
Fluidride Cup Results Website


Apr 3, 2008
A, A
Wanted to let folks know about a new way to look up past results and current series standings for the Fluidride Cup.


It's a web site put together by the Dirt Corps using data published by Hurricane Racing.

It's still pretty early in the development, so there maybe a few issues with data, design, or functionality. If you encounter any of these, let me know via this forum or PM. Also feel free to pass along requests for features or just let me know what you think.

Note: the points scale used by the web site is different than Hurricane Racing's. The main reason being to simplify how upgrades are handled. According to Greg Aldrich, of Hurricane racing, points are halved when people move up a class. So to simplify that, I just doubled the scale on which points are awarded for each class incrementally.
For example: 1st in beginner classes = 30points, 1st in sport = 60, expert = 90 and so on. That way whatever points a racer receives just carry straight over to their new class (effectively halved) but without the need to recalculate. Hope that makes sense.

For point/place/time corrections I will have to defer to the series organizers.

Enjoy it and pass it along to anyone else that may benefit!
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Feb 17, 2008
That's pretty slick. Thanks for taking the time to do it. I seem to remember that the 3 Washington races combined, determined the STATE rankings versus the overall Fluidride rankings. Is that correct, as it seems like a lot of the Washington racers don't attend the Oregon portion?
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Sep 14, 2004
Snoqualmie WA
Greg got the results published mega fast this time and they're now imported into the web database.

Have at 'em.

Standings might be a little off since I'm still working on the code to drop the low scores where folks have finished all 5 races (The series titles will be awarded to the racers with the 4 best results (i.e. can drop 2 out of 6))



Apr 3, 2008
A, A
Just pushed out an update to the results site.

The points now take into account the best 4 results when calculating a riders total (instead of totaling all 5).

There's also a grid on the Category page which shows each riders result in all the races so far...

Mainly just tweaks.