
First Night Ride....


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
and it was interesting. I have a good light on my helmet, thinking about adding one to my bar, but it was just so dark out!

We went on a trail we ride all the time, so I know it well but I found myself riding really careful. I'm not sure if it was because the trails were real wet, muddy, and covered with leaves..it was just different. I'll going to try it again on Friday.

Do you get used to it, or is always kinda freaky?


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Sweet! I'm going out tonight for a couple hours.

You get used to it. I broke into night riding by doing 24 hour races. I found that after a few times I got used to it and a lot of my lap times were just as fast as day laps. I think night riding helps make you focus more and be a better bike handler. You have to react to things more quickly becaues you don't see them coming like in the day.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004

Glad to see you're finally on the, "real" dark side. It's true that night riding changes the perception of the trail. A lot like night skiing/boarding in that the trail is, in some way, more defined by the shadows.
It also allows you to not be distracted by the environment around you. Which, oddly enough, will allow you to clean sections that you normally would not.
Lights: I ride with both a bar and helmet and highly recommend it. Even if the bar is a low watt light. Ride the bar on your road climbs and when riding is easy and use your head lamp also for tech sessions and heading downhill. Think "spot" for the headlamp and focus it farther ahead. Think "flood" for the bar light to illuminate the area right in front of you.

I too learned at 24 hour races and the night laps at Spokane ended up being the most fun! Why stop riding during the week when the darkness comes?
We rode last night and the trails were in great shape and we even chased down a bobcat at one point. You'll get used to it. Welcome to the dark side!


Mar 27, 2004
Snacks said:
Do you get used to it, or is always kinda freaky?
Dont think of scary movies and everything will be alright. I will never ride at night alone on tapeworm again after thinking about zombies grabing me and pulling me into the bushes.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Langer said:
Dont think of scary movies and everything will be alright. I will never ride at night alone on tapeworm again after thinking about zombies grabing me and pulling me into the bushes.
Hahaha! I didn't even get a chance to think of that last night. I wasn't alone last night, but I will be on Friday...Yikkeess!!!

Thanks for the tip on the lights Borneo...I'm going to snag a bar light from Kevin since he's not a fan of night riding.

How can you NOT ride is this beautiful weather :thumb:


Air Monkey
Mar 14, 2004
Snacks said:
I will be on Friday...Yikkeess!!!QUOTE]

I'd join you if I had lights!!! :( Where are you going to ride? That sucks...I want to night ride!!!! Waaaaaaaa!


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
i got my battery back so i have my digital 15w, and non digi 10w. I also have a loaner..... ill lend someone a light if they can loan me some of the time i dont have these days..... ill be free soon... i just hope its not to wet for riding....


Jan 25, 2004
Borneo said:
Glad to see you're finally on the, "real" dark side. It's true that night riding changes the perception of the trail. A lot like night skiing/boarding in that the trail is, in some way, more defined by the shadows.
It also allows you to not be distracted by the environment around you. Which, oddly enough, will allow you to clean sections that you normally would not.
yeah thats so wierd. Thats the big thing I like about night riding, the part I dont like is night riding season is usually cold and wet :help:


Turbo Monkey
Night riding =

I tend to shy away from riding Tiger on day rides...it's fun, but too congested, etc. for my liking.
At night, it's a different world. While I may not go quite as fast as I would during daylight, I tend to ride much smoother. It's just the trail without all the peripheral 'distractions' that take my focus off my line.
Towers of Power is, IMO, the best place to night ride...especially when there's several/many other riders. The lights darting around randomly can be quite intoxicating.:D
I want to do a Lake Sawyer night ride. That place seems like a good spot for sure.

Definitely get a helmet AND bar setup.:thumb: