
fort william headcam


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
thanks alot. I never got to see that footage. Looks fantastic.

During a race run, are you having to really sprint the whole way down? It didn't seem to be a very steep course through the eye of the camera? Or is that just the camera angle...


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Man, that course rules! That is more my type of DH riding- fast...flowy...rocky but with smooth jumps. That's also what I liked about Whistler. If I didn't wreck, I didn't have to worry about injury.

Super steep East Coast tracks in tight trees wear out my brakes too quickly and give me mega arm pump, plus I don't get to go FAST. Lots of slow-speed drops to flat don't help my spine remain intact, either.

Too bad I was not into DHing when I visited the U.K. I woulda had a great time there even if that was the only run.


Jun 15, 2004
bizutch said:
During a race run, are you having to really sprint the whole way down? It didn't seem to be a very steep course through the eye of the camera? Or is that just the camera angle...
the gradient does get shallower the further down the hill you get but you still dont need to pedal anywhere, its pretty flat out all the way down.. maybe put a few pedals in on the very last motorway section to hit the backsides of all the jumps but thats it. its your arms that hurt most, that top section can get SERIOUSLY rough.


Jun 15, 2004
llkoolkeg said:
I woulda had a great time there even if that was the only run.
i think a lot of people think we dont have many big courses in the uk but we do ok, alright we havent got big lift accessed bike parks but we got some cracking technical runs on some big old hills that are easily world cup standard, you just gotta know where to go.

i could put some more headcams up of some other good courses weve got if anyones interested.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
shagwell said:
i think a lot of people think we dont have many big courses in the uk but we do ok, alright we havent got big lift accessed bike parks but we got some cracking technical runs on some big old hills that are easily world cup standard, you just gotta know where to go.

i could put some more headcams up of some other good courses weve got if anyones interested.
I assume nothing as my knowledge of UK DHing is next to nil. Who needs a lift when you've got a truck? The wind up there on the lift blows out the lighter or necessitates the use of a yucky-tasting zippo. When I shuttle to the top in a truck, it's warmer, windproof, more comfortable and has TUNES.

Post 'em up, shagwell. BTW, are you advertising, bragging or is that your name? :)


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
shagwell said:
the gradient does get shallower the further down the hill you get but you still dont need to pedal anywhere, its pretty flat out all the way down.. maybe put a few pedals in on the very last motorway section to hit the backsides of all the jumps but thats it. its your arms that hurt most, that top section can get SERIOUSLY rough.
visually it looked shallow, but I could tell that the narrator was getting hammered but not having to give many cranks on the pedals so I figured it was pretty fast without cranking.

And by all means, post more helmet cams!


Jun 15, 2004
llkoolkeg said:
Post 'em up, shagwell. BTW, are you advertising, bragging or is that your name? :)
you`ll have to ask your missus :thumb:

ok, glad you liked the the fort bill headcam, ive had a look for some other uk headcams that ive seen posted in various places but cant seem to find the real good scottish ones ive seen, but if you go to www.dragondownhill.co.uk click the video clips link theres a few welsh tracks there.

check out mynyyd du, one of my favourite tracks in the country, and again the headcam doesnt seem to convey just how steep sections of the track are, but you get the general idea. mynyyd du gets better and better (harder) the more it rains and unfortuanately llkoolkeg we rarely get any uplifts at all outside of races due to most of our tracks being on forestry commision land with no access so we have to PUSH up most of our hills!

the mountain ash headcam is also worth a look, its a cool track, not really that difficult but fast and good fun.

check em out..
Dec 25, 2003
Edinburgh, Scotland
bizutch said:
During a race run, are you having to really sprint the whole way down? It didn't seem to be a very steep course through the eye of the camera? Or is that just the camera angle...
It does shallow out towards the bottom, as you hit the trees, though the way the trail has been built it is a bit smoother on the shallower sections so you hold speed pretty well. The top section is still not hang off the back steep but the gradient combined with the surface makes it mega fast, they had to build chicanes in at the top last year as the UCI felt the speeds were getting a bit much!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 20, 2002
Man that track looks friggin brutal, and incredibly fun. Excellent video. Reminds me of Thredbo actually, except that looks like it'd be even harder on your hands/arms... especially that top section, looks completely relentless.

Great vid, if you've got any others then PLEASE post em up!


Nov 7, 2003
thaflyinfatman said:
...except that looks like it'd be even harder on your hands/arms... especially that top section, looks completely relentless.
It is totally relentless, and the hardest thing about it is that the slower you go, the worse your arms get hammered. If you can get the nerve to just let go and let it rip, the bike skips over the bumps and it is a lot easier on your arms.

For races they helicopter in dirt to smooth the track out, so your first few runs in practise arent't too bad, but by the 2nd run on race day it's dug out into 8"+ deep braking bumps on about 50% of the total track length.

Fun when you get it right, but it's an easy place to have a desperately hard run if you get tired or loose your nerve.

That chute at the very end is super steep, you float of the ground without jumping, and as you approach, already going fast, you can't see the line until your wheel is over the edge, big buzz though.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 20, 2002
Robin said:
It is totally relentless, and the hardest thing about it is that the slower you go, the worse your arms get hammered. If you can get the nerve to just let go and let it rip, the bike skips over the bumps and it is a lot easier on your arms.

