
For My Socal Monkies!!!!!


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
I know I dont post here enough, but who gives right!!!!

Anyways here is the ride report from woodward.

After a long weekend of riding, practicing, and having fun. The weekend was ruined by the way the results were handled. I do not talk about this lightly, and if anyone is upset, I apologize in advance. But Here is the ride report. The coarse was great, I had a ton of fun riding with friends over this past weekend, I have a bunch of bad ass pictures from the Hanger, Had a few drinks with friends saturday night. I had two really great race runs, found myself sitting in the number five postion for the Z class and having to battle it out for the number 4 position. the days results came ouit, I got eights, but I didnt care, I was having a good time, I won the battle for fourth, but then the results were taken down, and some was given the opportunity to protest a race result AFTER the time was over, and By over I mean two and a half months of time. The overall result winner was pulled because someone was allowed to protest the very first race, on the day of the last race. At this time, it looks to everyone else in the class, that he was given this grace from being a sponsored rider<southridge sponsorship>. ANd at this time at least six people from the Z class dont want to race again.

The Z class <those who know will know who we are> Recognizes this as the True results of the overall standings.

First place Michael Barcellos

Second place Allister Frias

Third Place Linton Frias

Fourth place Dustin Hampton

Fifth place Adrian Quintana

Sixth.....Mike Talley!!!!!!

We all belive that perosnal responsibilty is also a part of racing, and winning your award. Yes there were a few things that were unclear about the scoring this round, like how your last race even if it was the worst of four, the score was NOT able to be thrown out, which was a bit on the frustrating side for some, but understandable. But for everyone else in the class, Our protest time was over back at the first Cal State race, after our fifteen minute time frame was up.

So much for racing, this happening was a huge put off for me and all the others in our class as well. I am just glad that we all that feel this way are good friends, and we will continue to ride together either way with or without racing.

PROPS to The people in Z class. I wouldnt have you guys any other way!!!!!!! Now lets go get a Beer.

My post I put up elsewhere, Figured I better put it here too before it gets deleted there!!!! I like it here better anyways.

I will see you guys on the trails!!!!!

P.S. You guys know I got your backs!!!!!!! See you at the SUper dooper mega ultra secret ride !!
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Oct 11, 2006
Bummer about the controversy dude...but you guys cant stop racing. I'll have nobody to chill w/ during the Winter Series. ;)


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Hey Guys, really, really important, I need to get a hold of Mike B from teh Zclass, Anyone have his number????? Just heard from DOnny, and he is getting a Championship Jersey coming to him. I want to make sure he knows