
Fractured Heel??

Well, I was riding N* with some old torn up shoes with barely any sole a couple sundays ago and i smashed my heel into a rock RALLER hard and there was imediate pain, then it proceeded to get swollen, then black, then a mixture of beatiful colors of sunset, and now 2 weeks later im still walking on my toes/balls of my foot??? I was talking to my mom and she said when she was younger she was jumproping barefoot and the same hting happened but her heel got fractured, i think i mgiht have done that, but ive ridden N* once since then and as long as i didnt hit my foot down to hard it was cool, but its jsut anoying. Advil and some herbal medicine help though, ALOT :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 18, 2004
ghettogt76 said:
Boozermercotter plus weedermercatter equals NO PAINERMERCATTER SOME!!!!!!!!!

amen, a few shots of 151 should take the pain away, cept i dont think you would be able to ride the star

and, get it checked out


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
if you really fractured your heel, you would not be walking. I was in bed for 3 months, 5 operations, a wheelchair, out of work for 8 months and still limped into work this morning 3 years later. Heels are no joke.

Go see the doctor and get an xray.

I was wearing vans old school slip-ons, lol.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Jesus man, this happened two weeks ago and you have not gotten it checked? I would have seen my doc after a couple of days. Even if it's just bruised, your doc can give you some happy pills.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Jimmy_Pop said:
if you really fractured your heel, you would not be walking. I was in bed for 3 months, 5 operations, a wheelchair, out of work for 8 months and still limped into work this morning 3 years later. Heels are no joke.

Go see the doctor and get an xray.

I was wearing vans old school slip-ons, lol.
Acadian's was shattered pretty good, and his rehab was way easier than that. (Where the hell is he? It's 4:30 am his time... he's been up for over an hour now)


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
MMike: gimme a break - I got older, that means I'm also getting slower! ;) had a late night yesterday :thumb:

well about shattered heels? I did mine in while dirt jumping a few years ago....had to wait 1.5 weeks before getting surgery to try and repair all the damage. The surgery was over 5 hours long - took on big plate and 9 screws to set everything back into place. I had never broken any bones before this accident, so I figured they would simply put it in a cast and off I would go. But when I visited the orthopedic surgeon he said it was bad...real bad! When I laughed and told him "well, it's not like you are going to cut my foot off or anything?" and he replied "well, to be honest, it's always a possibility" I almost past out!! no joke...

he told me that other than spinal and cranial, I would of been better off breaking any other bone in my body (easier to heal and with more certainty). The heel is a “spongy” bone – very hard to fix, therefore orthopedic surgeons can’t guarantee you anything. He called those kind of breaks “trauma” and is very difficult to predict the outcome.

I was on crutches for the entire summer and was not allowed to put any weight on it that entire time. I worked hard once I got the okay and did my own PT. I made a miraculous recovery. Even the Dr. is baffled. He still doesn't understand why I didn't have any pain this entire time!! He said these brakes hurt A LOT and FOREVER! You also usually loose a lot of lateral movement in your foot, but got 90% of it back. I'm super thankful...but I think it all has to do with your will power. I was ready to do ANYTHING to get back on the bike!

To this day it still hurts now and then...but I'm just glad I can ride again. Here is a pic of the X-Ray...my toes are this way

With that said...get your heel checked ASAP mate..


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
A couple of years ago when the Hawkeyes won the Bigten we were in Minneapolis for the title winning game. When the final horn sounded we jumped over the rail at the metrodome and onto the wonderful astroturf field. It was about 10 feet down and I landed straight on one heel. It was bruised pretty bad all black and blue and a little swollen. It took about a month before it healed up enough for me to walk normal and another 2-3 months before the pain was gone.

Note to self...... heels are not to be messed with.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
slalomrider1 said:
acadian, after seeing that and comparing my injury to that, i think it might jsut be really badly bruised. But its still a bitch, oh and i was wearing old school vans shoes, not slip ons, liek rowleys i think? Not much protection with those damn things...
honestly - if you land on your heeds hard enough, it doesn't matter what shoes you have on. Heel fractures are very common among some MX riders..and look at the type of boots they wear!! I'm not saying a good padded shoe won't help...but you know that if you're to break a bone..it will break.

Like my heel for example - I could of fell a thousand times the same way I did and not break it. That day all the elements were there and must of hit it at just the right angle to break it. Nothing you can do about that. Just like some glass surfaces - you can hit it hard and it won't break. But hit it at just the right place and it will completely shatter.

take care of the heel bro..