
Fire at Blackcomb

Mar 14, 2008


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Damn it! Got tickets/condo to be at C-Worx this year, REALLY hoping that everyone up there is safe and the mountain is OK...


Sep 21, 2007
If it isn't a rockslide its a fire.

(last year rockslide trapped everyone there)
And made those of us who were driving up that day take a 7 hour detour around the whole damn park :rant:
Actually it was an awesome drive, I would totally do it again:D

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
I just got back from almost 2 weeks up there, and that entire place was like a giant tinder box - super hot and very, very dry. Anyone who's ever been or hopes to go to Whistler one day should keep their fingers crossed - the entire bike park could easily be destroyed if the fire works its way across to Whistler.


The Ten Day Forecast does not look favorable either.
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Turbo Monkey
Jul 31, 2005
San Francisco
the entire bike park could easily be destroyed if the fire works its way across to Whistler.

I wonder what kind of insurance they have. Would it cover trail rebuilding costs? Either way, its amazing how resiliant DH trails are to fire, well except all that wood crap :'(.


Sep 21, 2007
Im in whistler its so hot here 37 degrees, boiling sweating and hot...... the trees look dead up top of the mountain...

There is no chance they would let it get out of hand , the 2010 olympics will be here. They had 6 planes and 2 helis dropping anti-fire stuff... I reckon they would throw anything at it to stop fires..... theres too much investment in the olympics to allow it to get out of hand.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Im in whistler its so hot here 37 degrees, boiling sweating and hot...... the trees look dead up top of the mountain...

There is no chance they would let it get out of hand , the 2010 olympics will be here. They had 6 planes and 2 helis dropping anti-fire stuff... I reckon they would throw anything at it to stop fires..... theres too much investment in the olympics to allow it to get out of hand.
I am no firefighter, but 6 planes and 2 helis on a 175 acre fire is massive fire control compared to how they battle fires here in so cal. We are headed up wed. for 2 weeks, I have faith they will have this thing under control by tomm. afternoon. Thoughts go out to anyone in danger.

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
...There is no chance they would let it get out of hand , the 2010 olympics will be here. ... theres too much investment in the olympics to allow it to get out of hand.
... I have faith they will have this thing under control by tomm. afternoon...
... Im sure they wont let it get out of control...
I think you guys are assuming they have a choice in the matter. I have no doubt they'll go absolutely nuts trying to control it/put it out, but the fire danger was at 'EXTREME' last week before another week of hot, dry, windy weather. Mother nature's a powerful bitch, and there may be nothing short of an act of god (rain) that can help them. Judging by the forecast for the area, that's not coming any time soon.

I share your guys' hopes and optimism, but I really fear for the worst.

Everyone keep your fingers crossed, and best wishes to anyone who's up there dealing with such a dangerous situation.



Mar 30, 2009
There is no chance they would let it get out of hand , the 2010 olympics will be here.
I agree with John P. I live in wildfire country. Every summer around this time, we start worrying about how many fires, how big, for how long. I've seen fires spread fast in a few hours.

To assume the Whistler people can control this fire... that's wishful thinking. They don't really have a choice in the matter, slothy. Wildfires are not man's domain, they are nature's domain. Wind, temperatures, and existing fuel conditions control the fire's spread. Human fire-fighting can TRY to contain it, but usually it's a matter of hope-and-pray when a huge fire is spreading fast.

It would be ridiculous to assume they can prevent it from "getting out of hand," because that's not really within their control.

Stik -- rain and cool temps can't offset a tinderbox forest condition once the fire has started and is spreading.

Fires need to burn. That's how forests regenerate. Building structures --including a sweet ski hill and summer riding park-- in a wildfire-prone zone is a risk that some are willing to take. But there's always the risk that wildfire will destroy anything built in fire-prone zones.
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Jan 24, 2007
A, A
well at the other end of the country our "sunny days" are the ones that its only foggy so far this summer, so ill gladly trade them weather patterns

Harry BarnOwl

Jul 24, 2008
well at the other end of the country our "sunny days" are the ones that its only foggy so far this summer, so ill gladly trade them weather patterns
If it's any consilation, it's exactly the same in the yUK. We had our couple of weeks of sunshine back in early july, it's gone to ****e now.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
looks like rain for the first few days of c-worx and our arrival, from the vids im seeing of the mountain it could use a bit more rain.

hopefully it doesnt rain for the garbo dh this year and Sam's shoes stay on.