
Frame Protection stuff


We have 3 options that we use. Wrap a tube around the chainstay like a tennis raquet...ugly, heavy. Buy those neoprene things that velcro on...destroyed immediatly. Or clear tape...loud, doesn't last either.

Anyways, I was riding and ran across a dude who had a MUCH better idea. He's even made a business out of it. You know that soft stuff they put on the standing area of Jet Ski's? Tough, soft, water proof, and comes in lots of colors. Perfect! I said I want some. So I followed him to a windowless van with free candy written on the side. After entering, he locked the door. Actually, that may be a flashback from the Big Stick incident of '92. This guy just brought me to his garage. A MANS garage with WAY too many toys to ever fit a car. I like him already! I snaged a black kit for my Demo, and a camoflage colored kit for my SX Trail. He even offered to install the SX one for me. I never turn down free labor.

I know most of us will just clean our frame and stick this stuff on. And that's cool. Still will work better than anything else out there. But Mr Perfectionist has some other tips that make the install clean and lasting. So after detaching the cables, he cleaned the areas with Alcohol.

Then he held the precut material up to the frame, and cut off any chunks to match my frame, and cable routing bits. He likes to cut in the groves of the material to make it look even cleaner:

Next he likes to break out the heat gun(hair dryer is fine too) to warm up the frame and defender. He says it will make the 3M sticky last longer, and soften up the defender for easier install.

After putting it in place, he rolls a pipe over the stuff...apparently to push out any bubbles. Good thing he's doing this install, cause I would never take the time to do this part. :lol:

The stuff is easy to trim with scissors or razor. He even uses a hole puncher to make a clean hole for the screw holes on my down tube.

I was wondering what the defender, and the frame would look like after a year. He has several bikes in the garage that have been running the defender for longer than that. The material barely looks touched. And I peeled back the corner to see how hard it would be to remove. And to check that it didn't try to take paint with it. All looked good to me!

So my frame is finally protected! He even used orange zip ties on my cables to accent the camo material. Wasn't sure about that...but he was right. The stuff looks good...and I shouldn't have to ever think about frame protection for as long as I have the bike. Stoked! Highly recommend Frame Defender. Give Derek a buzz for any questions. Good rider, great guy, and a much needed product.



Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Looks pretty good, but pretty involved as well. Personally I like using roadie bar tape, or the soft side of velcro.... My vecro job is going on its third year and going strong.............. The clear sticky vinyl on my downtube is still going strong as well.......

Post up again after you get some mud and muck in it and detail how well it cleans out..... Might be worth a switch over it it holds the test

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
As I get older the more I realize spending any extra effort protecting the paint/powdercoat on a bicycle frame is ridiculous.


Looks pretty good, but pretty involved as well. Personally I like using roadie bar tape, or the soft side of velcro.... My vecro job is going on its third year and going strong.............. The clear sticky vinyl on my downtube is still going strong as well.......

Post up again after you get some mud and muck in it and detail how well it cleans out..... Might be worth a switch over it it holds the test
I'll do that. I'm hopeful since him and several of his friends have been rocking it for over a year.


It's a mountain bike... it was built to be used and abused.
Exactly! I like to just GO with my bike. I don't clean it nearly as much as my friends. Look close at the pics and you'll see proof of that.:rofl: But I could do without the look of bare chewed up metal, right? Especially when it's preventable by simply sticking this thing on one time. Seems lame to me that manufacturers don't put stuff like this on from the factory. It's not like they don't know it's gonna take thousands of chain lashes per ride...duh.


Feb 16, 2007
Columbia, MD
I have a cheaper solution that I like. Head to the electrical aisle in your local hardware store and look for some stuff called "scotch rubber mastic tape" #2228

It stays on quite well on the chainstay area (make sure you clean it first with rubbing alcohol) and it's rubbery characteristics make it dampen chainslap.

You can rep me if you like it :thumb:

edit: I will say that jetski stuff looks really useful for constantly rubbed areas like under the downtube where shuttle rigs rub.

edit2: canfield is still rockin OB1 :)
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