
Fork Question


Jan 28, 2004
Denver, CO
No Teeth... what did I say earlier? You don't want a Drop Off... they're not adjustable and the valving sucks. Spend a little extra dough and get a used '03 Super T or used '03 Boxxer Team. Now is the time to buy used because everyone is getting rid of it to upgrade to new '05 stuff.
But yes, you can swap steerer tubes on nearly anything, it just requires a new crown (lower crown if you're talking DC forks). It's not cheap, especially for cryofit Marz. stuff.


Sep 23, 2004
Fine fine, I will keep my eye out for a super t. I live in bellingham as well so if you come across anything, let me know


Jan 28, 2004
Denver, CO
Well, there just happens to be some local selling a 2003 Super T on eBay right now. He already failed to sell it for $325, and now bidding starts at $300, so you might get a great deal. I was stoked to get mine for $350
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=58085&item=7114898557&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW]Here it is.[/URL]
After you win the auction (if you do), you can always arrange to meet him in person and do the swap like that so there's no worries (and no shipping!).
If you choose to get this fork...make sure you can meet the guy and check it out. I personally never bid on user's with no feedback as ebay has alot of scam artists on it. But if he's willing to meet up to exchange funds for fork then your good to go. BTW, new 04' super t's are going for $520 @ jenson I believe. If you want a drop off, i've got a brand new one I'm selling.
Jun 18, 2004
That's Beyondbikes dot com that has super t's on sale for $529... if anybody needs a crown for 35mm stancions I have an uncut, unmounted one off a 888... would sell for cheap...