
Flax Seed Brainwashing


took the red pill
I see a lot of BS about flax seeds lately. "Contains flax seeds", etc...

Now I've used the oil from time to time, but I got to thinking. How many seeds do you think you'd have to eat to get the equivilent of 1 tsp of flax oil?

How many Kashi granola bars would you have to eat then, to get the 1stp of flax oil.

Furthermore. Flax seeds are just seeds and probably don't even get broken down by the digestive system yeilding the small amount of oil contained therin? What do you think?

These are the questions I think about during the day. Fascinating ha?


Turbo Monkey
Dec 4, 2003
Tar Effing River!! NC
Is there a reason you mention Kashi specifically? I hope you're not under the impression that this is an enviromentally and health conscious company. They may have been at one time, but no longer. The food may be good for you but the company you are supporting isn't a small eco-business, it's just another corporation...much like many of the other former "green" industries.



Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
kashi granola bars and crackers taste like cardboard, are rock hard and I think earth loving freaks should fukk themselves.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
bearnaked is pretty tasty.

Sell out to the man for millions, hell yeah. I don't give a flying f^ck if every bag or bearnaked I eat means a barrel of oil is dumped in a stream.

I also like bacon


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
bearnaked is pretty tasty.

Sell out to the man for millions, hell yeah. I don't give a flying f^ck if every bag or bearnaked I eat means a barrel of oil is dumped in a stream.

I also like bacon
i will personally crap in your mouth for this statement. Being a fishing fanatic you just crossed the line amigo


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
I would also like to do the no pants dance with the lady that started Bearnaked.

Sorry I upset you Dexter. Have you ever gone fuzzy flounder fishing?


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
kashi granola bars and crackers taste like cardboard, are rock hard and I think earth loving freaks should fukk themselves.
yeah screw the earth, the woods, the deserts & all the beautiful scenery, awesome trails, etc....
Cities & concrete jungles & landfills & factories RULE!!!!


took the red pill
There's no GREEN. Your not ECO-FRIENDLY. All of us are cancerous consumers on this planet. Sooner or later, there will be an antidote, or anti-biotic that the Earth will use to clean itself.

As far as Kashi Bars. Yeah, I'll bet they are as corrupt as the rest of them. But what I look for primarily is

1. No High Fructose Corn Surup
2. No hydrogenated oils.

Other than that, I assume they are ****. I'm just stating the fact that people are brainwashed by the buzz words such as "FLAX SEEDS" which probably do little or nothing for the body. Or mabe there is some magic oil extraction process in the stomach I'm not aware of.

It's like this. I like a semi-sugary snack after lunch. It use to be a snickers bar, but I am tired of the ups and downs of being a sugar addict, so I'm taking small measures replacing the old crap with better CRAP.

For the most part, what I eat is 75% raw. But I'm not giving up meat. Keeps my brain stable. Or as stable as it can get.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 4, 2003
Tar Effing River!! NC
kashi granola bars and crackers taste like cardboard, are rock hard and I think earth loving freaks should fukk themselves.
Earth loving freaks don't buy things like Kashi...or any other supposedly "green" products. There is no green in a processed, packaged and shipped product...it's a shill to attract the wannabes. Staying as far away from the supermarket as possible is green, growing your own or supporting your csa is green, understanding that in order to eat something as readily available as pizza in a sustainable, no impact manner would take six months to make has helped me take a long look at our food and in turn, has pushed me towards following a different path.


took the red pill

And HFCS is probably the worst thing you can put in your body.
Correct, it's metabolized as fat as the body does not know what to do with it. It causes insulin resistance / type II diabetes.

Hmm, here's something interesting. Obesity is out of control and diabetes is out of control. Everything you see on the shelves at the store pretty much has HFCS in it. For every company to convert to raw sugar, would render the economy in the toilet indefinitely.

I say fvck the economy. Peoples health is more important and our kids are being poisoned.

I say make hydrogenated oils and HFCS illegal. Fvck it. Make corn illegal too and the cattle will be forced to eat grass, like they are supposed to.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Correct, it's metabolized as fat as the body does not know what to do with it. It causes insulin resistance / type II diabetes.

Hmm, here's something interesting. Obesity is out of control and diabetes is out of control. Everything you see on the shelves at the store pretty much has HFCS in it. For every company to convert to raw sugar, would render the economy in the toilet indefinitely.

I say fvck the economy. Peoples health is more important and our kids are being poisoned.

I say make hydrogenated oils and HFCS illegal. Fvck it. Make corn illegal too and the cattle will be forced to eat grass, like they are supposed to.
Wow, twice in less than a month that I agree with you! this is some kind of record.

HFCS is AWFUL. I avoid it like a TDS. Thankfully, snapple has released a line that's called "all natural" and uses sugar, not HFCS. I remember they did it as a limited time thing, but then brought it back (permanently I believe) because consumer response was so overwhelmingly positive.

I avoid soda nearly all the time, but from time to time I get a craving. The coke in glass bottles *sometimes* comes from Mexico, where it is still made with sugar. That sh*t is worth hunting for.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
I'm a big fan of shopping at the local farmers market that runs from may to november. Good f^cking bacon there!

