
FML (bike related)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
So we are all at the skatepark having an awesome session when here comes 6:15 and they do the call over the speakers that says they are going to close in 15mins. We were all still pumped so we decide to go ride some street down. We hurry to our cars and drive off to downtown. 25mins later we are getting out our bikes and I go to get my front wheel out (azonic 20mm T/A) when I see that the left spacer is missing... So I search my car and it's nowhere to be found. Pain in the a$$ but no big deal I'll just rush back to the skatepark where I am sure it's right where I parked. I get back to the parking lot, and I look all over the place: Nothing. I go into park and rec building with the other spacer and ask if anyone had brought anything like it in. "Yes, but you are not going to like this..", he goes on to say that he thought it was some car part and he threw it away". "No big deal" I say, "I am not above rummaging through a waste basket if it will let me ride, where did you throw it away?" He takes be outside the building to a dumpster, I peak inside and it's empty. "Oh, they must have just emptied that"

Sadness. So not only could I not continue a totally rad session with all my buddies. I have to search the interwebs for a replacement 20mm T/A spacer from an ~05-06 azonic hub.

The entire drive home:

Mr Jones

Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2007
If you want that spacer to fit tighter, put a thicker retaining o-ring. It'll be less likely to fall off.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
Did the same thing with my DH bike a few weeks ago.. didn't make a thread about it :rolleyes: but I found it.

My Sunringle hub spacers don't connect to the hub at all and fall off when I pull the axle out. But my Atomlab hub spacers take a rubber mallet to seat them and have to be pried out. Why aren't they all like that?