If your comming north (north of Santa Barbara) I dunno if you'll ever make it there without a long re-route. The freeway is closed around the Rincon area do to a nasty mudslide. North is pretty retarded too. Roads closed everywhere.
If you're going from somewhere closer to Fontana I don't think it should be all that bad. I'd call and make sure they are still putting a race on because of the conditions. It's drying out but it's not like it's 80 degree's outside.
Before the last race it rained all night and in the morning the dirt was perfect. It's more sand than clay and doesn't really cake up on your tires. There may be puddles in some spots but for the most part it will be probably be dry.
nag, nag.....all i can say is SCREW you guys if it pisses out! (well during the race) :mumble: haha ....i'll be there. maybe i'll camp this time or something to make sure i'm there on sunday?? neaky:
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