The only way you'll know what helmet fits you is to walk into a store and try them on. The wrong helmet can be extrodinarily painful.

Find a store or some friends and try a bunch on. If you find several that fit, then your question should be rephrased to "X, Y and Z helmets fit me. What's the best one?"

Good luck!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
Exactly, I wouldn't reccomend a mail order helmet either unless you've already owned one. I bought one of the cheap bell XG helmets from jenson and it's just a little too small for my head. Oh well I though I could stand a little discomfort for a couple of rides untill it breaks in. I rode about 45 minutes with it on and decided it wasn't going to work out. Half way through the ride the base of my skull was throbbing and for the next 3 days I had a pounding headache. Get a helmet that fits well, not one that looks like the best deal. Buying that helmet was the biggest waste of $30. I'll pawn it off on some fool on ebay when I get around to it but still, it wasn't worth the literal hedache it gave me.


Jan 28, 2004
Denver, CO
Roach/Race Face DH Pads. I love my 661 Full Bravo, but I got to try one on first before I bought it on Jenson for $44. I have had helmets that cause headaches too... don't mess around, try before you buy. That's why we have bike shops, to try the gear on that we're going to buy online for half the price :sneaky: