
Fontana Grafiti


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Hey everyone, Ballistic Gravity wants To start off a Project I have in mind, we need some feedback.

I want to get everyone together to go out to Fontana and repaint the wall, and possibly cover the grafiti on the rocks as well. I need feedback from those that would be interested.

The Idea is to get people to come help, If I get the right feedback, Paint might already be there, If not, I would ask everyone who comes to tyr and bring one can of paint, a roller, and a paint pan. Basically, start at one end, and cover the damn grafiti up for the residents. A way to say thank you to the community there from us local racers for us always being in there back yards.

I know it wont last, but maybe we can get something going on an annual or semi annual basis.

Leave me your feedback, if your interested, if you know anyone willing to donate, or any other ideas.



Ballistic Gravity


3 Dude Approved
WOW! the outpouring from generousity from the slocal monkies is overwhelming I think my eyes are starting to whell up with tears out of the humanity and volunteer list accumulating!

Come on guys anyone close can come in for a 1 weekend ride of beer, painting and some tipsy DH skills riding like a planned saturday event with BBQ in the park some music and a whole lot of DHrs talking crap and helping back!

D post it on socaltrailriders.org just make sure spandex isnt optional! :D Only baggy shorts and no tight lycra shirts allowed! :D:D:D:D

Make it in March and Im in possibly pending school, i already took off for sea monkie but I can do a mon-sat possibly rescheduel a sat class.


3 Dude Approved
I'd be more then happy to go if I didn't live so far away!
AWESOME idea though. That whole area looks horrible as it is.
I put my homies in some old school 80s graphitti parachute pants and jackets and let them camo into the wall. When my group starts coming through they pop out and ace em for me! Then the blend back into the sea of spray paint! :D


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
Hey it's a great gesture to offer to repaint the wall, but please talk to Donnie at Southridge first. A few years ago they repainted the wall for Nationals, only to have out-of-town folks disappointed that they didn't get pics with "real urban graffiti" in their race runs.



Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Sunny makes a good point.

Also, FWIW painting a wall clean is kind of an invitation to graffiti writers to paint MORE (an old landlord of mine clean painted a wall of one of his buildings, paint wasn't even dry before it got tagged again). They look at it as a fresh canvas to start on. Not to sound negative, but it probably wouldn't last a week.