Thereby ceasing the steam turbine that warms Europe...gsweet said:alright, he's refering to a theory. the "snowball earth" theory, which states that the world experienced a global scale ice age (even in the "tropics")...there's even a fairly popular book out about it. my question is how the hell does he know the atmospheric CO2 concentrations? ice cores range back to about 800k to 2million years ago, so it couldn't be those.
well anyways, without reading his paper (which i will hopefully find soon), i can tell you that increased levels of greenhouse gasses can result in initial warming, then significant cooling in high latitudes. it's already happening, actually. perfect example: the hail/snow in italy last year which destroyed crops.
most of you have probably heard about this theory (let me emphasize that word; THEORY)
--> increased greenhouse gasses initially warm the planet and melt polar caps. this leads to a flooding of the oceans with fresh water, which happens to be less dense than saline water. the result is stratification of the water column in the ocean: fresh water on top. depending on how thick the fresh water layer is, it can effectively "drown out" the warm water currents which circulate within the saline level, thus isolating weather patterns from the warming affect that the ocean currents produce. this leads to much, much colder weather.
and again, there are a rediculous amount of published papers on this theory.
I've already dealt with this specific claim ON THIS THREAD. Do try to keep up.BurlyShirley said:Im not "really" a liar.
Such as? And how many of them are actual climate scientists that aren't getting their funding from oil companies and/or right wing think tanks?N8 said:OOPS!!!
June 27, 2006
The June 27, 2006 Associated Press (AP) article titled Scientists OK Gores Movie for Accuracy by Seth Borenstein raises some serious questions about APs bias and methodology.
AP chose to ignore the scores of scientists who have harshly criticized the science presented in former Vice President Al Gores movie An Inconvenient Truth.
Big deal. Maybe they will release the names, but it hardly seems necessary considering that the scientific consensus is behind the info contained in the film.In the interest of full disclosure, the AP should release the names of the more than 100 top climate researchers they attempted to contact to review An Inconvenient Truth. AP should also name all 19 scientists who gave Gore five stars for accuracy. AP claims 19 scientists viewed Gores movie, but it only quotes five of them in its article. AP should also release the names of the so-called scientific skeptics they claim to have contacted.
Ah yes, that Steven Milloy of junk science. And, what is his background? Oh yeah, he's a conservative commentator and works for Fox News.The AP article quotes Robert Correll, the chairman of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment group. It appears from the article that Correll has a personal relationship with Gore, having viewed the film at a private screening at the invitation of the former Vice President. In addition, Corrells reported links as an affiliate of a Washington, D.C.-based consulting firm that provides expert testimony in trials and his reported sponsorship by the left-leaning Packard Foundation, were not disclosed by AP. See
OK, this paragraph right here should signal loud and clear to all reading that the author doesn't know his/her bunghole from a hole in the ground. First, many climatologists have come to the same conclusion as Mann, et. al. about the hockey stick. There isn't just one, but many studies showing the same thing. Second, it hasn't been dispelled, nor has the NAS come out against it. Third, relying on Inhofe for climate science information is truly stupid. Inhofe hasn't the least idea about climate science. He routines cites authors as if they support him when they have publicly come out against his use of their work, IOW they don't support him. Yet, instead of correcting his errors, he continues to cite them. He has continually used his senate chairmanship to confuse the issue and often stacked panels with hand-picked GW deniers bought and paid for by Exxon, Heritage Group, etc.The AP also chose to ignore Gores reliance on the now-discredited hockey stick by Dr. Michael Mann, which claims that temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere remained relatively stable over 900 years, then spiked upward in the 20th century, and that the 1990s were the warmest decade in at least 1000 years. Last weeks National Academy of Sciences report dispelled Manns often cited claims by reaffirming the existence of both the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. See Senator Inhofes statement on the broken Hockey Stick. ( )
No, that is one hypothesis. Another recent paper just came out that confirms the view that GW is causing glacial retreat in tropical latitudes.Gores claim that global warming is causing the snows of Mt. Kilimanjaro to disappear has also been debunked by scientific reports. For example, a 2004 study in the journal Nature makes clear that Kilimanjaro is experiencing less snowfall because theres less moisture in the air due to deforestation around Kilimanjaro.
Even if he is correct here, we aren't talking about local phenoma, but global phenomena. He should know better.Here is a sampling of the views of some of the scientific critics of Gore:
Professor Bob Carter, of the Marine Geophysical Laboratory at James Cook University in Australia, on Gores film:
"Gore's circumstantial arguments are so weak that they are pathetic. It is simply incredible that they, and his film, are commanding public attention."
"The man is an embarrassment to US science and its many fine practitioners, a lot of whom know (but feel unable to state publicly) that his propaganda crusade is mostly based on junk science." Bob Carter as quoted in the Canadian Free Press, June 12, 2006
Roy Spencer, principal research scientist for the University of Alabama in Huntsville, wrote an open letter to Gore criticizing his presentation of climate science in the film:I've already dealt with this clown earlier in this thread. N8, even you should be ashamed to bring this to the table yet again.
