
Flag Burning


Aug 7, 2005
How is burning the flag an act of free “speech”. What’s next, desecration of the Lincoln, Washington or Jefferson Memorials in the name of free speech?? It is not “free speech”. It is simply “UN-AMERICAN” and any Senator who votes against burning the flag is an UN-AMERICAN SENATOR!!!

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
Why is it un-American? Why isn't it free speech? Actually, in this country all speech is free. We simply restrict certain things, and usually with good reason. We restrict the right of someone to yell, "Fire" in a crowded theater because it leads to a dangerous situation where people could get hurt. Does flag burning lead to people getting hurt? Does someone burning a flag usurp the rights of others? The answer is no. So, what's the problem?


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
alta01 said:
How is burning the flag an act of free “speech”. What’s next, desecration of the Lincoln, Washington or Jefferson Memorials in the name of free speech?? It is not “free speech”. It is simply “UN-AMERICAN” and any Senator who votes against burning the flag is an UN-AMERICAN SENATOR!!!
There is a difference in the destruction of something you own (flag) and something you obviously don't own (public property). Can you do any better?


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
while i in no way think it's proper conduct. and i wouldn't think twice about walking up and slapping the s... out of some punk who was doing it.

the flag is just a symbol.

most folks are against burning the flag.
but a law banning it, just adds to the countless un-enforced laws already on the books.

the time it took for all this could have been much better spent on something else.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
If the flag buners are beaten up by some crusty gunny sargent, is that ok? I mean, it's just freedom of expression on the gunny's part and all.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
N8 said:
If the flag buners are beaten up by some srusty gunny sargent, is that ok? I mean, it's just freedom of expression on the gunny's part and all.
Should be fine seeing as though the symbol has become more important than what it actually stands for anyway.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
N8 said:
If the flag buners are beaten up by some srusty gunny sargent, is that ok? I mean, it's just freedom of expression on the gunny's part and all.
nice try. unless gunny was damaged emotionally *sniffle sniffle* one involves doing something to property you own, the other encroaches on someone's right NOT to be punched in the face. how's it go? your right to throw a punch ends at the tip of my nose.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
dante said:
nice try. unless gunny was damaged emotionally *sniffle sniffle* one involves doing something to property you own, the other encroaches on someone's right NOT to be punched in the face. how's it go? your right to throw a punch ends at the tip of my nose.

But what if it's Bush's fault the gunny goes nuts?


Aug 7, 2005
if it were wrapped around Al Gore. I suggest telling Al it might ruin the atmosphere, then, when he unwrapps himself, light up Al.

N8 said:
What if the flag was algore?


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
alta01 said:
It was for MuDGRLL
Out of all the responses that was the only one you could acknowledge? I'm afraid you are in way over your head here.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
alta01 said:
if it were wrapped around Al Gore. I suggest telling Al it might ruin the atmosphere, then, when he unwrapps himself, light up Al.
It's bad form to engage N8 in seriously unhumorous jokes and to make them worse in the process.


Aug 7, 2005
1. We live in the US and should respect the flag. I understand the whole free speech thing but this country fought hard so even liberals like you can have free speech.

2. Try burning the flag of another nation in that nation and see how fast you go up in smoke .

3. If you don't like the US and hate it's symbols and people enough to piss on our symbols, then simply leave the country.

4. I know that you grew up in a time when school systems teach and think it's cool to do disrespectful things to our sysmbols, but trust me honey you'll learn to love that flag. Anyone who

5. Anyone who burns the flag is just trying to get attention and is going about it in the worst asshole, childish way. Kinda like the asshole who drives in the left hand lane on a 55 MPH highway doing 45 MPH. Stupid is what stupid does.

oh, man

that comment is awesome.

Well thought out and all.

You're not even going to TRY to tell me why it's wrong?[/QUOTE]


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
alta01 said:
1. We live in the US and should respect the flag. I understand the whole free speech thing but this country fought hard so even liberals like you can have free speech.

2. Try burning the flag of another nation in that nation and see how fast you go up in smoke .

3. If you don't like the US and hate it's symbols and people enough to piss on our symbols, then simply leave the country.

4. I know that you grew up in a time when school systems teach and think it's cool to do disrespectful things to our sysmbols, but trust me honey you'll learn to love that flag. Anyone who

5. Anyone who burns the flag is just trying to get attention and is going about it in the worst asshole, childish way. Kinda like the asshole who drives in the left hand lane on a 55 MPH highway doing 45 MPH. Stupid is what stupid does.
Well at least your are making an effort now. I'll defer my comments to my official spokesman OMGF.


Aug 7, 2005
Old Man G Funk said:
Why is it un-American? Why isn't it free speech? Actually, in this country all speech is free. We simply restrict certain things, and usually with good reason. We restrict the right of someone to yell, "Fire" in a crowded theater because it leads to a dangerous situation where people could get hurt. Does flag burning lead to people getting hurt? Does someone burning a flag usurp the rights of others? The answer is no. So, what's the problem?
You're so freakin intelligent. Read my reply to Mudsquirrel.


