
fork questions

These may be obvious and likely repeated many times in the past but I'll ask anyway.

I'm looking into new forks. I ride prettty hard, mainly XC with some small drops in the Northeast. My current Manitou forks are crap and seemingly died a while ago. I'm a little lost in picking out a new fork.

What size to most XC'ers use? 80, 100, 120?

Does running an 80mm vs 100mm fork change the geometry of the bike? I assume it raises the headset up 20mm.

If I get a Fox Vanilla 125RLC and set it to 80mm, is that not using the fork to what it was meant to be? I know it says you can set it there, but is that outside the intended performance window?



Nov 29, 2002
You will like the Fox. I've been through plenty of forks, and my 125 RLC rode the best of all of them until I smoked it a couple weeks ago. I'm shipping it off to be repaired, we'll see how their service is. Supposed to be rebuilt for $60. I never ran it at 80mm but I see no reason why it wouldn't ride good there too. My only real complaint is the levers/ damping adjusters on the right leg. It's impossible to turn the lockout lever without messing up all your other settings. I've heard others complain of this too. Maybe they fixed that in '03?


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
I ride the '03 Psylo SC and leave it at 125 most of the time. If I get into some narly climbs then I'll crank it down to 100 or so. I'm not sure how XC here in Colorado compares to east coast though. I wanted to get the 125RLC for my bike but couldn't afford one, so if the Fox is stretching your budget consider the Psylo. I really like the fork and haven't had any bad luck with it.


Feb 20, 2003
Go for the Fox, I love my float although I wish I could afford to upgrade my bike to match the fork...as to the problem with the fork adjusters moving with the lockout, there is an easy fix that Fox will do but you might want to mention it when you send it in. The tiny allen screw in the middle of the adjuster was set a little snug on some early forks (mine too)-should have a small amount of play so as not to interfere with other knobs. It is best to check with Fox before trying to fix it yourself. You run a high risk of damaging the hollow dampening rod so call first!


Aug 11, 2002
if you want a light fork and if u race or ride alot then get the 2002 Mars elite. i have it now and its awsome, the only hard part would be finding one. but im sure u could..


Dec 16, 2001
I have one of these

It replaced a 80mm z2 atom race. I run the new one in 100mm and it feels a lot better than the old fork. The ~30mm extra travil over the z2 proberly helps.
The reverse arch is a feature I will never go without. It keeps a lot of mud off the seals. Unlike the z2 which looks like the arch was designed to look nice above function and is an effective mud scoop when useing wide tyres. It was however expensive and can be a little flexy in certain situations.