
Fire in my apt. complex


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i was just gettin into some good Z's too.... :mad:
i live right next to the Normandy Park fire station and hear em all the time. This time they were close at first i was wondering if the church next door was on fire. Anyways it damaged 2 apts. on the end pretty bad and smoke damaged 2 more. All in all coulda been worse and nobody was injured.
pretty crazy there was just a fire in the complex next to us not 3 or 4 months back......

Tacoma Lad

Jul 11, 2004
tacoma wa
watch your self skookum, I had a friend that lived next to a fire station and he would just sleep right throught the sirens. One day it was his apartment building that was on fire and did not wake up until the fire fighters where banging on his door. Plus there is that arsenest running around


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
So was the church on fire?? Why do churches catrch fire anyways? You'd think someone with magic powers could step in and make it rain right over that church..... hm.......


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
oly said:
So was the church on fire?? Why do churches catrch fire anyways? You'd think someone with magic powers could step in and make it rain right over that church..... hm.......
No the John Knox church was spared. They are doing construction on it which is why i initially thought it was on fire.

I gotta say i really respect fire-fighters, they helped the people out who lost their homes by moving them into vacant apartments here in the complex. Unfortunately it kept me up all night with them going up and down the stairs til 4 in the morning :dead: :drool: But i'm glad all the displaced got a place to stay for sure, just a bummer deal to have your home burn up.


May 21, 2003
oly said:
So was the church on fire?? Why do churches catrch fire anyways? You'd think someone with magic powers could step in and make it rain right over that church..... hm.......
If only it worked like that... good question though.

Sorry to hear about that Skook, one bad straw after another, good to hear your safe and your goods aren't ash.


Turbo Monkey
Holy cow, Tim!:eek:
When I saw the title of the thread and that you started it, my initial thought was "man, he really must be bored and is starting to play with fire - literally".;)

That is way cool of the FD to help the displaced folk get situated after the smoke cleared. While I sometimes wonder about the po-po, I will never lose my respect/faith in our firefighters.

Major props.:thumb:

p.s. - you should take a nap, bro;)