Aug 7, 2005
DRB said:

Stromberg v. California


West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette


Terminiello v. Chicago

and the last two

Texas v. Johnson and U.S. v. Eichman.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
alta01 said:
1. We live in the US and should respect the flag. I understand the whole free speech thing but this country fought hard so even liberals like you can have free speech.

2. Try burning the flag of another nation in that nation and see how fast you go up in smoke .

3. If you don't like the US and hate it's symbols and people enough to piss on our symbols, then simply leave the country.

4. I know that you grew up in a time when school systems teach and think it's cool to do disrespectful things to our sysmbols, but trust me honey you'll learn to love that flag. Anyone who

5. Anyone who burns the flag is just trying to get attention and is going about it in the worst asshole, childish way. Kinda like the asshole who drives in the left hand lane on a 55 MPH highway doing 45 MPH. Stupid is what stupid does.

oh, man

that comment is awesome.

Well thought out and all.

You're not even going to TRY to tell me why it's wrong?

I can think Bush is a pinhead puppet who couldn't think his way out of a paper bag, Chenney is a war-mongering, environment hating twit, Congress is full of thieving lying bastards whose only concern is themselves, and the Military as bunch of jackbooted thugs, the whole time singing the StarBangled Banner, WHILE BURNING THE FLAG and proclaiming to the heavens I am the greatest of American Patriots. Because that is simply my RIGHT as an American. There are no exceptions to that, no footnotes, no astericks. YOU may not like it but there isn't a damn thing you OR ANYONE else can do about it.

You know why because the founding fathers had the good sense to make the first amendment amongest other things the FREEDOM OF SPEECH and thru the court cases I sited above have been affirmed OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

And please don't waste my time with tales of American soldiers dying for my rights because it doesn't change that one iota. I should be appreciative of the sacrifice but even if I am not, again, it still doesn't change a thing.

I can even make a little worse if you like. Its a volunteer armed forces with the price of admission printed on the paper that you sign when you go in, YOU COULD DIE BECAUSE OF SOME PINHEADS' DECISION, PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF OTHER PINHEADS, EVENTHOUGH YOU DON'T HAVE A DOG IN THE FIGHT. (Or at least I remember it saying something like that). If they didn't like it, they shouldn't have signed it. Even when the draft is instituted, there are alternatives to avoiding that.

If that hurts your feelings or makes you uncomfortable, then tough, its not my job to make you feel comfortable or feel good about yourself. Freedom and Liberty aren't easy concepts and sometimes hurt our own moral sensibilities to fully embrace them but that's the way it is. They can't be turned on and off to suit our feelings and thoughts. Any limitations made to them are best done with extreme care and forethought. If you don't like it and would like to see it changed, I encourage you to pick any dictatorship throughout history or even better just pick one of the countries in the "Axis of Evil" and see if that brand of government is a better fit.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Just for the record, I could personally care or less about the burning of the US flag and I am a vet.

If no one made a big deal against it then it would probably never happen.


Aug 7, 2005
What you need to do is get off your cry baby pulpit. Oh and take more prozac!!! Stop lying to yourself. There... there, now, everything will be alright. Mommy loves you.I can think Bush is a pinhead puppet who couldn't think his way out of a paper bag, Chenney is a war-mongering, environment hating twit, Congress is full of thieving lying bastards whose only concern is themselves, and the Military as bunch of jackbooted thugs, the whole time singing the StarBangled Banner, WHILE BURNING THE FLAG and proclaiming to the heavens I am the greatest of American Patriots. Because that is simply my RIGHT as an American. There are no exceptions to that, no footnotes, no astericks. YOU may not like it but there isn't a damn thing you OR ANYONE else can do about it.

You know why because the founding fathers had the good sense to make the first amendment amongest other things the FREEDOM OF SPEECH and thru the court cases I sited above have been affirmed OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

And please don't waste my time with tales of American soldiers dying for my rights because it doesn't change that one iota. I should be appreciative of the sacrifice but even if I am not, again, it still doesn't change a thing.

I can even make a little worse if you like. Its a volunteer armed forces with the price of admission printed on the paper that you sign when you go in, YOU COULD DIE BECAUSE OF SOME PINHEADS' DECISION, PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF OTHER PINHEADS, EVENTHOUGH YOU DON'T HAVE A DOG IN THE FIGHT. (Or at least I remember it saying something like that). If they didn't like it, they shouldn't have signed it. Even when the draft is instituted, there are alternatives to avoiding that.

If that hurts your feelings or makes you uncomfortable, then tough, its not my job to make you feel comfortable or feel good about yourself. Freedom and Liberty aren't easy concepts and sometimes hurt our own moral sensibilities to fully embrace them but that's the way it is. They can't be turned on and off to suit our feelings and thoughts. Any limitations made to them are best done with extreme care and forethought. If you don't like it and would like to see it changed, I encourage you to pick any dictatorship throughout history or even better just pick one of the countries in the "Axis of Evil" and see if that brand of government is a better fit.[/QUOTE]