an intelligent thought process without any of the brand loyalty/hatred that's filled up 3 pages on this thread and billions of others elswhere on the web. if you don't start talking some trash about how this looks weak or you hate that product b/c 5 years ago you had something by that company that didn't meet your expectations, you're gonna be in trouble. Here, let me help you, just pick one of the following phrases:Kornphlake said:Progressive showed up and kicked fox in the nads real hard, Curnutt had the technology but couldn't meet the price or production requirements so they liscenced the technology to progressive, and in turn manitou. Those two companies along with a few botique shocks like avy knocked fox from king of their niche as far as rear suspension is concerned but for the most part fox, Romic and a few others have survived. I'm not sure that any company is really dominating the market where forks are concerned and with so many different riding styles and two steertube standards I can't see any one fork just showing up and putting all the others out of the market. It's not like a fox float really competes with a RS Sid where wieght is concerned and a psylo doesn't really compete with a sherman as far as stiffness and durability are concerned, yet all of those forks sell well.
-dooooooooood, Roch Shox sucks b/c I had a '99 boxxer and it leaked oil.
-dooooooooood, this is the 4th time Marzocchi warrantied my cracked fork, this product kicks ass!!
-don't buy a boxxer, I jumped off my house with a Psylo SL and it cracked, RS sucks
-1.5 is dumb
-Oh my god that looks soooo burly!! or Oh my good that looks so flimsy!!
-Oh my god I can't wait for the new fox fork. I just got done reading 3 pages about how the Vanilla fork sucked, but this looks soooooo cooooool!!
and if you're ever unsure of which phrase to use, just put a smiley at the end of it and people won't know whether you're being sarcastic.