For races they helicopter in dirt to smooth the track out, so your first few runs in practise arent't too bad, but by the 2nd run on race day it's dug out into 8"+ deep braking bumps on about 50% of the total track length.

Fun when you get it right, but it's an easy place to have a desperately hard run if you get tired or loose your nerve.

That chute at the very end is super steep, you float of the ground without jumping, and as you approach, already going fast, you can't see the line until your wheel is over the edge, big buzz though.
haha yeah, Thredbo is much the same (but I honestly can't imagine it's as brutal as that track, and my perceptions are from a video so they're probably understated as well), it's just soooo rough for 6-7 minutes, and halfway down there's a long section through the trees where you're just constantly on the brakes... I come out of that barely able to hold on at all. Looks like a sick track though, I'd love to ride there one day. I like the fact that you guys have decent size jumps in your racetracks, we only have piddly little ones here (not that I'm game to hit super big ones anyway).


Turbo Monkey
Oct 17, 2003
Fort Billy is fun but it lacks trees, I lke forests when Im riding. I have some helmet cam footage of les gets and innerleithen (another scottish DH track) IF anyone wants to add me to MSN I would transfer it to them as I dont know how to get em online


Sep 26, 2004
Away in the head
Holy crap, you DH guys are bloody nuts. Does look like a nice course though... If I was insane enough to ride it :p

Was the guy at the end really running chainless?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
llkoolkeg said:
Post 'em up, shagwell. BTW, are you advertising, bragging or is that your name?
shagwell said:
you`ll have to ask your missus :thumb:
Well, I did and she said it was definitely advertising...false advertising. :D

I'd really love to see helmetcam footage of ANY World Cup race courses. Seeing that Ft. William course really got me wondering how much faster it would look were it installed on Peat's melon. Just nuts. I like going fast, but my definition is not even in the same dictionary. :eek:


Jun 15, 2004
llkoolkeg said:
Well, I did and she said it was definitely advertising...false advertising. :D

to be fair ben cathro who did that helmet cam is pretty damn quick for a nipper, just to prove it check the results from one of our nationals last year at innerleithen (another mans course)..

gee atherton, wc winner took elite men..


ben cathro in youth men only nine seconds behind..


so yea steve`d be faster but not *that* much faster.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
shagwell said:

to be fair ben cathro who did that helmet cam is pretty damn quick for a nipper, just to prove it check the results from one of our nationals last year at innerleithen (another mans course)..

gee atherton, wc winner took elite men..


ben cathro in youth men only nine seconds behind..


so yea steve`d be faster but not *that* much faster.
Thanks; I don't feel so bad now. While watching that vid, I was wondering if the frame speed was somehow messed up because it looked like he was going so damned fast through some of the sections without really trying very hard. I guess that's just how it looks when you know how to ride your bike. :)


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
that was really fun to watch! last week i found this link: http://www.mtbvideos.co.uk/ it has a run att fort bill aswell but that run was a real pain to watch.. but the footage innerleithen 2 and the ones from the alps is really good. specially morzine gets my blood boiling every time i see it...


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
rockwool said:
that was really fun to watch! last week i found this link: http://www.mtbvideos.co.uk/ it has a run att fort bill aswell but that run was a real pain to watch.. but the footage innerleithen 2 and the ones from the alps is really good. specially morzine gets my blood boiling every time i see it...
Agreed. Interesting screen name there, BTW. Just remember to wet it down thoroughly before handling and wear a face mask! :thumb:


Nov 7, 2003
llkoolkeg said:
Thanks; I don't feel so bad now. While watching that vid, I was wondering if the frame speed was somehow messed up because it looked like he was going so damned fast through some of the sections without really trying very hard. I guess that's just how it looks when you know how to ride your bike. :)

Yeah, if you stuck a helmet cam on me for run down there it wouldn't look like that, and you'd probably be able to hear my arms pumping up...


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
shagwell said:
those http://www.mtbvideos.co.uk/ guys are embarrasing to watch, its like comedy riding.. but yea all the tracks out in the alps rock big time.

anyone had a look at the helmet cams on the www.dragondownhill.co.uk i posted up earlier? you gotta see the mynydd du one..
well...that one made me kinda queezy after staring into the computer for that long. I liked how you could tell he was tagging a big drop when his fork came into view several times.

Please tell me they drive you to the top of that one...that you DON'T push up it.
Here's what happens if I had to push up that long of a DH all day long in full gear...


Jun 15, 2004
bizutch said:
Please tell me they drive you to the top of that one...that you DON'T push up it.
nah mate, races we get lifts and thats it. anytime else were pushing, its a good hour hike to get to the top of that one.. but its worth it.


Jun 15, 2004
nah mate i`m no where near as fit as i should be, too many beers ( but i`d still rail most peeps who "train" and so would me mates, one guy we ride with just turns up at races and wins he`s that good, no training just riding.. we`d sooner just ride and have a laugh) but if we dont push we dont get to ride any gnarly tracks so you gotta do it really, there are a few places starting to run uplifts now but you gotta travel and personally i cant be arsed.

if anyones ever over in the uk give us a shout and we`ll show you round..