
Floyd Exogenous


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Some of the testosterone found in Tour de France winner Floyd Landis' "A" sample is from an external source and not his body's, The New York Times reported on Tuesday, quoting an unidentified UCI official.

The carbon isotope test on the first of Landis' two urine samples taken after his 17th stage win in last month's Tour indicates the presence of synthetic testosterone, said the official with knowledge of the results from France's Châtenay-Malabry anti-doping laboratory... etc.


What is the possiblility of Floyd having borrowed lance's nut for stage 17?

Seriously I just dont trust that lab. I say split the samples in 3 and send the piss off to 2 different labs... Test sample A on site (i.e. France) and send B to the riders local cycling federation (in Floyd's case, the U.S.)... stick the 3rd on in the fridge as sample C.

Cant Climb

Turbo Monkey
May 9, 2004
I thought i read in the Larry King transcript that Landis' people were testing the 'B' sample in the states here......guess i read it wrong.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Cant Climb said:
I thought i read in the Larry King transcript that Landis' people were testing the 'B' sample in the states here......guess i read it wrong.
It is my understanding that they hold and test the B sample in the lab in france. I think Landis is allowed to be present for the test. Too bad he doesnt know what has happened to his piss up until then (i.e. how it was handled, etc, etc.).

Mackie said:
Why didnt you post it in the Road forum, huh newb? :p