
First one of the year

Mike B.

Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2001
State College, PA
Met up with a friend for a ride yesterday to get in some miles. I wanted to do something in the 70 range since I'm doing a charity metric century next weekend and hadn't done anything over 45 miles yet this year.

Turns out the route was a little longer than he remembered:

I've had some knee pain from running lately but they held up well yesterday. My left achilles is bothering me a little today but that's about it. Any idea what would cause that? New Keo pedals and Sidi 5.5 Carbons felt great on their first ride.

The north end of Keuka Lake, the only pic I took all day.

Most of the route parallels both sides of the lake. The west side has the $250k-500k cottages the east side has the $500k-1M homes for the most part. Some of their garages put my house to shame.


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
How much elevation??? I am trying my first EVER century next Saturday. Unfortunately, I picked one with lots of hills. I've not done more than 40 in many months, so it should be fun.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Folks that can't tell the difference between 75 and 100 miles are a danger to us all.

I went on a ride in February with a friend and he thought we were only going to be gone a max of 8 hours, 11 hours later we made it home :disgust1: Epic to say the least

Mike B.

Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2001
State College, PA
How much elevation??? I am trying my first EVER century next Saturday. Unfortunately, I picked one with lots of hills. I've not done more than 40 in many months, so it should be fun.
According to routeslip.com it has about 3300 ft of climbing. I have a 38 mile weeknight loop that is 2900 so it didn't seem like much, only two sections I would call climbs.

Staying fueled is my biggest issue. The guy I rode with didn't eat a damn thing along the way. I had a granola bar, a couple bags of clif bloks and a small ice cream cone at mile 80. I was starved when I got home.


Jun 10, 2002
How much elevation??? I am trying my first EVER century next Saturday. Unfortunately, I picked one with lots of hills. I've not done more than 40 in many months, so it should be fun.
what century are you doing? an organized ride? i'm doing support for one this coming weekend.