
For Team SpeeDH


Jun 4, 2006
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Jesus must be spinning in his grave right now...
Oh for my sake.....

You didn't read the book did you?

Team SpeedDH said:
It's a debate, but an important one so thats why I keep it going. Give credit where it's due. If were going to ride our bikes on His earth I figured we should at least thank Him for making all the stuff people build their jumps/transitions/bike parks and skate parks on.
Ain't no thing yo.

Rip it up.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
Now that's a good-time recap right there. So if the water went into ther earth, should I be worried about drowning if i step on a crack? I mean, I don't swim so good...

Remember folks: Scientific fact (which can be proven and reproduced) is not to be believed. Gibberish about an omnipotent being should be, as it was in a work of science fiction from 2000 years ago which has been translated a few hundred times.
So your decision to call it "gibberish" makes it so? As a reminder

Science–noun 1. a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
2. systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.

The first 5 kinds of evolution have never been seen, just the sixth kind "micro evolution"(changes within the same kind of animals) have been and can be called science.
As far as before then, both have to be believed in one way or another. If people want to think their great grand dad was a chimp then fine, I know mine was a man just like you see today.

Clearly, not all religious folks all this gullible, just the ones desperately clinging to something to make their lives worthwhile.

I especially love when Christians slag on Scientologists for being "nuts".
Please :rolleyes: Like I said before I have a great life and am thankful for all of it. Don't try to play me off as some sap that has nothing better to do. I'm defending the biblical creation point plain and simple because I chose to.
And thanks... but my life is already plenty worthwhile thanks to Him.

Oh for my sake.....

You didn't read the book did you?

Ain't no thing yo.

Rip it up.
For the Lords sake why did you go to all the trouble to make an AE like that?


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
So your decision to call it "gibberish" makes it so? As a reminder

Science–noun 1. a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
2. systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.

The first 5 kinds of evolution have never been seen, just the sixth kind "micro evolution"(changes within the same kind of animals) have been and can be called science.
As far as before then, both have to be believed in one way or another. If people want to think their great grand dad was a chimp then fine, I know mine was a man just like you see today.

Please :rolleyes: Like I said before I have a great life and am thankful for all of it. Don't try to play me off as some sap that has nothing better to do. I'm defending the biblical creation point plain and simple because I chose to.
And thanks... but my life is already plenty worthwhile thanks to Him.

For the Lords sake why did you go to all the trouble to make an AE like that?
Naw, the fact that you base your life on a poorly written, many times over translated work of fiction from 2000 years ago makes it gibberish. The fact that not one iota of information from the bible is backed up by ANY evidence, makes it so.


Jun 4, 2006
up up up
Team SpeedDH said:
For the Lords sake why did you go to all the trouble to make an AE like that?
You ungrateful little bastard.


You have aids. You know.......the gay disease.

Transcend said:
Naw, the fact that you base your life on a poorly written, many times over translated work of fiction from 2000 years ago makes it gibberish. The fact that not one iota of information from the bible is backed up by ANY evidence, makes it so.
You can't argue faith!! Aha.....in your socialist face you heathen.......I mean terrorist.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
I already see where your going with these "you cant see the wind" examples.
Actually, no, you missed the boat. The point was that you have said you disbelieve evolution because it has not been witnessed. Yet, I presume that you believe that electrons exist? Those have not been witnessed either. In order to be consistent you should disbelieve in electrons too. Oh, and gravity, etc.
God has pr-oven Himself more then enough times, once again it comes down to people's personal unbelief.
Actually, you have no objective evidence for god.
If God really didn't exist then it should have been a settled argument years ago or better yet it would never have been an argument in the first place since it would be an absolute reality.
This is begging the question. There are many reasons why mythological stories maintain their grip on people's collective psyche. But, I have to ask what is the threshold of a held belief that makes it truth? There are older religions than Xtianity, so I presume that they must also be true?
Then again how do you prove the non existence of something?
The burden of proof is squarely on you to prove that god exists, if that is what you are trying to prove.
So says YOU...

Exodus 33: 21-23: Then the LORD said, "There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock. 22 When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. 23 Then I will remove my hand and you will see my back; but my face must not be seen."