Where in the movie does Gore treat all change as bad? Also, this is the same Lindzen who disputes the link between cigarettes and cancer. Nice.Richard S. Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT, wrote:
A general characteristic of Mr. Gore's approach is to assiduously ignore the fact that the earth and its climate are dynamic; they are always changing even without any external forcing. To treat all change as something to fear is bad enough; to do so in order to exploit that fear is much worse. - Lindzen wrote in an op-ed in the June 26, 2006 Wall Street Journal
That is flat incorrect. Try again.Gores film also cites a review of scientific literature by the journal Science which claimed 100% consensus on global warming, but Lindzen pointed out the study was flat out incorrect.
A study in the journal Science by the social scientist Nancy Oreskes claimed that a search of the ISI Web of Knowledge Database for the years 1993 to 2003 under the key words "global climate change" produced 928 articles, all of whose abstracts supported what she referred to as the consensus view. A British social scientist, Benny Peiser, checked her procedure and found that only 913 of the 928 articles had abstracts at all, and that only 13 of the remaining 913 explicitly endorsed the so-called consensus view. Several actually opposed it.- Lindzen wrote in an op-ed in the June 26, 2006 Wall Street Journal.
Temperature measurements in the arctic suggest that it was just as warm there in the 1930's...before most greenhouse gas emissions. Don't you ever wonder whether sea ice concentrations back then were low, too?- Roy Spencer wrote in a May 25, 2006 column.
But, he ignores all the other studies done.Former University of Winnipeg climatology professor Dr. Tim Ball reacted to Gores claim that there has been a sharp drop-off in the thickness of the Arctic ice cap since 1970.
"The survey that Gore cites was a single transect across one part of the Arctic basin in the month of October during the 1960s when we were in the middle of the cooling period. The 1990 runs were done in the warmer month of September, using a wholly different technology, Tim Ball said, according to the Canadian Free Press.
Adopting a smug attitude is pretty much all you've got left. Face it, the consensus is against you. I suggest you read The Republican War on Science by Chris Mooney, especially chapters 5-7. Chapter 7 especially deals with Climate change, Inhofe, and contrarians such as Baliunas and Milloy.N8 said:...riiiiiiiigggghhhhtttt......
He'll always have Fox News.Old Man G Funk said:Adopting a smug attitude is pretty much all you've got left. Face it, the consensus is against you. I suggest you read The Republican War on Science by Chris Mooney, especially chapters 5-7. Chapter 7 especially deals with Climate change, Inhofe, and contrarians such as Baliunas and Milloy.
blue said:I find it entertaining that Google doesn't turn up N8's "article" know, a source maybe?
I seriously wonder if some of these contrarians have even seen the film. I have. And, I can state pretty plainly that if Lindzen did watch the film, he clearly wasn't paying attention. Gore shows how the climate has changed over a time span ranging 650,000 years. It shows the ups and downs over that timespan. It's pretty obvious that the climate is dynamic. He also does not say that all change is bad.N8 said:Richard S. Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT, wrote:
A general characteristic of Mr. Gore's approach is to assiduously ignore the fact that the earth and its climate are dynamic; they are always changing even without any external forcing. To treat all change as something to fear is bad enough; to do so in order to exploit that fear is much worse. - Lindzen wrote in an op-ed in the June 26, 2006 Wall Street Journal
How's that nut taste?Check this out!
It appears the gawddammed dinosaurs invented global warming over 10 million years before Algore did...
How did I know it was Inhofe before I even clicked the link?Senator rebuffs CLIMATE HYSTERIA in the media:
[Emphasis mine]Now that was just a brief sampling of some of the errors presented in An Inconvenient Truth. Imagine how long the list would have been if I had actually seen the movie -- there would not be enough time to deliver this speech today.
Sounds a lot like a liberal bashing a X-tian huh..?I love it. He doesn't even have to see the movie to make sure that the criticisms are accurate. He just "knows" it is wrong. Yeah, real good work there Senator. I'm glad that you don't have to actually examine the evidence before pronouncing how wrong it is.
Some liberals are Xtian. Duh.Sounds a lot like a liberal bashing a X-tian huh..?
Yup, you found me out. We worship James Hansen and have CO2 creating rituals because we all know that it's just a hoax.So sayeth thou, a member of The Church of Global Warming...
If liberals would stop breathing that would be a great start to saving the planetYup, you found me out. We worship James Hansen and have CO2 creating rituals because we all know that it's just a hoax.
Actually you aren't completely wrong.If liberals would stop breathing that would be a great start to saving the planet
Unfortunately, your hot air production is the most destructive.If liberals would stop breathing that would be a great start to saving the planet