

A kid got pissed at me for telling him to get a hair cut and attacked me.
Now, I am not a fighter, but he therw a punch at me (made contact W/ my jaw) so I kicked his A$$.
The thing that bugs me is that he is easilly 30lbs smaller than me.
Did I really do wrong or should I have restrained him. :think:


Oct 14, 2004
What you did was in self defense I'm taking, if he hit you and it didn't hurt, you probably shouldn't have kicked his ass.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
if someone swings at you, you better fight to win. But you were being a dick so maybe this will learn you to watch what you say to people. Someday that mouth might get you the beat down.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Why did you feel the need to tell him to get a haircut? Were you trying to provoke him or are you the hair police? Sounds like you were being a prick, provoked him, then beat him up. Now you feel guilty? If you had the ability to restrain him that would have been enough don't you think? If you were being a prick to him then you should apologize to him and offer to let him take his best shot and not when you are alone. Odds are he won't take you up on the offer and you can be friends. If you don't then you will have another enemy in the world and will have to walk around watching your back because you were a hotheaded prick. That and those that know what really happened will think your a jerk and only hang out with you for what you do for them and not who you are.....jdcamb


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
caputo1989 said:
Tere is more to the story. He is a hippie And all of our friends had shaved heads because of lacrosse. So he was making fun and one of us and another kid threatend to shave his head (in good fun) So I was like come on get a hair cut. And every thing went down from there.
Would you say the same thing to a hippie that's 30 lbs bigger than you? No you wouldn't have, haha you got suprised when he actually manned up enough to call your bluff. Learn the lesson and respect people or realize that you might have to scrap people unnecessarily some more, and someday you will lose. :)


Jun 10, 2002
who the **** takes a swing after jokingly being told to get a haircut? come on. kid's a little defensive, don't y'all think? he needs to learn when to pick his battles.

jon cross

Jan 27, 2004
Banner Elk, NC
meh, you beat a hippie, more power to you (sarcasm)

The first time I got into a fight, I pretty much jumped a kid for no reason. I felt sick to my stomach, and I know it was wrong- I was just a scrappy little kid sometimes. I've been in several fights started by other people- if someone takes a swing at you or starts a fight and you drop them, it's a great feeling, like winning a race. They challenged you, and you shut them down- kind of a primal feeling I suppose. On the other hand, I've twice had people punch me that I wouldn't fight. I'm not talking about a shove or a tap- a dude walked up to me and my friends and decked me, but I wasn't about to hurt him over his tantrum. I would have felt kinda bad if I did, and I'm assuming that's how your feeling. Some people just like to cause a commotion any time they can, and sometimes they learn they shouldn't.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I am an expert in all kinds of confrontations, (yo, i'm from the bronx), and it sounds like you were probably in the wrong.

When it comes to arguments on the street, I figure the best plan of action is make your comment and keep walking. Firstly, it is just a comment and if you keep walking, the situation stays just a comment. And walking away gives you the last word.

Secondly, it sounds like you could have avoided the fight. And when I say you could have avoided the fight, if you ran in the opposite direction, there would be no fight (and I have seen beatdowns where the other person could not run away).

Without knowing you at all, you probably recognized that your "attacker" was not a match for you, considering you outweighed him 30 lbs. I wonder if your attitude would have been different if he outweighed you by 30?

Also, since you seem pretty calm about the whole matter while your "attacker" was not, you could have probably defused the situation without even looking stupid. Maybe if you were out of control, the fight would be understandable, but again, you probably could have avoided the fight.

Finally, I think you can take that I don't think fighting is a good idea unless it cannot be avoided. I have been in a million confrontations without a fight. If it gets serious, I can usually back the other person down. Once in a while, I had to eat my words. But I think there is a price to fighting.

I have been involved with a few beatdowns on the winning side. The losers deserved it and I didn't even throw a punch, but I feel no pride in the fight. I wish it could have been avoided.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Keep in mind, if you poke at a dog with a stick, and the dog snaps you can't really claim that he attacked you, y'know?

Find the kid tomorrow, apologize for being a dick, and try to settle things up. Now, I don't think you need to apologize for hitting him (he did swing first) but you can apologize for what led up to it. That might help to defuse a future situation...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Sounds to me like you were being a douche, the guy got frustrated, and you took his frustration as an opportunity to kick his ass.

I think you owe him an apology.


Dec 6, 2004
did you say
"come on, get a haircut" like

"we're about to hold you down and shave your head"? just curious, cause that sounds like how it went down, and honestly, the fact that you are a team of shaved headed anythings makes it seem much more likely.

dont be a tough guy.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
caputo1989 said:
A kid got pissed at me for telling him to get a hair cut and attacked me.
Now, I am not a fighter, but he therw a punch at me (made contact W/ my jaw) so I kicked his A$$.
The thing that bugs me is that he is easilly 30lbs smaller than me.
Did I really do wrong or should I have restrained him. :think:
Why would you be that prick that would be like "Hey get a hair cut". WTF do you care? Maybe the kid was tired of getting picked on?

