
Fishing? Biking?


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
I've just spent the last 5 days painting the outside of the house. Sorry, no pics, and no, I won't STFU. Got off to a slow start, as I wanted to be all retro and hand brush/roll the whole thing. Decided that was a joke, so I bought a sprayer. Got the wrong one, was able to return it for the right one, and finished yesterday, on time. Sure, I still have some touch-ups to do, but for now, I'm very pleased.

You all know the comment-- the worst day fishing (or biking in the RM's case) beats the best day working. So.......

Do I now go fishing on Tahoe, or biking in Mammoth?

Oh, the decisions one is left with............................


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
Get one of these, rig up some trolling lines behind it. Pedal your ass off and catch some herpes infested bikini bottoms.

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Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Well, talk about modifying plans. We ended up going to Reno for an over-nighter (sorry to the great DirtMG) as we received a discount hotel rate. Lots of beer drinking, nickel slot play, and dinner at Casita Los Tres Hombres in Victorian Square. A decent night out of Dodge and away from all the dogs snoring. As for fishing on Tahoe, my co-worker buddy that takes me out canceled his offer since his plans switched, though he said we might go out next week. And, we're still going to do a day trip to Mammoth, though riding and mammoth searching may be pushing the time frame.

Oh, the joy of being flexible with plans......

Now where's the pizza????????????????