
Four Days Rain: Video, Pictures and Words from a Rainy Spring


News & Reviews
Jun 26, 2009
Spring in BC has been rainy and long. In this editorial you'll find a video and photos by David Peacock along with some quips from Mike Hopkins detailing the soggier parts of spring. Fresh content abounds!

Pictures and Video by David Peacock
Words by Mike Hopkins

Escaping the rain in one of the Kootenay's old train tunnels, Mike ponders the wet weather we've received.

At the beginning of the season while the snow lingered I spent a bit of time building a few features alongside the Columbia River in Trail, BC. Usually this zone is a glorified sandbox, but considering we hadn’t seen the sun for 2 weeks the dirt was absolutely perfect. Dave Peacock came to town towing heaps of camera gear and we went to work. To say the weather was not working in our favor is a massive understatement. You might say things were wet, actually not just wet, soaked, saturated, drenched, hell we went toe to toe with monsoon season. Either way we became pretty well acquainted with our soggy compadres from the sky and began to enjoy ourselves.

Laying the bike over is one of Mike's many talents, here he scrubs over the top of a sprouting evergreen. Right click and save as to grab the wallpaper.

It actually rained so much that some of the bigger lines that we had planned to shoot, looked on the verge of caving. So using our often elusive better judgement we decided it best to steer clear. On the upside, those lines aren’t going anywhere and it will leave the window open for another shoot. On a whole the week was awesome. We spent the majority of it pruning in our gear but it made for good shooting so no complaints. Booters, berms, and some mighty fine ditch work put mass amounts of entertainment into a few rainy days. Dave, played the one man media card and flopped between photog and filmer. For a two man team I think we killed it, and I pumped to see it come together.

hopkins gravity.jpg
Getting low, getting fast.

Here is the short edit that we put together over the four days rain. Working with this zone was interesting from a media perspective; it was as much about hiding the ugly aspects as highlighting the beautiful ones. In the short time frame allotted we managed to pull off something, but there's certainly always room to improve. Enjoy what I've put together! - David Peacock
