
Fox News for Pres 2012!


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
No, I am actually serious.

Friends and associates are encouraging Fox News chief Roger Ailes to jump into the political arena for real by running for president in 2012, top sources tell POLITICO.

Talk of an Ailes run, which informed sources said is based on more than mere speculation, could escalate the White House war with Fox war in wildly unpredictable – and fun – ways.

It was Ailes who recently held a private meeting with top White House adviser David Axelrod to ease tensions. The meeting was not a success.

Shortly after, the White House stepped up its attack on Fox – and Fox has proudly fired back.

Fox executives are relishing the public spat – so much so that virtually every on-air personality talks about it, and Sean Hannity has made it a central part of his show’s promo.

The biggest reason: ratings at Fox are through the roof.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I just hope he picks either Hanity or Beck as VP. That would be AWESOME. Of course he could also appoint Papa Bear as Secretary of Defense.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
He would be a better a choice then Palin, but that's not saying much. A farm animal would be a better choice than Palin.
as long as its not the turkey getting decapitated in the background.

...actually, a headless turkey would be a better candidate than Palin.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Through the roof means about 3 million people a night. And 2.95 million of them are rabid partisans who would vote for Satan on a Republican ticket.

I'm not an electoral stats genius, but I just don't see how that works. You'd be better off getting the host of Dancing with the Stars running...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
He would be a better a choice then Palin, but that's not saying much. A farm animal would be a better choice than Palin.
I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "Palin!" in big letters on top, and "McCain - Palin" in small letters underneath.

I mentioned to Jenn that anyone who thought Palin was the best part of McCain/Palin should probably have their right to procreate revoked.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Yeah, I know.

edit: I had a mini rant typed up here, but screw it. It's all been said before and I'm just preaching to the choir.

I sincerely hope Palin runs for president in 2012. Nothing but good can come of it. Either she'll get the nomination and look like the fool she is, or she'll squeak by on the nomination and further fragment an already fragmented party (THEN look like the fool she is), or she'll miss the nomination and the disgruntled Palin fans will be disinclined to support whatever other candidate gets chosen.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
One thing that's not obvious is the vetting process in nominations. Reporters will spend months around the candidate, trying to dig up any dirt at all.

Ailes got plenty of skeletons....


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I'm not an electoral stats genius...
My big sister is, so I asked her what her thoughts were. (She is a PoliSci prof in NY and does polling for CBS)

Ideologically extreme candidates do not do well in American presidential politics. If anyone says other wise just mention two names: McGovern and Goldwater. There are die-hard partisans on either side of the aisle (including Fox's 3 million) -- on average 90% of Dems and Reps vote for their own presidential candidate in any election, and usually come pretty close to cancelling each other out. It's the weak partisans and the independents (those few of them that actually show up to vote anyway - about 15% of the electorate depending on who's defining them and how high turnout is) that decide who's president. And they aren't fans of whackos on the left or the right.

That's not to say there couldn't come a day when someone could dupe the
voters, but there are far too many interest groups on either side ($$$),
not to mention the opposing candidate ($), to let someone slip by without
plenty of warning. An extremely intelligent and charismatic candidate would
be the only shot at overcoming that, and Ailes and Palin aren't it. (Bush's
charisma + Rove's brain sort of was.)

The whole Fox News phenomenon worries me a little bit, but I take comfort
in the fact that the whackos that watch Fox were whackos before it existed.
Fox certainly helps to agitate them more, which might make them somewhat
more active, but we all only get that impression because Fox News covers
their agitation and activity in a way no one did previously. Chicken and

I'm not saying our country isn't slowly going to hell in a retard's
handbasket -- it is. But we did just elect a black, fairly liberal,
extremely intelligent president. So we can't be totally braindead yet.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
My big sister is, so I asked her what her thoughts were. (She is a PoliSci prof in NY and does polling for CBS)
Cool. Tell her thanks for confirming my off the cuff speculation. I'm not going to put in the disclaimer next time...

(Did she actually write "hell in a retard's handbasket"...if she did, I'm impressed :thumb:)


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Cool. Tell her thanks for confirming my off the cuff speculation. I'm not going to put in the disclaimer next time...

(Did she actually write "hell in a retard's handbasket"...if she did, I'm impressed :thumb:)
It was quoted for truthiness. I often ask her opinion because she does much polling for CBS and the LA Times in regards to the potential candidates and the races in general. She gets paid to be the expert and stuff.