
flat prevention


Jan 18, 2002
Denver, CO
okay, I'd like to get people's ideas on the best tools for preventing flats. I've found 4 different methods for reducing or eliminating flats. I'd like people opinions on each method, taking into account 1)Cost 2) Ease of use 3) effectiveness

These are the tools that I'm aware of

1. Tubeless
2. Slime
3. Thorn resistan tubes
4. Kevlar Liners

How do all these options compare? It seems that the tubeless option is EXPENSIVE and difficult to use (from what I hear). How about these others?

I've used slime and it seems to be fairly cost effective, but you still end up getting flats, it just makes them easier to fix. You can usually get where you're going without having to fix it on the trail. It does not prevent flats though.

Weight is not an issue either


Oct 27, 2001
Medway, MA
since weight isn't an issue you can give my method a try....I put a set of Gazzaloddi Jr 26x2.6" tires filled with Hutchinson Green DH tubes on my Bullit and haven't had a flat in 2yrs. that includes heavy freeriding with my trademark unsmooth style and some DH runs at Whistler. comes at a cost though, my wheelset (trailpimps with above rubber) comes to over 13lbs!



Sep 9, 2001
cambridge, ma
i'd say:

use a regular thornproof tube in the front wheel
use a thornproof tube slit all the way around the inner circumference of the tube with a regular XC tube inside - in the rear wheel.

i have never flatted with the XC-inside-thornproof method; that's on 2 bikes for a total of more than a year. and i beat the crap out of my tires/tubes... big hits on pointy cement corners and sharp rocks


Mar 5, 2002
Carlsbad, CA, USA
where do u people find all these thorns? ive never gotten a flat from a thorn (watch me get dual flats tomorrow). i run normal dh tires, 1 flat on michelin dh 2.2" when i failed a 3' j-hop going very fast. i just keep them pumped up at 55psi.<---,my weight squeshes (sp?) them down anyways


Jul 5, 2001
New York City
slime works great. I've used in Hawaii which has monster thorns, and the desert, which of course has cacti. Mr. Tuffy liners work well. I've used in the east where there are moderate thorns, and on the streets, where there are pieces of glass, nails, etc. I hear, but have not tried them, that the kevlar liners actually CAUSE flats when the kevlar starts degrading/separating. What's the point of that?
Apr 1, 2002
run proper air pressure and u wont have a prob. if u want more traction, also using low pressure, go to a bigger tire.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Why are you getting flats? We need to know that before offering advice...

If you're getting puntures, tire liners work well, unless your terrain somehow puts thorns and goatheads into the sidewalls. The thorn-proof tubes might help that some; together, I'd imagine you'd be quite safe. (With slime as final insurance, if you want...)

If you're pinching, you either need more tire pressure or a bigger/stiffer (ie downhill) tire and/or tube. The reinforced casings are really hard to flat, but they are very heavy. I didn't think weight was an issue myself until I started using IRC kujos for trailriding. It can hurt.

Putting a thorn-proof (they're very thick and strong) or DH tube in an XC tire is great for hard trailriding. You might also consider old Tioga DH tires...they're really too light for hard DH, but make great trail tires (in some conditions).



Apr 21, 2002
Portland, OR
Originally posted by BostonBullit
since weight isn't an issue you can give my method a try....I put a set of Gazzaloddi Jr 26x2.6" tires filled with Hutchinson Green DH tubes on my Bullit and haven't had a flat in 2yrs...
Errrgh why do people love those green hutchinson tubes so? I had 3 of them and all 3 lasted about 8 months total. I switched to Nokian DH tubes (presta valves!) and have flatted a grand total of 1 of them in the last 1.5 years after that. Maybe it was just bad luck, but I found those hutchinson tubes to pinch flat like crazy.