John 14:9
Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'?
Resorting to the Bible to prove god is a circular argument. You believe god exists because the Bible says so and the Bible is authoritative because god exists and said so.
Besides those 2 passages what about the many books of after human death experiences and how all of them are either heaven or hellish like? I remember seeing one book that hundreds of separate accounts of them from different people, Including a friend of mine that ended up in a hospital and had one of angels visiting her to say that God loved her and it was not her time to see Him yet but to finish taking care of her family.
It's well known that during near death experiences the eyes start to misfire. People get tunnel vision and the visual cortex is tricked into seeing light in the middle of the eye and darkness around. Also, people go into a dreamlike state sometimes and their imaginations take over.
Anyways yes I agree to a point that things leave behind traces to be observed. What I'm saying is evolution didn't make those traces, the creator did like He said.
I don't recall anywhere in the Bible where god said that he left fossils behind that are millions of years old. What you are describing is a trickster god that lays fossils down presumably to test our faith. That if we can disregard what our eyes tell us and keep true to the word with unquestioning loyalty, then we will be saved. This not only makes god a liar, but it makes us automatons. Is this what you would have all of us believe?
Speaking of that where did all the knowledge suddenly come from to make and keep all those electrons in good order anyways?
Who said that someone needed to keep electrons in good order?
Right.. meaning they never would have existed unless something (humans) made it because is raw physical material that cant put itself together just like any other currently existing matter with out order behind it.
Once again you completely miss the boat. We know that watches and picture frames and human made objects are made by humans. We have no experience with objects made by things other than humans (with the odd exception of beaver dams and things like that) so it is an unwarranted extrapolation to infer that cells are similarly made. It reduces your argument to, "Well, life is complex so it must have been designed."
The universe is no different Something has to be there to make just like the frame, it doesn't make itself.. and THIS is where the denial comes in.
No. That is where your unsupported assertion came in. You have zero evidence to back that up.
I think in most part people deny Him because of the guidelines He set that come with it... you know "Thou shall NOT"and all the rest. In other words it interferes with their sinful life styles, so they eagerly look for any way to deny He exists and evolution is about as far as you can get for that.
First of all, evolution is not a sinful lifestyle. Evolution is science and is quite separate from philosophical lifestyle-type questions. Have you learned nothing? You keep trying to assert that evolution is anti-god, while simultaneously ignoring the fact that there are Christians who accept evolution.
Psalm 14:1
The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.
Once again, this is meaningless unless you can derive some other sort of evidence that the Bible is correct.
Oh we got a big first chance alright. Everything was made perfect and 100% free and provided. They made their own choice because they were already told. If I told you don't steal my bike, but you go and do it anyway... well there's a consequence for that, just like for them. They were given perfect opportunity and failed. So He gave the law to let them know how to stay out of trouble. Then went a step further and allowed His own son to be killed in peoples place to reconnect what was lost by disobedience, as a free gift. And gave the church as a guide until He returns. If people still refuse to listen then hey He gave everything He had and then some.
I warned you.

1) God created Adam and Eve knowing full well, in advance, what they would do.
2) He did not give them knowledge of good and evil, so they had no concept of good or bad.
3) Because of number 2) they could not know that it was bad to eat the apple
4) God placed the apple within their reach, even though it was easily within his power to keep the apple away from them - he basically put it in their hands
5) Knowing what they would do, he facilitated it. If he had not wanted them to eat the apple he could have made it impossible. If he had really wanted to give them a choice he could have given them enough knowledge to make an informed decision about eating the apple or not.
Conclusion: God set them up to fail. He knew they would and let the events transpire anyway.
Further: God, knowing that they would do this, punished them for it and punished all people afterwards for it, even though he caused it to happen. His thirst for blood and sacrifice was so great that it could only be appeased by a huge sacrifice, a blood sacrifice. That's where Jesus comes in, right? But, why did god need a human, blood sacrifice to appease himself? Why could he simply not just forgive? This is about as immoral as one can get. He knew it would happen and let it happen, he facilitated it even, he punished us all, and in his thirst for blood he could not forgive us until he had extracted his pound of flesh. Is this the god you want to follow?

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
Science–noun 1. a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
2. systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
Note that it says nothing about god or being anti-god. That is baggage that you bring to it.
The first 5 kinds of evolution have never been seen, just the sixth kind "micro evolution"(changes within the same kind of animals) have been and can be called science.
Stop about your kinds of evolution garbage. The way you are using it is simply change over time and then attributing some other aspect of the world, like chemistry or cosmology. It is incorrect usage. If you want to talk about the formation of the stars or formation of the heavy elements, so be it, but evolution is a theory in science that specifically deals with the speciation and common ancestry.

Also, I will once again point out that you must not believe in gravity or electrons since neither of those have ever been seen either.
As far as before then, both have to be believed in one way or another. If people want to think their great grand dad was a chimp then fine, I know mine was a man just like you see today.
You don't even have the right theory. Man and apes share a common ancestor. Ugh. Also, equating the "beliefs" is flat incorrect. We have evidence of evolution, i.e. fossil record, homology, etc. We have no evidence of god.
And thanks... but my life is already plenty worthwhile thanks to Him.
Fine by me. Just don't take it out on science that you choose to believe in that which has no evidence instead of that which does.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Remember, evolution does not exist! God placed the fossils there just to confuse us!



Scientists see the softer side of Tyrannosaurus rex.

When paleontologists find fossilized dinosaur bones during a dig, they usually do everything in their power to protect them, using tools like toothbrushes to carefully unearth the bones without inflicting any damage. However, when scientists found a massive Tyrannosaurus rex thigh bone in a remote region of Montana a few months ago, they were forced to break the bone in two in order to fit it into the transport helicopter. This act of necessity revealed a startling surprise: soft tissue that had seemingly resisted fossilization still existed inside the bone. This tissue, including blood vessels, bone cells, and perhaps even blood cells, was so well preserved that it was still stretchy and flexible.

A scanning electron microscope revealed that the dinosaur blood vessels, which are 70 million years old, are virtually identical to those recovered from modern ostrich bones. The ostrich is today’s largest bird, and many paleontologists believe that birds are the living descendants of dinosaurs. Scientists may be able to confirm this evolutionary relationship if they can isolate certain proteins from the recently discovered T. rex tissue. These proteins could also help solve another puzzle: whether dinosaurs were cold-blooded like other reptiles or warm-blooded like mammals.

Does this discovery of soft dinosaur tissue mean that scientists will soon be able to clone a Tyrannosaurus rex? Probably not – most scientists believe that DNA cannot survive for 70 million years. Then again, before this discovery, most scientists believed that soft tissue could not survive for 70 million years either.