
Finally killed the GINORMOUS black widow...


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
lol, i hate skeetos, spiders eat skeetos, they are my freinds. luckly in 5 years of livin here in washington i have only seen one centipede. in hawaii it was an every day occurance, most were like 8" long..... eeewww, those things really really freak me out. I once punched my mom on accedent cuz she put a fake rubber centipede on me. i started to freak out and took off most of my clothes to get it off, while i was doing this i was flinging my arms around and accidentally hit my mom. I knocked her out. eeewww i hate those things.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
My brother and his roomate got their hands on some smuggled centipedes while he lived in New York. His roomate's got loose and seriously ATE most of his thumb and part of his palm. His arm was paralized for just over a month. I think it even made the news over there, my bro and his pal were both investigeted and the shop he got them from was shut down/fined. Nice pet to have!


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
What goes, "99 thump... 99 thump... 99 thump"?

A centipede with a wooden leg!


I know.. it's bad... go ahead, bash me now. :)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
I heard (from a reliable source none the less) that when you die every spider you ever squished comes back for you at the same time. That's why I catch them in a cup and let them go outside. Just some food for thought Lisa.... :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
biggins said:
So that's what the dreaded Camel Spider looks like huh. GOD DAMN! Them bitches jump up on the under belly of a camel and get to business...

I don't care who you are that's some skeery sh!t right there!

dh girlie

fuzzynutz said:
the female black widow also eats the male after they finish gettin' freaky.

why kill it? it didn't do anything to you, so why do something to it?
Why kill it??? cuz the f'er was too close to my goddamn door, that's why...one of those bitches put the mother f'n HURT on me once...he was in my house in my BED and bit me on the knuckle and f'd me up for a good couple of weeks...so that's why...I don't want those f'ers in my house...

dh girlie

konabiker said:
I really hate spiders. I didn't really have any problems with them until recently, when I was bitten by a black widow on my leg (it got really swollen and infected), and since then I've kind of been sketchy around them. Get this though, about a week after I was bitten I go to get in bed, pull over my cover, only to find two HUGE black widows chilling' on my bed. Goddamn I was so glad the light was on then. So spiders had been crawling all over me at night, and I was wondering how I was bitten? Gives me the chills thinking about it....
They were gittin busy in your bed...


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
well all that talk about centipedes made me freak out last night when i was tryin to go to sleep last night. i didnt get to sleep until 5:30 a.m. and i just woke up. eeeewwww i hate those things.