EDIT: Finished reading the thread... You guys were fuhking with him?! A whole team of you? Sounds like you were all being cowardly pricks trying to impress eachother at someones expense. Good on that kid for standing up for himself. If I had seen that crap go down that kid would have had help, only with several of you I would have come with a baseball bat or maybe a lacrosse handle (preferrably not Ti because we all know how those break). People that pick on others for whatever reason are poor excuses for human beings.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Everyone knows hippies can't fight. Keying his Saab would have been the honorable thing to do.


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
BMXman said:
Hurting someone is easy...helping someone; now that's hard!
damn dude i was about to say the same thing!

i wasn't a very big kid until after high school (and i'm still small!) So i got my ass kicked a lot at random up until my dad asked why i didn't fight back and i told him that i didn't think physical violence back would solve the problem, so after a long discussion he convinced me to make a three swing rule like baseball. If anyone ever gets pissed enough to throw a punch at me (or just wants to feel big and tough like when i was 16) i give them three swings, weather they connect or not, trying to convince them that they should calm down and talk about it rather than fighting after three if they are still coming at me....i beat the living sh!t out of them and tell them that they should have listened to me. Now i'm not very big but i have taken on dudes a hell of a lot bigger than me and made them cry like girls. (that’s thanks to self defense classes my dad sent me through, like i said i got my ass kicked a lot because i was small and had long hair and thick glasses) so what i am trying to get at in a long round about way is...whenever possible try to use words to solve a situation and help the other person realize how stupid fighting is and if they just won't listen...break one of there bones. :nuts:


Mar 4, 2004
New York
caputo1989 said:
Tere is more to the story. He is a hippie And all of our friends had shaved heads because of lacrosse. So he was making fun and one of us and another kid threatend to shave his head (in good fun) So I was like come on get a hair cut. And every thing went down from there.
So all the jocks were picking on an unpopular kid.

This will be noted by the media when the kid comes back to school & shoots all of the popular kids.

It's happened before you know.......


Jun 10, 2002
the shaggy kid was making fun of the skinheads, too.

i'm reading it like this...

Shaggy kid who doesn't like jocks poked, tried to establish how ****in' cool he is by poking...
Caputo and Co. poked back, only poked more since it was a group; group mentality...
Shaggy got defensive and threw a punch...
Caputo reacted, successfully.

i'm pretty passive, or relaxed, whatever...but my parents always told me if someone swings at me to swing back. i have never been in a fight. the closest i've come is some stupid **** in his 40s after trying to run my girlfriend off the road. being half his age, and a good deal smaller, i knew when step off and say "**** you, wetback."


Sep 6, 2001
Orange County, CA
the Inbred said:
the shaggy kid was making fun of the skinheads, too.

i'm reading it like this...

Shaggy kid who doesn't like jocks poked, tried to establish how ****in' cool he is by poking...
Caputo and Co. poked back, only poked more since it was a group; group mentality...
Shaggy got defensive and threw a punch...
Caputo reacted, successfully.
That's the way I see it too.
But I don't think Caputo poked back more because he was in a group. I would think it's more of the if you dish it out you better be able to take it, and then some.

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
caputo1989 said:
Tere is more to the story. He is a hippie And all of our friends had shaved heads because of lacrosse. So he was making fun and one of us and another kid threatend to shave his head (in good fun) So I was like come on get a hair cut. And every thing went down from there.
You were wrong and you started the whole thing between you two. Yes, it does sound like there was some provocation of others on his part, but that didn't mean you had to get involved. His violent outburst wasn't justified, but neither was your comment, nor your reaction. You should have kept your mouth shut in the first place. If you had, he wouldn't have been offended by you and taken a swing. If it didn't hurt when he hit you, and you didn't feel threatened, then you're just being a bully by beating him down.

As said by others, you should find him and apologize for starting the confrontation between you two.


May 6, 2003
El Jefe said:
As said by others, you should find him and apologize for starting the confrontation between you two.
That sounds like something a "real man" would do. I dunno how it would play out in a school (adolescent/young adult) scene, but it's good advice for people who wanna act grown up.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Fathead said:
That sounds like something a "real man" would do. I dunno how it would play out in a school (adolescent/young adult) scene, but it's good advice for people who wanna act grown up.
What happens in real life is that the lacrosse team calls you gay, and then gang rapes you in the shower to show who the boss is...


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Silver said:
What happens in real life is that the lacrosse team calls you gay, and then gang rapes you in the shower to show who the boss is...

Now THAT is a team sport!

:dead: :dead: