
food poisoning


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
who has had it? what does it do to you? i have been puking since 3 this morning and i think i mgiht be dying. im finally able to walk around without tossing cookies but i am having a hard time keep liquids down. trying to figure out if its a virus or something contracted from the suspicious shrimp gumbo i ate at work yesterday afternoon. im guessing the latter. this is the first time i have moved from the couch all morning. looks like i'll be dining on a feast of saltines and juice until further notice. everyone have a lovely weekend. :dead: :p

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
It does to you exactly what you are doing right now. Especially if it comes on really quickly with no real symptoms until you start feeling nauseous and puking..

Sorry to hear it. It'll go away soon, if it makes you feel any better :( - saltines are a good thing... If you can, choke down a slice of bread or two, it'll help absorb all the nastiness that's in your stomache right now.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Ridemonkey said:
Me too yesterday :dead:

Reverse excorsist style.
Your head was spinning to the left (as opposed to right)... and you were shooting red (instead of green) liquids from your arse (instead of from mouth)?

If you get an urge to pick up a cross go to the doc ASAP.

Laura... sounds like bad gumbo to me... give it 24 hours, it will eventually migrate further down ;)


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
binary visions said:
It does to you exactly what you are doing right now. Especially if it comes on really quickly with no real symptoms until you start feeling nauseous and puking..

Sorry to hear it. It'll go away soon, if it makes you feel any better :( - saltines are a good thing... If you can, choke down a slice of bread or two, it'll help absorb all the nastiness that's in your stomache right now.

i wasnt feeling so hot when i wnet to bed but it was kind of a sudden thing. man, i only ate a little bit of that crap. we sold a whole soup pot to people yesterday. half of the medical district will be out with food poisoning today. :rolleyes:


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
How is food poisoning treated?
Do not induce vomiting, as it will NOT prevent food poisoning. Bacteria and other microscopic organisms cause food poisoning. There is no way that vomiting will remove every bad organism in the stomach. Food poisoning can still occur even if vomiting was induced. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent food poisoning once bad food has been eaten. That is why prevention is the key.

Vomiting and diarrhea are how the body rids itself of tainted food. The best treatment is to let food poisoning run its course. In most cases, once the body is emptied of the bad food, the food poisoning is over.

It is essential to prevent dehydration (loss of body fluids). Replace lost fluids with small but frequent sips of liquids, such as Gatorade®, 7 UP®, apple juice, broth, bouillon or Pedialyte®. Report all cases of restaurant food poisoning to your county public health department.

When should you see a physician because of food poisoning?
Young children, elderly people and people with severe medical conditions are at a highest risk of dehydration due to food poisoning. Contact your physician if there is:

Diarrhea lasting longer than 24 hours
Vomiting lasting longer than 12 hours
Blood in the stool
Vomiting and diarrhea that are so intense that severe muscle cramping occurs
An inability to keep down any liquids at all for 12 hours.


took the red pill
Shrimp? YUK. Those remind me of lawn grubs. The only seafood this kid eats is fried or broiled scallops, and fried clam strips. No sushi either. I have no idea why anyone would want to eat raw fish. YUKK. I realize that even the seafood I eat can be tainted, but raw fish? WTF? I try not to eat out a lot and when I eat at other peoples houses I watch them like a hawk. Unsterile technique at the grille? Homey don't eat. Burgers left out in the sun 50 minutes prior to heating on the grille? Homey don't eat. Same spachelor (sp?)
used to hand out the burgers as was originally used with the raw burger? Homey don't eat. "oh can you cook mine well done?"
what this usually = is (burger cooked 34 seconds on one side, flipped and cooked 34 seconds on the other side) End result? Burger in rubbish.

I know so many people like this. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE GET SICK.
Here's another favorite. Hey, you want a turkey sandwich at 8pm on Thanksgiving day, after the cooked carcass was left out since 2pm?

Don't be an idiot with food.

I never get food poisoning. Maybee I'm a bit lucky, but keep an eye open and you'll reduce the likelyhood. Am I a bit excessive? Perhaps. That's what 4 years of med school with a concentration in microbiology/cell biology does to you. I just get so upset that people don't know how to handle food. If you don't know how to handle it properly, DON'T COOK. After your done eating, put the leftovers in the fridge. It's not that hard.
Hope you feel better Laura :heart:



Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Knuckleslammer said:
Shrimp? YUK. Those remind me of lawn grubs. The only seafood this kid eats is fried or broiled scallops, and fried clam strips. No sushi either. I have no idea why anyone would want to eat raw fish. YUKK. I realize that even the seafood I eat can be tainted, but raw fish? WTF? I try not to eat out a lot and when I eat at other peoples houses I watch them like a hawk. Unsterile technique at the grille? Homey don't eat. Burgers left out in the sun 50 minutes prior to heating on the grille? Homey don't eat. Same spachelor (sp?)
used to hand out the burgers as was originally used with the raw burger? Homey don't eat. "oh can you cook mine well done?"
what this usually = is (burger cooked 34 seconds on one side, flipped and cooked 34 seconds on the other side) End result? Burger in rubbish.

I know so many people like this. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE GET SICK.
Here's another favorite. Hey, you want a turkey sandwich at 8pm on Thanksgiving day, after the cooked carcass was left out since 2pm?

Don't be an idiot with food.

