
FLandis' Case

Anyone else taken the time to read Floyds' website about all the administrational errors regarding his samples?
Truly appaling that the UCI/WADA/etc takes this labs word when there are obvious errors and mistakes along the way to coming up with a positive result.
:bonk: :rant:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
Seeing the evidence presented in Floyds slide show, the lab that tested the sample probably would have shown a positive on a cup of coffee. There are clear chain of custody, confidentiality errors to boot the lab's poor analytical ability. I really don't think Floyd is guilty.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Seeing the evidence presented in Floyds slide show, the lab that tested the sample probably would have shown a positive on a cup of coffee. There are clear chain of custody, confidentiality errors to boot the lab's poor analytical ability. I really don't think Floyd is guilty.
For the past few months, I've been hoping Landis was innocent, but not really believing that he was. But if that slide presentation accurately presents the info, then my opinion has shifted significantly.

Even IF he was doping, the lab seems to have bungled it so badly that the evidence against him should not be admissible.

If the case against him gets tossed or decided in his favor (which I hope it does), I hope his team prospects are not hurt too badly.