
First Post-Pregnancy Off road MTB Ride


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Well, I have to begin by saying that I am a lamea$$ and didn't bring the camera :(. Anyway, the hubby and I hit the trails on Friday after work for my first off road post-pregnancy ride. I have been itching to get out on the trails, but definitely wanted to get some spinning in at home before I tackled our local SMBA trails. The weather was perfect on Friday (high 60s and sunny) so we loaded up the XC bikes and headed out. I made the hubby ride his SS and I rode my Jekyll. I was a little worried about my endurance and curious as to whether I had lost my mojo.

Well, we did a pretty fast loop and I learned that I really hadn't lost my endurance and still had retained my mojo. It was SO awesome to get back out on the trails. I even had my first crash (completely forgot to unclip my left foot when I stopped and fell right over). Our trails are in excellent condition and reminded me of how much I truly love my bike. Now I can't wait to get out there again! :D


Feb 7, 2005
Nice work. Make sure and give us the "first post-pregnancy 151 jag" report. ;)