I never get food poisoning. Maybee I'm a bit lucky, but keep an eye open and you'll reduce the likelyhood. Am I a bit excessive? Perhaps. That's what 4 years of med school with a concentration in microbiology/cell biology does to you. I just get so upset that people don't know how to handle food. If you don't know how to handle it properly, DON'T COOK. After your done eating, put the leftovers in the fridge. It's not that hard.
Hope you feel better Laura :heart:


it was the crawfish in the gumbo, not the shrimp that made me sick. im positive of that.i figured if half of midtown memphis was eating it for lunch, i'd be ok too. i think im just going to cut back on my seafood for a while.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Tenchiro said:
Food poisoning is evil, and Pepto only makes vomit pink...

yeah, i found that out this morning. it also turns your mouth and teeth blaak if you eat it at night and then go to sleep. tal;k about a frightening.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
I hear that eating a lot of Cilantro will prevent food poisoning.
I'm not sure if it will cure it once you get it though.

Cilantro has been found to contain some natural anti-boitic compounds.
(courtesty of NPR)


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Knuckleslammer said:
Shrimp? YUK. Those remind me of lawn grubs. The only seafood this kid eats is fried or broiled scallops, and fried clam strips. No sushi either. I have no idea why anyone would want to eat raw fish. YUKK.<snip>
Scallops?? And clams? Dem things are the filters of the ocean. They run all sorts of nasty $hit through themselves..........

Of course, they're Uber-yummy. :D



took the red pill
SkaredShtles said:
Scallops?? And clams? Dem things are the filters of the ocean. They run all sorts of nasty $hit through themselves..........

Of course, they're Uber-yummy. :D

Well at least I eat the strips, not the bellies. That's just plain gross. Plus I usually get them fried so I don't have to see what they look like. Scallops aren't that bad looking but clams look like a bad day of bronchitis.



Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Knuckleslammer said:
Shrimp? YUK. Those remind me of lawn grubs.
Grilling shrimp tonight :D
If you stretch them straight the are just over 7" long (minus head but including the tail), we have 20 of the lil' bastards. We desh!tified them last night, later I'm makin' the sauce... gotta get some horseradish on the way home :drool:


took the red pill
You don't need any of that wassabee crap or that other stuff. All you need is like mitochondria said. OLD SKOOL HORSERADISH. Not the red stuff either. The white stuff. You gotta buy it at an old-style deli, like the ones they have in the run down parts of the city. That stuff will knock a buzzard off a sh*twagon :thumb:
Any bacteria that would want to stay in your body when the horseradish comes to town is just plain stupid.



Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
yeah man the white stuff is the only way to go, wusabee will clear your sinus's better though :rolleyes:, knuckle change you signature! It not work safe, im trying to read posts and people are walk by seeing "buy crack" in like 0923480294820948024 size font


lawn dart extraordinare
Apr 8, 2002
ugh, I think the burger I had for lunch had sat out too long before it was handed to me. I took one bite, thought it was 'cold', but was too hungry not to eat it. Now I am in pain and feel rather nauseous. :(

Hope you feel better soon Laura!


took the red pill
ghettorigged said:
ugh, I think the burger I had for lunch had sat out too long before it was handed to me. I took one bite, thought it was 'cold', but was too hungry not to eat it. Now I am in pain and feel rather nauseous. :(

Hope you feel better soon Laura!
I would have taken that burger, asked for the manager and shoved it in his phucking face. You make food, you serve food, you prepare it and cook it properly and don't serve it to me phucking cold. Otherwise, when I'm sh*tting splinters 4 hours later, this time I'm gonna use a joint compound bucket instead of my toilet and pay you a visit with it when I'm all better. MO*HER F*CKERS.

kNuCkLe <<<<<<<<< NOW I'M IN A RAGE :mumble:

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
I remember one time I had food poisoning i was puking EVERY 15 minutes throughout the entire night. Literally....I was checking my watch.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
I had the worst food poisoning, the bacteria that causes dysentary.
Thanks to Costco and Señor Felix 5 layer party dip, I spent a week on the toilet with a bucket between my legs! :dead:

Forget the Atkins diet, that wiped out 10 pounds in 5 days......from both ends :mumble:

Hope ya feel better Laura, it could be worse :D


May 2, 2002
I ate a McFLurry at McDonalds in 2001, and got food poisoning. It was coming out both ends for days, and at one point I would have preferred death. :dead: I honestly wouldn't be suprised to learn that an employee had taken a dump in the ice cream maker after some of the stories I've heard from friends that worked at fast food chains.

I haven't had fast food since. And I don't miss it.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i hate food poisining mainly because my body fights it just enough where i don't puke it up, but sit there for hours sweating waiting for the gravy train. :( :dead:


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Egh...when I get it, yeah, you can time my vomiting to 15 minutes on the dot. Doesn't matter if I've eaten anything or not...I'm gonna puke. Its the worst when you puke nothing cause its just stomach acid and the occasional snot and you worked so hard to produce nothing. Anyone here ever puked off the bike before? Like while riding?


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
xbluethunderx said:
Anyone here ever puked off the bike before? Like while riding?
Dude yah i was night riding with some pals in the woods and i feasted on some taco's and burritos before the ride. dumb dumb dumb! i actually vomited a little in my mouth from riding too hard, and since i was breathing hard i choked on it. It totally sucked, my pals were looking at me like i was getting a heartattack it sucked hahahaha!