
First time witnessing Pedestrian Rage


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
First, a question. There seem to be a number of "Rage" dissorders lately. Does the term imply that the Rager is at fault? I base this question on the fact that if one has wronged in some severs way, can they still rage? Or are they just rightfully pissed off?

The incident:
I'm driving north on Main St. in Stoneham, MA. There are 2 lanes going in my direction. The left lane is for through traffic. The right lane (where I was) is for traffic trying to get to I-93 via Monvale Ave. (only a few blocks away). Some of you may know the area. The light is green and I am moving. There was no one in front of me at the time. Next thing I know and idiot dressed in a suit and talking on his cell phone jumps off the curb. He was far enough in front of me that I hardly noticed. I was in no risk of hitting him. Then I realized that he had jumped in front of the line of through-traffic. He was screaming at the driver of the lead car. He was all bent over (the rageaholic walker). As near as I can tell, he was doing a weak impression of an old man. He's all doubled over, walking as slowly as possible, yelling at the driver. There I am thinking "What the hell is going on? Is this guy nuts?" This guy jumped off the curb AFTER the light had turned green and there was NO CROSS WALK! I could not hear the driver saying anything and he wasn't honking. so I took it upon myself to yell, "Hey, there's no cross walk buddy!" as I drove by. I know he heard me. I have a loud voice (people tell me "indoor voice" all the time) and I was only ~10' from the loser.

Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on in this world?


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
people suck, it's as simple as that.

some people think they are the only ones that exist or are more important then the next person.

a favorite story of mine was told by a friend of mine. he was in the grocery store, in line and there was a young college aged girl at the check out counter. she was talking on her phone and ignoring the cashier, who was ready to take her money and get to the next person in line. the next person in line was an older grey haired lady. after a few minutes the old lady grabbed the phone from her and hung it up (I'm guessing she closed the folding part). everyone in line applauded the old lady.



took the red pill
Repack said:
First, a question. There seem to be a number of "Rage" dissorders lately. Does the term imply that the Rager is at fault? I base this question on the fact that if one has wronged in some severs way, can they still rage? Or are they just rightfully pissed off?

The incident:
I'm driving north on Main St. in Stoneham, MA. There are 2 lanes going in my direction. The left lane is for through traffic. The right lane (where I was) is for traffic trying to get to I-93 via Monvale Ave. (only a few blocks away). Some of you may know the area. The light is green and I am moving. There was no one in front of me at the time. Next thing I know and idiot dressed in a suit and talking on his cell phone jumps off the curb. He was far enough in front of me that I hardly noticed. I was in no risk of hitting him. Then I realized that he had jumped in front of the line of through-traffic. He was screaming at the driver of the lead car. He was all bent over (the rageaholic walker). As near as I can tell, he was doing a weak impression of an old man. He's all doubled over, walking as slowly as possible, yelling at the driver. There I am thinking "What the hell is going on? Is this guy nuts?" This guy jumped off the curb AFTER the light had turned green and there was NO CROSS WALK! I could not hear the driver saying anything and he wasn't honking. so I took it upon myself to yell, "Hey, there's no cross walk buddy!" as I drove by. I know he heard me. I have a loud voice (people tell me "indoor voice" all the time) and I was only ~10' from the loser.

Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on in this world?
RAGE man, the taliban are coming so we must adopt a rageaholic way to defend ourselves. Now some of our own are going overboard and attacking one another. That's a rare case. Feel the rage. Breathe it in, embrace it, feel it become one with you. cradle it, it's yours and all you got.




Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I have always known it. You have presented more evidence for it...


Well, you guys are pretty cool, but other than that, people suck. Heck, sometimes I piss myself of and have to kick my own ass.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
I was at the beach yesterday and the people next to me had a little bonfire goin' it was about 65-70º w/wind chill maybe 80º w/out. This group next to me had little kids who were going in and out of the water (60º) and using the fire to warm up faster. This dude walks up pushing his bike through the sand and takes it upon himself to ask this group why they have a fire burning. Well the people who actually started the fire were down at the water with the kids and the only people at the fire were just their friends who came after the fact. They replied "I don't know, our friends started it" to that the guy slowy shook his head and paused for a few seconds...he then said "you guys are blowing my phuckin' mind here" the people by the fire just chuckled thinking the guy was joking. the guy then says "no really man, what phuck are you thinking burnig a fire on a day like this, I mean c'mon" The people then say we don't know man, maybe our friends wanted to make a 70º day feel like a 100º day? the dude then said some more smart a$$ed $hit like as if he was looking for one of them to stand up to him so he could provoke a fight. No one even really understood what his deal was in the first place. He ended up walking away and looking back every 10' and shaking his head with a look of disgust on his face. Meanwhile a few other groups had fires burning but apparently he didn't notice them. I damn near said something to him about getting some anger management, but these days that'll get you a bullet in your head or a shank in your heart. I have trouble keeping my mouth shut when people act like that but I am trying hard to not get hurt for no reason by some kook. Anyway yeah...people are at the breaking point theses days, it doesn't take much. phuckin' scary!


Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
punkassean said:
I was at the beach yesterday and the people next to me had a little bonfire goin' it was about 65-70º w/wind chill maybe 80º w/out.
haha. never heard of windchill used when the temp is >40*


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
stoney98 said:
Pedestrians in Berkeley are willing to die for their right of way. I find it absolutely amazing. They'll walk out in front of a bus and get mad whenthey almost get hit. Rather amusing actually.
This wasn't even right of way. It was a lunitic jumping out into the middle of a very busy intersection with no cross walk and a green light. The crosswalk was on the other side of the intersection.


Oct 27, 2001
Medway, MA
Repack said:
This wasn't even right of way. It was a lunitic jumping out into the middle of a very busy intersection with no cross walk and a green light. The crosswalk was on the other side of the intersection.
this is Massachusetts man, the pedestrian ALWAYS has the right of way over an evil, environment harming, bunny killing, fossil fuel using automobile!