
Finished vid of 'Lil Manimal ripping it up....need someone to host it.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
yo brandon that shlt was awesome. it must be cool to say your kid gapped a firetruck


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
dh girlie said:
Cool...I love how he does the stop...where he sticks his foot out and the back tire slides around moto x style. So cool...I like how he crashes and kinda looks at you and then just goes again...what a cool kid.

:D, coaster brakes make for some cool slides. he's got a bald spot on this back tire.

i'm amazed at his resiliance everytime we ride . i try to film as much as possible, not neccesarily for vids or anything but mainly because when he crashes hard he loves to watch it on video. he'll smack his stomach or frank/beans on the stem or h-bars and scream in pain for about 2 seconds until he realizes it's on film. then he gets up, adjusts his pads and asks to watch the vid.

i'll try and get some action pics on his new 16" custom trek, he seems to like it a lot. the bigger tires make a huge difference in his handling/control at high speeds. he even outran a 10yr old kid on a full size mtn bike the other day.

......now, if i could just get him to clean his room and stop beating his sister up.... :angry: ;)

how could anyone be mean to this 'lil face? :heart: :heart:


Aug 17, 2004
Well - the verdict is in - I showed it to my 7 yo son and he had this to say "WHOOAAAAHHHH!!!" - it is now his favorite video, in fact, he watches it on the computer by himself, and has already sacrificed himself to the God of road rash this morning. Not trying to hijack your thread - but had to post his "Fonzie" jump, over a crocodile, a shark, a frog and the guy from the incredibles.



Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
s1ngletrack said:
Well - the verdict is in - I showed it to my 7 yo son and he had this to say "WHOOAAAAHHHH!!!" - it is now his favorite video, in fact, he watches it on the computer by himself, and has already sacrificed himself to the God of road rash this morning. Not trying to hijack your thread - but had to post his "Fonzie" jump, over a crocodile, a shark, a frog and the guy from the incredibles.
Josh you really should have brought Rayce's bike up to Todd's land when we were all up there. Even if all the stuff we were doing was out of his league we could have built him some small stuff that he would have had fun on. Guess you'll have to next summer. :)


Aug 17, 2004
mtnbkr4235 said:
Josh you really should have brought Rayce's bike up to Todd's land when we were all up there. Even if all the stuff we were doing was out of his league we could have built him some small stuff that he would have had fun on. Guess you'll have to next summer. :)
Yeah - I wish I would have. He's improving alot - I think seeing 4 yo Noah rip it up lit a fire under him, which is awesome, since I've been trying to do this myself for over 2 years now :thumb:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
wow! i'm so stoked that your son is stepping it up. noah thought the pic of your son was rad and now he wants to jump over some super-heroes. maybe we should just start an ongoing "kids" thread with pics of kids riding. something fun to look at after a long day dealing w/ adult kids in the office/on the job. :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
I was down at the local BMX park today taking pictures of my friends, when this lady and her two little kids pull up and hop out. The little one was about 2 and on a tricycle, and the older one, about 4 or so, was on a little bike. He hit this little mound of dirt that used to be a jump and flipped over the bars throwing the bike like 10 feet in front of him. Then came the crying and the Mom just shoved the kids into the minivan and left. Definitly an odd experience.


Aug 17, 2004
manimal said:
wow! i'm so stoked that your son is stepping it up. noah thought the pic of your son was rad and now he wants to jump over some super-heroes. maybe we should just start an ongoing "kids" thread with pics of kids riding. something fun to look at after a long day dealing w/ adult kids in the office/on the job. :D
That's a good plan - it could be the "Mini Monkey" thread. It's kind of funny how checking out what others (the same age) are doing motivates kids to step it up. I was really pretty impressed with how much more of an effort my son made after watching Noah's vid - I was beginning to worry about him for a while there (I was afraid he'd end up riding a recumbent or something) :)


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
.:Jeenyus:. said:
I was down at the local BMX park today taking pictures of my friends, when this lady and her two little kids pull up and hop out. The little one was about 2 and on a tricycle, and the older one, about 4 or so, was on a little bike. He hit this little mound of dirt that used to be a jump and flipped over the bars throwing the bike like 10 feet in front of him. Then came the crying and the Mom just shoved the kids into the minivan and left. Definitly an odd experience.

man, that's pretty sad. that kids mom let him get own3d by that jump. she should have let him calm down and then encouraged him to try again, or at least keep riding. now, all he'll remember from that experience is that he doesn't like jumps. bummer.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Sorry to bring back an old thread....

But it seems that young Noah, Manimals prodigy bike ridin' son is getting famous... I check the web servers stats and not only is the Noah video consistently in the top 3 of files/pages requested, but it is getting requested from all over the world! We had hits from RUSSIA, FRANCE, ENGLAND, a bike forum that is in what looks to be a dutch language and all over the good 'ol U.S.A.

Go Noah! :thumb:

Oh yeah... here's the link...



Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
sweet! dude, i fell like a total bag....you hooked up that site and i have yet to develop it. i'm still trying to learn the basics of web design just so i can get a few pics/vids on the site but even that eludes me. i need to take a break from work/school and devote my time to that site.

anybody wanna give me some pointers? good reference material?

oh yeah, was talking with mikedsx (local LBS shop manager) and he told me that the vid of noah came up in a recent meeting with a bunch of specialized reps from all over!! :thumb:


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
That kicks a$$!!!!! :thumb: Great vid for sure!!

My daughter will be 4 in April, hopefully I'll get the training wheels off her bike by the end of the summer. She'll be travelling to DH and XC races this summer with her mom to watch me race so hopefully she'll catch "the bug" and want to venture beyond the sidewalk this year.