
Found: wallet full cash...


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Returned: wallet full of cash.

My wife found a wallet last night on the sidewalk near our house.

$390 cash. A paycheck for $700. Picture of the Virgin Mary. Green card. Pre-paid phone cards from Mexico.

She finally got a hold of the guy today. We went to his house on my lunch break and gave him back the wallet with everything in it.

He was astounded. He had his friend thank us in broken English and we said Feliz Navidad and were on our way.

It felt good to do the right thing.

But in the back of my mind:



Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
I'd have made him recite the alphabet in english and deducted $10 for every wrong letter.

Oh wait, that's when i found PSP's wallet.

BTW, el karma to you.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
You are a dumbass! :banghead:

Over the summer I found $400 in benjamins outside our entrance here at work, I scooped them up and put them in pocket.

Then handed them over to the dude that dropeed them when I heard he dropped his cash. I only could have kept the cash if it belonged to a co-worker since I wish death upon all of them.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
It was a test of some sort. I dunno.

My wife is on disability so it's been really lean lately. We've canceled all our Christmas plans, not enough dough to go out of town to make visits. Etc etc.

Someone up there has a fvcked up sense of timing.



The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
It was a test of some sort. I dunno.

My wife is on disability so it's been really lean lately. We've canceled all our Christmas plans, not enough dough to go out of town to make visits. Etc etc.

Someone up there has a fvcked up sense of timing.

And yet you still have sh!t to be happy about. Aint life a bitch? :D


Feb 12, 2003
knoxville, tn
Done a few times:

Working in a shop back in college, a customer called asking if he left his wallet there. I looked, found it in the parking lot - called him back, described it and said come pick it up. I didn't even look in it. The guy shows up an hour later, opens it up and I see a butt of cash - he throws a $100 on the counter and says thanks for being honest.

A few weeks ago, paying for some gas I find a wallet on the floor by the coolers of the gas station. I just handed it in to the lady at the register. Later that day, I win a set of I-9 hubs in the windrock raffle. (I'm stretching here, but karma had to be in there somewhere)

I believe it all comes around.


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
Returned: wallet full of cash.

My wife found a wallet...$390 cash. A paycheck for $700. Picture of the Virgin Mary. Green card. Pre-paid phone cards from Mexico... got a hold of the guy today. We went to his house on my lunch break and gave him back the wallet with everything in it. He was astounded. It felt good to do the right thing.:banghead:

You did the right thing. I found a wallet in college with $89 bucks and a ton of credit cards, I could have gone to any gas station and filled up, spent the cash that day, but I called the guy and gave it back to him. He tipped me $20 for being honest. I gave it back to him. That mexican had the virgin mary in his pocket, he's a good man. Not to many god fearing people anymore. you did the right thing and the virgin mary may pay it back to you one day more than ten fold.

And yes, I thought about keeping it too. But what would I be today twenty years later, with $89 bucks. I'd know I was dishonest. I'm glad I did the right thing.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
good for you. i have done the same a few times but not with as much cash.

this summer when i was back in denver visiting my dad i left the gym with my jeans in my hands (still wearing my gym shorts) and walked out to my truck parked directly out front. somehow my wallet slipped out of my jeans somewhere between the gyms private elevator and my truck, a distance of 60 ft max. it was a brad new on warranty from the previous day mens burberry black wallet ($3**) loaded with my two cards and montana drivers license, school id, medical and dental cards, 260 cash, four of my moms credit cards and receipts for over 3k worth of returned clothing (mom is in the movie business and i return clothes that are unused for her when im home randomly). got about three blocks away before reaching for it to order new fly rod and realized it was gone. jammed back there and looked and asked around but no luck. found out that 2 of the lower levels of the building my gym is located in are a parole office and a drug/alcohol/etc abuse clinic. needless to say some crack head dead beat picked up the wallet, stripped it of its ****, and tossed it in a dumpster (spent two hours looking through trash cans and dumpsters in the area for it with no luck.

karma my ass


May 29, 2007
Given my general lack of faith in humanity lately well done H8R and family. That's a solid move, your karma bank just had a nice deposit.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Found a purse full of crap sitting on the floor of a coffee shop yesterday. No other customers in the place so someone clearly forgot it. I gave it to the manager of the shop to hold thinking the owner would be back soon to claim it. Took a leap of faith that the people in the shop were not going to ransack it and claim ignorance if the owner came back for it.


Feb 7, 2007
I have been in the situation where my wallet was lost and later returned, sans all the money. It's a horrible feeling, and I would never want to pass that along to anyone else.

Good on you.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004

Found another one. Now I have to be Mr. Nice Guy again.