
free agent cruiser anyone know what model this is?


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
It's hard to tell. It looks like it has "V" brakes, so I would think that it wouldn't be any older than a 96 model. You can't go wrong for $50; since it has one-piece cranks, some profile three piece cranks would be a nice upgrade.

In addition, for at least the last 5 years, Free Agent's race bikes have been either all white or white and red, so probably between 7 or 8 years old...looks good though...I bet it would still be a blast at the local BMX track. Enjoy!
May 31, 2005
think it would stand up to any small jumps or so called street riding? i'm not going to beat it to all hell but i do screw around alittle..