
Fork Install


Sep 21, 2001
Well there's a special tool for it but you really don't need it. I used a piece of PVC pipe that was just a little larger than the steerer tube, but not larger than the lower race. It'll work a little like a pile-driver (except you don't lift it back up). Just slide the race over the steerer and get it as far down as you can then slide the pipe over and bang on the top of the pipe with a hammer. This will seat the race.


Jun 6, 2002

at least a pvc pipe is softer than any crown race out there, but one thing that needs to be understood is that the crown race has to have a very good press fit. there needs to be at least a 1 tenth of mm difference between the steerer and the ID of the race. that will give you a boderline press fit. with a pvc pipe you will be able to do it but if you do have a good press fit the pvc pipe will not hold up to the pounding. if you must do it at home dont. just go to your shop and ask them to do it, if they simply suck and you are scared to go then go to your local pipe shop and find a piece of aluminum pipe (not easy i know) that is about 32mm ID and about 5 or so mm thick, (assuming you have 11/8")and make sure it is MUCH longer than the steerer tube. then with the pipe and race in place as discribed in the above post turn the fork up-side down and slam it against the pipe. that is a sure fire way not to damege the fork drop outs and the race you are installing. but most important it wont damege you!


Oct 20, 2001
Port Orchard/Not WSU
Well I already did it. It's on and working fine. I've been kinda in withdrawls you know. Now I have a surly instigator with a 24x3 int the back and my burly build with a k2 smart fork on the front and some cheap wheel that I scavanged off an "autobike" and filed the axel until it fit in the drop outs. It's kinda funny looking but it rolls.