
First Ride


Apr 30, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
Well I just got back from my first ride and what a rush. I now know why you all are hooked the way you are. I didn't do much or go far. I just rode around the neighborhood for a few to get a feel for the bike then went behind my condo to ride a few trails and hills. By the time I was done I was pooped but the views and feeling I had afterwards made me almost forget I was tired. I lurked around here for awhile before I got my bike making sure this was something I would enjoy and you all were right. It's a blast. Can't wait for my next ride.


Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
ANCHORAGE! As in like go for a ride and FREEZE TO DEATH COLD Anchorage? Man if I lived up there, I'd ride indoors. BRRRRrrrrrr! I've seen that TV show "The Deadliest Catch." You gotta break ice off your shock with a hammer and stuff. I thought Polar bears like "chewy on the outside, crunchy on the inside" snacks riding by on bikes?