I like to eat green but I don't care for being green.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
I avoid soda nearly all the time, but from time to time I get a craving. The coke in glass bottles *sometimes* comes from Mexico, where it is still made with sugar. That sh*t is worth hunting for.
I avoid that crap all the time too but when I'm in Canada I can find it with sugar.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 4, 2003
Tar Effing River!! NC
New book by Michael Pollan called "Food Rules"...

A few of the rules...

12 Short Food Rules, From Michael Pollan:

1. Don’t eat anything your grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.
2. Avoid foods containing ingredients you can’t pronounce.
3. Don’t eat anything that wouldn’t eventually rot.
4. Avoid food products that carry health claims.
5. Shop the peripheries of the supermarket; stay out of the middle.
6. Better yet, buy food somewhere else: the farmer’s market or CSA.
7. Pay more, eat less.
8. Eat a wide diversity of species.
9. Eat food from animals that eat grass.
10. Cook and, if you can, grow some of your own food.
11. Eat meals and eat them only at tables.
12. Eat deliberately, with other people whenever possible, and always with pleasure

Vid from The daily show....


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I can't wait till I own a house and can have a garden. I grew up eating fresh vegetables from my parents garden, so its kind of odd for me to not be around one.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
I think that part of the benefit of the ground flax seed is that becuse it is ground, you can extract the oils... and becasue it is "seed", you also get the roughage needed to clean out your colon.

As for HFCS, I agree that it is going to be the death of us. To me, a "soda" is some carbonated water with some cranberry or grapefruit juice in it. I like that WAY better than regular soda (unless I have a hangover and then a coke hits the spot).

Farmers market is really the way to go for your produce and some meats (if you are lucky enough to get local grass fed beef, BUY IT... It tastes SO much better).


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
My son recently brought home a Mt. Dew Bottle that had the old school dew label and is called "throwback" made with real sugar.

They did it with Pepsi too. I wish they kept it around.

cro mags! Skinheads! Break out! Unniiittttteee!
punx and skinz! lets unite them!
punx and skinz! lets put 'em on a boat!
punx and skinz! let's send 'em out to sea!
punx and skinz! let's sink those fvckers!


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Out of all the things I have quit ingesting HFCS ranks right up there with cigarettes, hydrogenated oils & caffeine.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Even though the Kashi products contain no high fructose corn syrup, they sill have way too much sugar. I was eating their cereal with low fat yogurt daily and ended up getting sick from it. The good news is that all that fiber will blow anything out of you.

Try eating a diet that doesn't have HFCS or other sugars, it's not easy. Food manufacturers put that sh1t in everything. Even low fat mayo contains it.

I have a pretty sizable ice cream habit and even Ben&Jerry's has started using HFCS in some of their flavors. Other than that I avoid it like the plague. In 2008 I had a total of 2 sodas, and none last year.

High Fructose Corn Syrup and Hydrogenated fats are making people fat. Food companies load their products up with it because the sugar is addictive and they no you'll keep shoving it down your fat faces.

Salad is where it's at bitches!


Turbo Monkey
Dec 4, 2003
Tar Effing River!! NC
I only drink 2 things..water, it has sustained life on this planet without question or competition for 4.5 billion years and beer, which needs no explanation.:thumb:
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Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Word, same with me. Add alchohol too and drugs. But I ain't quitting snus.
Before I get slammed, the Welchs is not mine. My wife is raising out baby as a processed food child.
Didn't add drugs, but yeah that was a smart move too. I aint quitting wine or beer. :D

Just figured out what snus was. nasty.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
I only drink 2 things..water, it has sustained life on this planet without question or competition for 4.5 billion years and beer, which needs no explanation.:thumb:
yeah...bout the same here. except add tea & apple juice (local when I can get it).

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Hey TN,
Don't you have Crohn's? And if so, do you control it with diet?
I recently put myself on the Special Carbohydrate Diet aka the SCD Diet.
Its not some fad diet to lose weight, but its a very specific diet to heal stomach conditions. I am on it to try to avoid another flare up of diverticulitis, but this diet is known for helping with Crohns.
Its tough to get started on, but I feel alot better once on it (not from stomach problems as I don't have day to day symptoms, but I just generally feel better with more energy.
Its almost the exact same diet as the Paleo diet, but with a couple of changes. You can't eat bread, pasta, beans, milk, etc... the same way as Paleo, but you can eat homemade yogurt that you have to ferment for 24 hours, and you can have some natural cheeses as long as they are not processed.
You basically live on fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh meat, and some nuts.
You can't have any refined sugar or anything processed.
I look at it this way, even if it does not heal my stomach, I am still eating a helluva better than I was before.


took the red pill
Hey TN,

You basically live on fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh meat, and some nuts.

That's what I eat pretty much. Blended veggie shakes with grape and raw free range eggs in the am. No better way to start the day.

I use to have endless stomach problems. I eat about 5" of ginger root / day as well and 3 tbsp of udo's oil which is not cheap but good ****.

I don't want to live till 120, but hate feeling tired. I want to be able to rip someones throat out at an instants notice. I like energy. Sugar, beer, drugs, caffine, energy drinks. All just drags you the fvck down.

You gotta know.